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Finally its coming!


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Because it's cartoonishly absurd, funny, and entertaining. And it has pretty much everything you could ask for in a modern MMO in terms of mechanics and game systems.

Pretty much this. Still on the fence wrt it's action combat style. I've adapted so far, but I'm very prone to tendonitis. Once I can play for more than a weekend, I'll be able to tell if this game will be viable for me or not.


The only real issues I see are is the group content difficulty, which may put off some casual players

The difficulty seems to be a bit uneven (it's a Beta, so expected).


and the leveling questing being a bit grindy and maybe falling flat.

Replayability is a concern.


... I also grew to hate the words "Challenge Begins!!"

For those unfamiliar, Challenges are similar to TOR's bonus missions except they're timed. At first I tried to complete them, but they started to grab too much focus from the other missions that I began to auto abandon them. IMO, I like TOR's bonus missions much better.


It is also going with the B2P + subscription model, which by itself is somewhat risky in today's world. I think it is a really solid and well rounded game which justifies the model, but I can only hope enough people are willing to risk the money and give it a chance.

It won't last. Carbine's focus is on top-tier raiding guilds... y'know, the content locusts. There's a lot of nostalgia regarding 40 man raids, but I'll bet very few of those pining for the good ole days were the ones managing the logistics (I've heard the horror stories).


Carbine also thinks they can get away with no cash shop. I don't think NCSoft is going to let them get away with leaving money on the table.

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Pretty much this. Still on the fence wrt it's action combat style. I've adapted so far, but I'm very prone to tendonitis. Once I can play for more than a weekend, I'll be able to tell if this game will be viable for me or not.


I feel your pain there, quite literally. I was never susceptible to carpel tunnel, despite using computers for 12-16 hrs/day for most of my adult life. But a couple of weeks of playing GW2 triggered such severe pain in my mouse hand and forearm that I couldn't barely hold anything heavier than a spoon. It took the better part of a year for the pain to fully subside, so I definitely do NOT want to repeat that experience. Hopefully my "weekend-warrior" experiences hold up and I can play it without injuring myself. Good luck to you.

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Logitech are giving away beta keys for this weekend ,. Grab one quick!




With Bioware too stupid to expand pvp, if you only pvp, there is no point hanging around this lame duck


I'm not trying to insult you or belittle your preferred game mode, but if your only interest is pvp, why would you play any game with a pve requirement, SWTOR or Wildstar?

Edited by WSRB
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I'm not trying to insult you or belittle your preferred game mode, but if your only interest is pvp, why would you play any game with a pve requirement, SWTOR or Wildstar?


There really isn't a significant PvE requirement in WS. You can start queuing for PvP at level 6, and PvP all the way to max level without missing out on anything.


There is a difference in PvE vs PvP gear, but from everything I can gather, it is pretty small. Raiding in PvP gear should be viable at least at the 20-man level (although there is apparently some attunement quest to complete before then).


There is some question about how one will earn elder gems if they only PvP that I don't think has been resolved yet (elder gems are needed at max level to buy more ability and AMP points to min-max). But with everything else Carbine has put into PvP, and that this seems like a pretty trivial thing to figure out, I'm pretty confident this will get cleared up by launch.

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I'm not trying to insult you or belittle your preferred game mode, but if your only interest is pvp, why would you play any game with a pve requirement, SWTOR or Wildstar?


PvE in this game is dull and I like to pvp a lot but after the recent posting from the devs, I see no point in sticking around. PvP here has zero future as the devs aren't planning anything. The game is becoming too much like The Sims and the Cartel market.


Wildstar looks different, you have a dev team who have class designers who know what they are doing(from the live streams) and PvP that is already light years ahead of SWTOR and its outdated format - X-Server, ability to CHOOSE how you pvp, arenas, battlegrounds, rated or not, 40 man raids, customisation that you wouldnt believe and more...oh and skill, not gear based to play.


I've given the devs enough time and chances to pull their fingers out of their arse but unfortunately, its still stuck deep in it. Just uninstalled the game, gave all my cash to the guild, quit and cancelled.

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I just came from WS beta weekend. My eyes still hurting because of vivid colors. It's a standart mmo game with grindy leveling. If you re a fan of stories there is close to no story . Even the second character i tried was a pain to level up , doing the exact same quests that wasnt very fun first time at all.


Difference from most mmo games is making sets of abilities that you use. Maximum 8 abilities you can use in a set. Playing swtor like 20+ keys atm. That made me feel like a bit limited in fighting. All attacks have a graphical indicator of effected areas. It becomes a nightmare in warzones all ground becoming red with multiple attacks from enemy team members. Sometimes you can hardly see your character between flashy geometrical animations , red area markers etc. Its also pain for a stealther that you cant understand if those markers are single target or aoe attacks knocking you out of stealth.


Its good to have personel elo rating for each character even in regular warzones. With cross server population you can always have balanced match ups it seems.


I'm planning to play WS and Swtor together to see if it gets better at higher levels.

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