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Sooo...Traditional Jedi Robes?


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My Jedi Guardian is cosplaying as Revan, so you can guess what Mask I have there.


I still don't get it. I wasn't around for the first few packs of the CM, but if you have access to Revan's mask, than what do the Imperials have that invaded Lord Grathan's compound? :confused:

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They could use better helmets, though. Still waiting on Force Mask - KOTOR to be released for my Jedi Guardian. ;)


I'm waiting for the Jal Shey and Zeison Sha armors to be added. Eric pinky swore promised they were going to add them, well okay maybe he didn't, he actually ran away from me at one of the cantina tour stops, I think he knew who I was, somehow, or he needed another drink.

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I still don't get it. I wasn't around for the first few packs of the CM, but if you have access to Revan's mask, than what do the Imperials have that invaded Lord Grathan's compound? :confused:


You're trying to make sense of that? Seriously? :p


Either way, just consider it a replica, crafted by greedy Hutts, trying to turn an extra profit around the corner. Same with the Brianna's vestments, who have a short description about them.


My Jedi Guardian is cosplaying as Revan, so you can guess what Mask I have there.


That's just sad. :eek:

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I'm waiting for the Jal Shey and Zeison Sha armors to be added. Eric pinky swore promised they were going to add them, well okay maybe he didn't, he actually ran away from me at one of the cantina tour stops, I think he knew who I was, somehow, or he needed another drink.


Ahh, those were great too. Zeison Sha was so easy to get in one of my playthroughs for whatever reason that I had it on 5 characters. :eek:


Zeison Sha Initiate Armour


Jal Shey Neophyte Armour

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You're trying to make sense of that? Seriously? :p


Either way, just consider it a replica, crafted by greedy Hutts, trying to turn an extra profit around the corner. Same with the Brianna's vestments, who have a short description about them.




That's just sad. :eek:


Why? My JK crew is cosplaying as Kotor Companions..

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You're trying to make sense of that? Seriously? :p


Either way, just consider it a replica, crafted by greedy Hutts, trying to turn an extra profit around the corner. Same with the Brianna's vestments, who have a short description about them.


Heh, guess that makes sense. :)

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Why? My JK crew is cosplaying as Kotor Companions..


They are in denial.


They are all dead. I made sure of that myself. I tracked down the locations where their remains were buried, drained their very souls and essence and chew their bones, shortly before swallowing them.


This is my female Sorcerer cosplaying as a deluded and silly Dark Council member, craving for UNLIMITED power and knowledge. :cool:

Heh, guess that makes sense. :)

As much as it can make. Best thing tough is not to even think about it really. :p

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They are in denial.


They are all dead. I made sure of that myself. I tracked down the locations where their remains were buried, drained their very souls and essence and chew their bones, shortly before swallowing them.


This is my female Sorcerer cosplaying as a deluded and silly Dark Council member, craving for UNLIMITED power and knowledge. :cool:


As much as it can make. Best thing tough is not to even think about it really. :p


No seriously.


Knight is Revan

Kira is Bastila

Doc is Carth

T7 is T3

Rusk is Canderous

Scourge is Malak

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Well, yes. There are actually at least two pictures of Gnost-Dural and there is Beth Allusis and Bela Kiwiiks herself. How is it rude to call someone a lore ignorant if they're just post for the sake of having a fight without the proper knowledge of the lore? :l


And while we're at it: posting for the sake of having a fight is super rude!


Well first off, it is rude because you didn't prove jack lore wise.


Let's look at a few pictures of Gnost-Dural that you have used in the past.


This one, which you have used plenty of times, has him wearing a robe with the belt on the inside like you ask for but he also has short sleeves, which rules this robe out as a "true" jedi robe in your opinion then.

We have this one but that looks like some sort of padding ontop, not gonna work.

And we also have this which fits some of your demands, but lo and behold, short sleeves again.

Then there's this one of him wearing the full regalia of what you are asking for. But again, whilst this actually fits your view of a "true" jedi outfit, it is also one of very few pictures of jedi wearing this at the time of the game. You actually have to dig deep to find jedi wearing the exact things you ask for, so how can it be considered "true" or "traditional" jedi garbs at this time in the star wars universe if only very few wear it.


No, this argument is not about whether or not I know lore, it's about you wanting to be able to look exactly like the jedi do in the movies and you are nitpicking about tiny things like short sleeves, belts on the outside and tucked in shirts.


And if "posting for the sake of "having a fight" (or discussion if you ask me) was rude, nobody could ever post anything on this board other than "I agree" and that would be an interesting time, now wouldn't it? (especially since you'd have to agree with everything I say too).

However, calling someone ignorant because they don't agree with you, is pretty rude.


Also, don't forget, jedi looked like this this this this and this only 30 years before revan appeared in KotOR...


EDIT: I wasn't going to bring this up, but for the sake of completion I will. This is Belth Allusis and this is Bela Kiwiiks. Their outfits don't fit your criteria either. Belth has armour on the outside (shoulderpads no less) and Bela... well... she isn't wearing anything like what you are asking for... (and that set is available in-game so...)


(or maby you were referring to her in the comics, where she wore this?

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* snip *


Wasn't so bad. :p


I'm a fan of the Naga Sadow's armor set on Scourge to be honest though. Quite fitting given he is...


The former Emperor's Wrath.


that's just scary...


and why is the movie Fanboys suddenly in my mind...

in this case it's an intergalactic group of Revan fanboys traveling the galaxy in their Space Van...


That movie has the most memorable last line ever. Pretty accurate too. :cool:

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Wasn't so bad. :p


I'm a fan of the Naga Sadow's armor set on Scourge to be honest though. Quite fitting given he is...


The former Emperor's Wrath.




That movie has the most memorable last line ever. Pretty accurate too. :cool:


My future Sentinel character is based on Meetra Surik and her crew but I can't decide if I want Kira to be the Handmaiden or Visas.

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My future Sentinel character is based on Meetra Surik and her crew but I can't decide if I want Kira to be the Handmaiden or Visas.


Visas Marr > Handmaiden


Always and forever in my book. Love to death those robes. Still waiting for a worthy character I design, that will be eligible to wear them. :D

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Ok for ALL of those saying we need to stop saying traditional. Ok Majority of the Jedi players have asked for a iconic item to be put in the game. WE have even stared we will pay for it. No I will not accept they did not know what we ment because Eric already stated he knows what we want. But as I stated in other post and in this post THEY DON'T CARE. They keep putting in gear they want to put in. Not what we have asked for. In my honest opinion I feel they see this as. If we release this most of their cartel market profits would be gone due to the fact we have what we want and do not need to buy anything else. Eric even stared 2 other sets closer to what we want BUT not what we want.
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No, you missed it (and again apparantly since you suggest I start may own thread).


I DON'T WANT THE BOBA FETT LOOK IN THE GAME (caps for those who can't seem to read very well, not for yelling).


I was using that to point out that the differences between the jedi outfits in the game and the ones in the movies/kotor are very small, in fact alot smaller than any other class' outfits.

BUT, every time I point that out someone always comes up with the "but the other classes get their iconic movie looks already" argument.

And that is what I was countering.


I don't want the boba fett look in the game (in fact I would be pretty annoyed if they did put it in).


And I did state that in my post (you even quoted that part) but somehow everyone seems to miss that.


You made a post lulz'ing at the pettiness of people. You did so by attempting to point out their argument is invalid because, clearly, the visual differences in Jedi robes are smaller than that for other classes.


So you're attempting to dislodge someone's opinion on the visual differences of one thing by pointing out visual differences in another? It's all subjective.....

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You made a post lulz'ing at the pettiness of people. You did so by attempting to point out their argument is invalid because, clearly, the visual differences in Jedi robes are smaller than that for other classes.


So you're attempting to dislodge someone's opinion on the visual differences of one thing by pointing out visual differences in another? It's all subjective.....


Not when said people often cite the other classes as "getting their iconic looks" as an argument since that is plainly not true.


Point was not that the jedi outfits look more like their "iconic" movie versions than the other classes do.

Point was that people claim that the other classes have the "iconic" look already and the only class left out is the jedi (thus putting themselves in a victim role of "all the other classes get their iconic looks, why can't we?") which is simply not true.

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