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Only Sci-fi MMO's for me , I don't play anything else and yeah yeah before you type anything WS is more like Dragon's Lair / Banjo Kazooie than a sci-fi , thanks but no thanks. Silly SEGA see you missed another chance to make money.

I will indeed be playing Destiny and an Asian / English version of PSO2.





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Wrong game forum, dude. Nobody here (or anywhere else, for that matter) gives a rat's backside about Wildstar. Whatever that is.


speak for your self! im very excited about wildstar. player hosing that you can make all your own! to make look however you want! that also gives XP bonuses. open world exploration! real open world pvp, an interesting crafting system. all that in a Sci Fi universe. and yes it is sci fi you travel from world to world, space ships and laser guns... it would be like calling flash gordon non sci fi B^P

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speak for your self! im very excited about wildstar. player hosing that you can make all your own! to make look however you want! that also gives XP bonuses. open world exploration! real open world pvp, an interesting crafting system. all that in a Sci Fi universe. and yes it is sci fi you travel from world to world, space ships and laser guns... it would be like calling flash gordon non sci fi B^P


I'm pretty interested too! Loved the housing stuff on IGN. Thought they did a good job with all of it. I'm a little wishy washy on the combat system, it's a lot like GW2 without having to switch weapons, and a lot of the classes are meh. But, I've never played them, so I'll wait until I do!


At any rate, I'll be giving it a try :) Not leaving SWTOR just yet however.

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Yep lifted.


Ah. I won't bother going into too much detail, but I will say that I found combat not all that different than here, only with GW2 style dodging crap. I don't know if it was the birght colors or the attempts at humor constantly going on, along with a cluttered world kind of whitewashing quest objectives, but it frankly gave me a headache.


There is one point early on in the one side that has you looking for a book (you can see it on Angry Joes review) and there are cameras flashing everywhere, which made the headache thing worse as I mundanely ran around clicking my path objects and I literally was ready to throw my laptop across the room. Get out to the planets and thinking I'd be relieved from being out of the tutorial like area, but it just still didn't do anything for me, and the persisting trying to be funny like making a big vocal announcement when gaining a level was still there.


That pretty much sums up the entirety of the game to me, though. So much crap everywhere and things are in your face like somebody somewhere is having a great time, but not me. It reminded me of taking the kids on a long road trip and constantly getting irritated and threatening to turn the car around because I just couldn't take it.


The commotion probably is fun for some people, but it just isn't my cup of tea.

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I'm pretty interested too! Loved the housing stuff on IGN. Thought they did a good job with all of it. I'm a little wishy washy on the combat system, it's a lot like GW2 without having to switch weapons, and a lot of the classes are meh. But, I've never played them, so I'll wait until I do!


At any rate, I'll be giving it a try :) Not leaving SWTOR just yet however.


the housing is what hooked me the most B^)


ive never played GW2 but its basically like most other mmos but it shows your attack path and the attack path of what your fighting so you can get out of the way when they do attack. i kinda liked that, i thought it was interesting. not sure about the switching weapons part though kuz my toon uses two guns and that's all he uses.... wait i just reread what you typed, you were talking about in GW2 you switched weapons right?? cant really comment on the classes because ive only stayed with the one so far and so far ive really liked it, i do wish there was a hunter type class though B^P i wish i still have a beta key to give out.. i had one left and ended up going to fleet and saying "who else cant wait for Wildstar to come out?!?!" the first person that replied with something positive i.e. o man i cant wait either.. i whispered to them to give me their email and ill send em a beta key B^P and they did and i did B^)

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Great write up on War plots - http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/game/632/feature/8307/page/2


Wildstar already has a head start because Carbine actually put some thought in to what a modern MMO should have -


MMORPG.com: So which queues are cross-realm?


JG: “Arenas, Battlegrounds, and Warplots - the rated versions of them are all cross-realm. For the open, it’s cross-realm as well, but players can choose to only queue for their home realm. So for players that want to have a sort of rivalry experience, they can choose to queue that way.”


“Because we want the ratings and your ELO score to mean something, cross-realm, region-wide...we decided to keep those [options available].” Gotta have bragging rights!


I still can't believe that Bioware don't believe that this is critical in their game. Especially as server numbers start to dwindle.

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I am very excited for Wildstar: I just pre-ordered today and I'm downloading the beta client right now.


I'm actually still enjoying SWTOR a fair bit, but there is a problem for me: I'm not a raider, not a PvPer and not a RPer. While I do like the stories and leveling alts, there's only so much of that I can handle and I do want to advance my max level characters as well, which is pretty difficult in this game if you're not going to raid. Actually, it's a common problem in most MMORPGs: a real lack of gear advancement opportunities for non-raiders at max level.


And that's actually what has me excited about Wildstar, is that the Devs are planning for allowing non-raiders to continue gear progression by making different classes of gear for raiders and non-raiders. That puts a big smile on my face.


I'm actually not planning on "leaving" SWTOR per se, but more of alternating between these two games in order to help keep both of them fresh for me.

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don't understand the hype. looks ridiculous. Like GW2 slightly more immature cousin.


Because it's cartoonishly absurd, funny, and entertaining. And it has pretty much everything you could ask for in a modern MMO in terms of mechanics and game systems.


The only real issues I see are is the group content difficulty, which may put off some casual players, and the leveling questing being a bit grindy and maybe falling flat. I got one toon to level 29 in the beta weekends, and found enough fun in the combat and different zones to keep it interesting for me...but I also grew to hate the words "Challenge Begins!!"


It is also going with the B2P + subscription model, which by itself is somewhat risky in today's world. I think it is a really solid and well rounded game which justifies the model, but I can only hope enough people are willing to risk the money and give it a chance.

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I am very excited for Wildstar: I just pre-ordered today and I'm downloading the beta client right now.


Heh, I pre-ordered the game AND signed up for a 6-month subscription. I may have been a bit excited for Carbine to #takemymoney.


My plans are still to keep raiding in SW:TOR until my raid team either replaces me or my subscription expires May 11th. Once WS launches, I'll be playing that pretty much exclusively for the foreseeable future. I'll plan to check out SW:TOR again once the major expansion lands towards the end of the year, but I'm not one that can alternate between two (or more) games. At least not without trying to double-jump on my gunslinger!!


See you in the Nexus :-)

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"It's... different but meh"


That's the best comment from the handful of friends I know that are in Beta.



I'd enhance that quote and change it a bit according to my own experience.


- It's different, and good, and fun....


But ultimately SWTOR is better. Without the lightsaber factor incurred.


With the lightsaber factor, me lovesies the TOR.

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