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Some Questions about my Gunnery Commando [actual DPS vs. calculated DPS]


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Hey folks,

i've got some questions about my commando and came here from the german forums as here seems to be more competence in number crunching :)


While gearing up for HM raiding i did several parses on the ops dummy to check out where to optimize the gear build and how to improve the overall damage output.


What i noticed while comparing my parses with other likely geared commandos and with the usage of a spreadsheet released on the german forums, was a significant gap between my parses and on one hand the other commando parses and on the other hand the calculated max dps for my gear.


So for the numbers:

My parses: ~2400 DPS (Parse 1 | Parse 2)

Other commandos with likely gear: ~2800 - 3000 DPS

Calculated max: ~3100 DPS

Parse on actual boss (Styrak S&V): ~2140 DPS (Parse)


Current Gear Build & Skill Tree: Dharane @askmrrobot

Set Bonus: 2 Pieces


[Opener] Full Auto -> Grav Round -> Demolition Round -> Electro Net -> Tech Override -> Reserve PowerCell -> Plasma Granade -> Grav Round -> HighImpact Bolt ------> till overheat -------> Recharge Cells


[Regular Rota] FA + GR + FA + DR + EN + GR + FA + HIB + GR + FA


If Curtain of fire procs i always use FA, HIB always on 5 stacks of Charged Barrel


So my Questions are:

- is there anything wrong with my rotation ?

- is there anything wrong with my current gear setup ?

- is there any possible solution to close this DPS gap ?


Thanks so far :)

Edited by xeikonburns
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I would say your attacks per minute (APM) is a bit too low. If you take a look at the highest parsing commandos (or mercs), they're way above the ~30 you're doing. Check your queue delay, if you have issues hitting the skills in time. With enough queue time you should be able to fully mitigate the latency effects with one exception: You can't queue skills after Full auto, and you really don't want to be clipping it. But except for when you're in the middle of a full auto cast, you should be spamming whichever next skill you're going to be using after that.


With the currently active patch, you also should not be waiting and seeing if you proc full auto, but rather keep casting the next GR (or HS if you're running low on ammo) since if you're not super good with the reactions, you'll lose dps waiting for the proc compared to just waiting another global CD before using it. However, in the next patch you'll know exactly when the proc will come (at least if you practice on a dummy for 5 min) and then you can gain a little extra dps there, too.


Generally, if you're a clicker, you're going to have trouble keeping up and making sure there's no delay between skills. If you're not a clicker, make sure you've got your active skills keybound (easier if you've got a bunch of extra buttons on your mouse, but since commandos doesn't have that many skills that's in no way a must) on buttons you can quickly reach. That excludes numbers above 5, for example. 1-5, shift+1-5, shift+q,e and that button to the left of 1 are the ones I use the most.

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First off all, i'm not a clicker :D All main abilities are activated with keybindings, only thing i click are the healing abilities if there is need for offheal


And i clicked through all of the top parsing commando noticing all of them are in the assault specialist tree, which i know makes it a lot easier to get high apm, but i'm using gunnery as for me there is no way to get comfortable with assault (and i tried it several hours on dummy and in ops).

Just to say, i'm not that bad with apm, on my sentinel i easily get up to 44-47 apm which sets me apm wise on par with most of the top parsing sentinels :)


As i once again compared my parses with other arsenal mercs / gunnery commandos, they all top of at max 35 APM, meaning the difference is only 5 APM.


Could those 5 actions per minute less be the reason for almost 600 DPS less ? :confused: :confused:

Edited by xeikonburns
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First off all, i'm not a clicker :D All main abilities are activated with keybindings, only thing i click are the healing abilities if there is need for offheal


And i clicked through all of the top parsing commando noticing all of them are in the assault specialist tree, which i know makes it a lot easier to get high apm, but i'm using gunnery as for me there is no way to get comfortable with assault (and i tried it several hours on dummy and in ops).

Just to say, i'm not that bad with apm, on my sentinel i easily get up to 44-47 apm which sets me apm wise on par with most of the top parsing sentinels :)


As i once again compared my parses with other arsenal mercs / gunnery commandos, they all top of at max 35 APM, meaning the difference is only 5 APM.


Could those 5 actions per minute less be the reason for almost 600 DPS less ? :confused: :confused:


5 apm is quite a lot actually... Can't say it will account for all the 600 less dps but it's probably the most of it

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5 apm is quite a lot actually... Can't say it will account for all the 600 less dps but it's probably the most of it


damn :D

so i'll need to figure out a way to squeeze those 5 APM in my rotation without burning down the ammo ...


Does anybody see any needed changes in my rota / priority list ?


Cause i'm used to it for almost a year now and it provides me stable ammo reg without burning out if i dont force the burnout.

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damn :D

so i'll need to figure out a way to squeeze those 5 APM in my rotation without burning down the ammo ...


Does anybody see any needed changes in my rota / priority list ?


Cause i'm used to it for almost a year now and it provides me stable ammo reg without burning out if i dont force the burnout.


Not sure if you left it out but your opener only gives 4 stacks for HiB, was that a typo? Also there's an efficiency gain you're missing out on: Demo Round and Hib both share a 15 second cooldown so you should pair them up and use them one after the other so you only track 1 cooldown.


My opener is Grav x3 > Demo + HiB > Electronet > Gravs / full auto seesaw

The Grav x3 is on old habit from older Gunnery builds but still works for 5 stacks. I don't like using Full auto unprocced to start since I want to get the armor debuff up straight away

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I'm similarly trying to up my Gunnery DPS and interested in feedback.


I'm in fully augmented Oriconion 78s with the exception of 1 dread forged piece and 2 underworld relics (SA+BA). I've got the 2-piece set bonus (1 Dread Forged armoring mod and 1 Arkanian armoring mod...sigh). My accuracy is as little north of 100% as it can be without being short of 100%. Surge is around 70% or 72%. The only Crit that I have on my gear is on the earpiece (I think it is approx. 130). Mainly I've tried to emphasize Aim and Power.


I've checked checked Parsec off and on while doing things like the Oricon weekly heroic and my numbers are sometimes in the 3000 to 3200 range. Other times they're in the 2500 to 2800 range (stimmed but w/o adrenals in both cases). I did a 10 min parse on the dummy the other day throwing stims, adrenals, relic, handbag, kitchen sink, neighbors cat, etc. at the dummy. It was 2600, which was not really what I was hoping to see.


I realize that you can't trust super short parses for insight into sustained dps, and perhaps 10 minutes was going too far in the opposite direction. Is 5-6 min. about the right spot?


My rotation is typically something like: Reserve PC > Tech Over > Plasma Grenade > Relic > Adrenal > Electro Net > Grav Rd > Demo Rd > Grav x2 > HiB > with Full Auto slipped in as it procs >... From there on its using DR, HiB, and EN on cooldown, using FA as soon as it procs whenever it procs, spamming GR as filler. I use PG whenever Reserve PC is available and use TO, Relic, Adrenals whenever they're available. I try to minimize Hammer Shot and only use it if ammo drops when Recharge Cells is on cooldown. That's about it.


Does anything jump out to you all as in need of tweaking?


On gear, I obviously want to upgrade the weak side of my 2-pc set bonus. I'm reluctant to drop back from 78s to get the 4pc set bonus. (Would consider that if I get lucky on HM TFB/S&V 72 drops.)


On parsing, I'll have to have a look at the APM issue to see where I am. (We're getting new wireless router, which may help too.)

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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm similarly trying to up my Gunnery DPS and interested in feedback.


I'm in fully augmented Oriconion 78s with the exception of 1 dread forged piece and 2 underworld relics (SA+BA). I've got the 2-piece set bonus (1 Dread Forged armoring mod and 1 Arkanian armoring mod...sigh). My accuracy is as little north of 100% as it can be without being short of 100%. Surge is around 70% or 72%. The only Crit that I have on my gear is on the earpiece (I think it is approx. 130). Mainly I've tried to emphasize Aim and Power.


I've checked checked Parsec off and on while doing things like the Oricon weekly heroic and my numbers are sometimes in the 3000 to 3200 range. Other times they're in the 2500 to 2800 range (stimmed but w/o adrenals in both cases). I did a 10 min parse on the dummy the other day throwing stims, adrenals, relic, handbag, kitchen sink, neighbors cat, etc. at the dummy. It was 2600, which was not really what I was hoping to see.


I realize that you can't trust super short parses for insight into sustained dps, and perhaps 10 minutes was going too far in the opposite direction. Is 5-6 min. about the right spot?


My rotation is typically something like: Reserve PC > Tech Over > Plasma Grenade > Relic > Adrenal > Electro Net > Grav Rd > Demo Rd > Grav x2 > HiB > with Full Auto slipped in as it procs >... From there on its using DR, HiB, and EN on cooldown, using FA as soon as it procs whenever it procs, spamming GR as filler. I use PG whenever Reserve PC is available and use TO, Relic, Adrenals whenever they're available. I try to minimize Hammer Shot and only use it if ammo drops when Recharge Cells is on cooldown. That's about it.


Does anything jump out to you all as in need of tweaking?


On gear, I obviously want to upgrade the weak side of my 2-pc set bonus. I'm reluctant to drop back from 78s to get the 4pc set bonus. (Would consider that if I get lucky on HM TFB/S&V 72 drops.)


On parsing, I'll have to have a look at the APM issue to see where I am. (We're getting new wireless router, which may help too.)


A fairly late reply, but firstly, as you already stated - check your APM. It might very well be the problem. The only other thing I can think of (which will be shown in your APM) is when you use TO and reserve PC: If you use them after EN, HiB or DR you can get both clicks in during the global cd, which will at least increase your burst dps a bit.

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I'm similarly trying to up my Gunnery DPS and interested in feedback.


I'm in fully augmented Oriconion 78s with the exception of 1 dread forged piece and 2 underworld relics (SA+BA). I've got the 2-piece set bonus (1 Dread Forged armoring mod and 1 Arkanian armoring mod...sigh). My accuracy is as little north of 100% as it can be without being short of 100%. Surge is around 70% or 72%. The only Crit that I have on my gear is on the earpiece (I think it is approx. 130). Mainly I've tried to emphasize Aim and Power.


I've checked checked Parsec off and on while doing things like the Oricon weekly heroic and my numbers are sometimes in the 3000 to 3200 range. Other times they're in the 2500 to 2800 range (stimmed but w/o adrenals in both cases). I did a 10 min parse on the dummy the other day throwing stims, adrenals, relic, handbag, kitchen sink, neighbors cat, etc. at the dummy. It was 2600, which was not really what I was hoping to see.


I realize that you can't trust super short parses for insight into sustained dps, and perhaps 10 minutes was going too far in the opposite direction. Is 5-6 min. about the right spot?


My rotation is typically something like: Reserve PC > Tech Over > Plasma Grenade > Relic > Adrenal > Electro Net > Grav Rd > Demo Rd > Grav x2 > HiB > with Full Auto slipped in as it procs >... From there on its using DR, HiB, and EN on cooldown, using FA as soon as it procs whenever it procs, spamming GR as filler. I use PG whenever Reserve PC is available and use TO, Relic, Adrenals whenever they're available. I try to minimize Hammer Shot and only use it if ammo drops when Recharge Cells is on cooldown. That's about it.


Does anything jump out to you all as in need of tweaking?


On gear, I obviously want to upgrade the weak side of my 2-pc set bonus. I'm reluctant to drop back from 78s to get the 4pc set bonus. (Would consider that if I get lucky on HM TFB/S&V 72 drops.)


On parsing, I'll have to have a look at the APM issue to see where I am. (We're getting new wireless router, which may help too.)


69s 4- piece bonus > 78s no bonus. Also if gunnery 63s 4-piece > 75s 4-piece bonus. Dont feel bad about having to downgrade armorings for the 4-piece

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