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Biggest problem with the 2xp debacle


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Lack of them caring.


Personally when I heard of the 2x weekend coming in March I re-activated my sub last month...So I could create the alts I wanted to play during the 2x weekend...buy some unlocks with credits...grind out dailies and whatnot to make the money in game to do so.


All in preperation for 2x weekend.


Then it get's here...great! But wait....KDY isn't working. regular FPs aren't giving XP at all on kills..bonus missions aren't...and who knows what else.


Fine..Bugs happen. I can forgive that.


What I can't forgive is what's-his-face coming in and saying "We're looking into it" then coming back and saying "Yah we found it but we're not fixing it...thanks for understanding"


understanding what exactly? That you're not going to bother fixing pretty darn big ways of gaining XP that MANY planned on doing for the weekend?


Ok...fine..again bugs happen...


The gall, and problem though..is...NO APOLOGY...NO "we'll discuss making it right"....NO "sorry for the inconvenience"...........NOTHING...just.."thanks for understanding"


Frankly I wouldn't have spent $30 (2mo sub) and the time to prep my toons for this weekend had I known. ANd I wouldn't mind this weekend being Borked if they actually showed some sign of CARING..something besides "not gonna fix...thanks for understanding"


They screw up and can't even give some kind of "sorry for the inconvenience"...they just thank us for understanding they don't want to fix it this weekend....


That's a bunch of BS.


I'll wait till Monday/Tuesday to see what they say about it and if they're going to actually apologize or offer another weekend, bug free, to make up for it.


If not, I may only be one person, but this will be the LAST time EAWare get any of my money for this abortion of a game and it's getting uninstalled......and I still have WoW on my machine, "just in case", and I haven't played it in 2-3 years...But SWTOR will have earned a complete removal if BioWare can't even apologize for screwing this up.


(and Icebergy you're free to post what you wish..as I'm sure you will being your a bigger troll than any of us who are complaining...but I for one will not be reading your posts....so have at it my friend)

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Here's a box of tissues for you.


Seriously, it's not that big a deal. I'm curious though, are you complaining because you've not earned any experience in flashpoints or people other people on the forum have?


KDY is giving me the same amount (roughly) of kill experience with double experience as I was getting with rested and everything else is doubled so you're still gaining a lot of experience if you do the flashpoints correctly.


There are half a dozen different ways of gaining double experience so one flashpoint not giving out max, or another flashpoint (which I have tested, I gained XP just fine) giving none for kills is not that big a deal. You do the flashpoint, you get the bonuses done, you get the quest done, you get the daily done and then you move on.

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I'm not going to get involved in the argument, but I thought it was worth mentioning that Tait has absolutely no control over whether the bug gets fixed or not, the community devs act as messengers only (don't shoot the messenger!).


While it's upsetting for those who bought the FP XP legacy boosts, bugs happen. This is double xp WEEKEND. Some bugs are deeper and more complicated than others, and just wouldn't be fixed in time to be worth while.

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I'm not going to get involved in the argument, but I thought it was worth mentioning that Tait has absolutely no control over whether the bug gets fixed or not, the community devs act as messengers only (don't shoot the messenger!).


While it's upsetting for those who bought the FP XP legacy boosts, bugs happen. This is double xp WEEKEND. Some bugs are deeper and more complicated than others, and just wouldn't be fixed in time to be worth while.


OP only care about no one showed sympathy... I guess if they would have said that due to this bug a second Double XP even will be live this month as "We're sorry" gift would've do.

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While it's upsetting for those who bought the FP XP legacy boosts, bugs happen. This is double xp WEEKEND. Some bugs are deeper and more complicated than others, and just wouldn't be fixed in time to be worth while.


Here's the problem, people aren't even testing it themselves. It's a bunch of people moaning because KDY isn't working as intended and talking about how their plans are ruined and their experience boosts are going to waste, yet not a single of them have said "I tried Athiss, it didn't work. I tried Hammer Station, it didn't work". I've done flasnpoints other than KDY, no problems at all.


Acting like you're not going to gain any experience because of a few reports is childish at best, it's arrogant entitlement at worst when you start demanding compensation. If a flashpoint doesn't work, move onto the next one and try it. They aren't all broken, as they're working for me.

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Oh, the tragedy! Oh, the horror!


I can think of several billion people who are less fortunate than I, sitting here in front of my expensive computer, playing a video game on my always-on, fast internet connection, in my nice, safe middle-class home in suburbia, after having eaten a big, yummy breakfast.


I'm not a broke, under-employed college grad working 3 jobs just to try to pay off my student loans. I'm not an almost retired then fired and now homeless guy. I'm not sitting on the savanna powerless to do anything about the vulture just waiting for my child to starve to death so it can have its next meal.


No, instead, I'm a privileged, comparatively wealthy, apparently spoiled rotten piece of monkey cra... stuff... who thinks the very worst thing in the world is he can't get twice as much experience playing a video game this weekend.


Wow. Life's rough.


Get over it, cupcake.

Edited by DarthTHC
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Oh, the tragedy! Oh, the horror!


I can think of several billion people who are less fortunate than I, sitting here in front of my expensive computer, playing a video game on my always-on, fast internet connection, in my nice, safe middle-class home in suburbia, after having eaten a big, yummy breakfast.


I'm not a broke, under-employed college grad working 3 jobs just to try to pay off my student loans. I'm not an almost retired then fired and now homeless guy. I'm not sitting on the savanna powerless to do anything about the vulture just waiting for my child to starve to death so it can have its next meal.


No, instead, I'm a privileged, comparatively wealthy, apparently spoiled rotten piece of monkey cra... stuff... who thinks the very worst thing in the world is he can't get twice as much experience playing a video game this weekend.


Wow. Life's rough.


Get over it, cupcake.



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OP only care about no one showed sympathy... I guess if they would have said that due to this bug a second Double XP even will be live this month as "We're sorry" gift would've do.


If only they could give us something free to make up for it, perhaps a speeder of sorts. Maybe give it to us when double experience ends.


Nah. Bioware would never give us something free. Just a crazy idea I guess.

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I'm gonna finish leveling alts when 2.7 drops so I'll have 3 tactical FP's to grind :)


Was thinking of doing those, but if you read the info on 2.7, those tactical FPs are level 55. Do hope they are low level too though, KDY had gotten pretty boring when you know it's only going to be KDY when you queue.


Anyway, don't know where they told that they wouldn't even try to fix it. Things like that help when you can link to them. Regardless, if that is the case they really don't like consumers. Strange wouldn't you think?

Edited by Lyshar
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Was thinking of doing those, but if you read the info on 2.7, those tactical FPs are level 55. Do hope they are low level too though, KDY had gotten pretty boring when you know it's only going to be KDY when you queue.


Anyway, don't know where they told that they wouldn't even try to fix it. Things like that help when you can link to them. Regardless, if that is the case they really don't like consumers. Strange wouldn't you think?


um. look at the thread with..oh I dunno..the dev response in it...there's two posts.


one saying thanks for letting us know we're looking into it.


and the second saying they confirmed it but weren't going to fix it by the end of the weekend.

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Here's the problem, people aren't even testing it themselves. It's a bunch of people moaning because KDY isn't working as intended and talking about how their plans are ruined and their experience boosts are going to waste, yet not a single of them have said "I tried Athiss, it didn't work. I tried Hammer Station, it didn't work". I've done flasnpoints other than KDY, no problems at all.


Acting like you're not going to gain any experience because of a few reports is childish at best, it's arrogant entitlement at worst when you start demanding compensation. If a flashpoint doesn't work, move onto the next one and try it. They aren't all broken, as they're working for me.


Very true. I personally wasn't planning on grinding FPs, so I haven't tested the bug. I ran Kuat once yesterday and nothing seemed off, but I know people are claiming other FPs are giving no xp at all. I was only responding to the OP's... misplaced anger. However you are correct, people should test it for themselves before coming to the forums to complain.

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Oh, the tragedy! Oh, the horror!


I can think of several billion people who are less fortunate than I, sitting here in front of my expensive computer, playing a video game on my always-on, fast internet connection, in my nice, safe middle-class home in suburbia, after having eaten a big, yummy breakfast.


I'm not a broke, under-employed college grad working 3 jobs just to try to pay off my student loans. I'm not an almost retired then fired and now homeless guy. I'm not sitting on the savanna powerless to do anything about the vulture just waiting for my child to starve to death so it can have its next meal.


No, instead, I'm a privileged, comparatively wealthy, apparently spoiled rotten piece of monkey cra... stuff... who thinks the very worst thing in the world is he can't get twice as much experience playing a video game this weekend.


Wow. Life's rough.


Get over it, cupcake.


You know what?

You're right.

And I bet that if I could go through all the conversations you've ever had in your life, you have never once complained about anything since there's always gonna be those who are worse off than you.


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Lack of them caring.


Personally when I heard of the 2x weekend coming in March I re-activated my sub last month...So I could create the alts I wanted to play during the 2x weekend...buy some unlocks with credits...grind out dailies and whatnot to make the money in game to do so.


All in preperation for 2x weekend.


Then it get's here...great! But wait....KDY isn't working. regular FPs aren't giving XP at all on kills..bonus missions aren't...and who knows what else.

Putting all your eggs in one basket eh? FYI there are other ways to level other than ONE Flashpoint.


Fine..Bugs happen. I can forgive that.


Apparently not.


What I can't forgive is what's-his-face coming in and saying "We're looking into it" then coming back and saying "Yah we found it but we're not fixing it...thanks for understanding"


understanding what exactly? That you're not going to bother fixing pretty darn big ways of gaining XP that MANY planned on doing for the weekend?


Sounds like the group that "exploited" Ilum in the Gree event area except they got away with it, since BW/EA didn't want to anger/lose more paying customers.


Ok...fine..again bugs happen...


The gall, and problem though..is...NO APOLOGY...NO "we'll discuss making it right"....NO "sorry for the inconvenience"...........NOTHING...just.."thanks for understanding"


If it was the only way to level sure.


Frankly I wouldn't have spent $30 (2mo sub) and the time to prep my toons for this weekend had I known. ANd I wouldn't mind this weekend being Borked if they actually showed some sign of CARING..something besides "not gonna fix...thanks for understanding"


They screw up and can't even give some kind of "sorry for the inconvenience"...they just thank us for understanding they don't want to fix it this weekend....


That's a bunch of BS.


I'll wait till Monday/Tuesday to see what they say about it and if they're going to actually apologize or offer another weekend, bug free, to make up for it.


I don't see this happening, of course they could surprise us.


If not, I may only be one person, but this will be the LAST time EAWare get any of my money for this abortion of a game and it's getting uninstalled......and I still have WoW on my machine, "just in case", and I haven't played it in 2-3 years...But SWTOR will have earned a complete removal if BioWare can't even apologize for screwing this up.


While this game is far from perfect, and I do mean far, you're being a little overly dramatic aren't ya. Go big and show them how angry you really are, record yourself deleting all your characters, deactivating your account, uninstalling the game and then reactivating your WoW account. My money says you're all bark and no bite. "IF" you actually leave, you'll most likely be back.


(and Icebergy you're free to post what you wish..as I'm sure you will being your a bigger troll than any of us who are complaining...but I for one will not be reading your posts....so have at it my friend)


I do see this a fumble on BW's part, and again there are more ways to level. If you really enjoy the game, just play it. Hopefully it gets fixed for next time. If not then maybe you should move on or at the very least take a break to cool off a bit.

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You know what?

You're right.

And I bet that if I could go through all the conversations you've ever had in your life, you have never once complained about anything since there's always gonna be those who are worse off than you.



A rant like the OP over something as silly as double-xp weekend not working like it's supposed to? Maybe when I was three years old and I wanted a candy bar or something. Certainly never in my adult life.

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A rant like the OP over something as silly as double-xp weekend not working like it's supposed to? Maybe when I was three years old and I wanted a candy bar or something. Certainly never in my adult life.


For people who have actually set aside time to level up using KDY (for whatever reason, and there are a few) are understandably upset that they now cannot do what they had planned to do.


It is perfectly understandable for them to be upset.

Sure, some are overreacting.


But pointing out that "there are starving children in africa" and the like when someone is complaining about something isn't helping.

And you know this.

It only throws gas on the fire.

And you know this.

But you just couldn't help yourself, could you?


Is it the end of the world?


Has it ruined my weekend?

Pretty much.

I had dedicated this weekend to doing this.

And since I can't do it (I have explained previously why I can only level up using KDY, GSF or PvP, and the latter two options are not going to happen since I am sick of GSF and loathe PvP), it means I have an empty weekend where I had told all my friends that I'd be occupied and now they have made other plans.

So here I am. Sitting at home. Watching TV and being bored.


It's not fun, and it's not ok for bioware to have a double xp weekend where large parts (for PvE'ers anyway) of the game are broken. It's not just KDY, some of the other flashpoints are not giving any xp at all for the mobs from what I hear.

So how is it ok to host an event where half the rides are broken?

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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Help me out with something. I asked in another thread as well, but since you were affected by this, perhaps you know.


1. Without using KDY, I've leveled a toon on double-xp in 20-25 hours.


2. How long did you expect it to take to 55, if the mobs in KDY were granting the correct XP?

3. How long do you expect it to take now, leveling with KDY on double xp weekend?


Basically, I'm trying to put a number on this problem. That number being "hours to 55".


Do you know?

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Here's the problem, people aren't even testing it themselves. It's a bunch of people moaning because KDY isn't working as intended and talking about how their plans are ruined and their experience boosts are going to waste, yet not a single of them have said "I tried Athiss, it didn't work. I tried Hammer Station, it didn't work". I've done flasnpoints other than KDY, no problems at all.


Acting like you're not going to gain any experience because of a few reports is childish at best, it's arrogant entitlement at worst when you start demanding compensation. If a flashpoint doesn't work, move onto the next one and try it. They aren't all broken, as they're working for me.


Some, sure, but like I said in another thread, BP / Foundry have bugged for me and most of the alts I was planning to level this weekend are in that range, not the range of Athiss nor Hammer Station.


So I'm happy you and your other level 15 buddies got what was advertised running Hammer, but those of us running KDY or BP / Foundry are not getting what was advertised.


And that is why people are venting. The event wasn't advertised as 'Double XP Weekend...Except for KDY where mob XP won't double or BP / Foundry where no kill XP will be awarded, but Athiss and Hammer will work fine.'


And I'm on the fence with my frustration.


Sure it would be great if they fixed the bugs, but that is probably unrealistic.


And sure, it would be great if they said "Sorry for our mistakes and to compensate we will be running double XP again next weekend bug free and sending everyone some XP buffs', but having them already decide how to handle their goof and get it communicated out to everyone on the weekend is also probably unrealistic.


So I'm waiting to see what they say next week when its normal business hours.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Help me out with something. I asked in another thread as well, but since you were affected by this, perhaps you know.


1. Without using KDY, I've leveled a toon on double-xp in 20-25 hours.


2. How long did you expect it to take to 55, if the mobs in KDY were granting the correct XP?

3. How long do you expect it to take now, leveling with KDY on double xp weekend?


Basically, I'm trying to put a number on this problem. That number being "hours to 55".


Do you know?

Bump. Can anyone answer this question? Anyone at all?

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Has it ruined my weekend?

Pretty much.


That right there is the problem. The whole mindset.


"It ruined my weekend."


Really? Such an insignificant thing can ruin your weekend?


I had plans to run all my level 50+ characters through KDY this weekend to get them to 55. Yep, that was my plan.


You know what? I'm not running KDY this weekend. Instead, I'm doing some other things in game and doing more outside the game than planned.


I'm still going to have fun. I'm still going to enjoy my weekend. Nothing is ruined. I just had to alter my plans a little bit.


Ruined weekend? Please. Get a grip.

Edited by DarthTHC
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Fine..Bugs happen. I can forgive that.


You don't seem to be in a particularly forgiving mood. Just sayin'.


The gall, and problem though..is...NO APOLOGY...NO "we'll discuss making it right"....NO "sorry for the inconvenience"...........NOTHING...just.."thanks for understanding"


It's the weekend, and their staffing seems to be pretty limited on the weekends. This means 2 things:


1. The only things likely to get hot-fixed on a weekend are those that cause server crashes or really, REALLY serious exploits.


2. Discussions of apologies and compensation with people actually empowered to make such things happen won't happen until Monday at the earliest.

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That right there is the problem. The whole mindset.


"It ruined my weekend."


Really? Such an insignificant thing can ruin your weekend?


I had plans to run all my level 50+ characters through KDY this weekend to get them to 55. Yep, that was my plan.


You know what? I'm not running KDY this weekend. Instead, I'm doing some other things in game and doing more outside the game than planned.


I'm still going to have fun. I'm still going to enjoy my weekend. Nothing is ruined. I just had to alter my plans a little bit.


Ruined weekend? Please. Get a grip.


So, it ruins the weekend for someone and here you come by, telling them to get a grip while it's their life and not yours. You, trying to tell others what's good for them.

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