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Bounty hunter right for me?


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Hey guys im still trying to decide what class to play ive tried shadow, maurader, and merc and i like shadow just too squishy, maurader is alright but easily killed by ranged, merc i feel like is easily killed by shadows and melee (i merc is what I am currently leveling) but i get stunned and can not kite anyone ( keep in mind im only lvl 15 and i get that is part of why I am having trouble with melee classes in pvp) , any advice you all can give me on these classes cause this is what I have narrowed it down to.
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My advice to you would be is to follow the storyline until about 20 then move onto pvp, it allows you to get an idea of how to play the class and then by lvl 20 you'll have a few talents spent so you can put up a bit more of a fight. Also try to keep your gear up to date to allow you the best chance in both pve and pvp
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