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<Disciples of the Galaxy> is Recruiting!


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Disciples of the Galaxy


We are the ones who fight for the good in the galaxy.


We learn, and we adapt as life changes around us.


We work for the purposes of the force itself.


We are the Disciples of the Galaxy.


Who are we?


Disciples of the Galaxy is a relatively small community based, family friendly Republic guild. We focus on having fun above all else, and will always make sure someone's included. We try to run ops at least twice a week, and are almost always up for a flashpoint or warzone.


We have been around as a guild since beta, and are always looking for different ways to have a good time in this game.




Our main focus is on PVE, and as such, we run ops weekly. Our progression right now isn't the best, but we're working our way up there. If you're interested in joining because of PVE content, we are currently recruiting players of all classes and specs.


Our progression currently is:

TFB HM 2/5

S&V HM 6/7

DF HM 2/5

DP HM 0/5




Our guild is currently working on getting more active in the warzone scene. We do casual pick-up warzones often, and are looking to get people together to play Ranked Warzones.




Our guild is not an "RP" guild, as such. We have members willing to RP, and we, as a guild, are looking to set up some organized RP events in the near future.


Discipuli Galaxia


We maintain an Imperial guild as an alt dump. We are also currently in the process of merging our Imperial side guild with another, Imperial Special Force. As always, if you are primarily Republic side, but have Imperial alts, we'll set you up!




We at the Disciples of the Galaxy feel that if you want to join us in our crusade for justice, you must meet a few criteria:


  1. Maturity- We expect that you will treat everyone inside, or outside of the guild with respect. We do not have an age requirement, but we ask that you act maturely.
  2. Sociable- We ask that you participate in guild events, talk in guild chat or in mumble, and are not an antisocial loner.
  3. Interest in PVE, PVP, or RP- Really, if you're not here for any one of these three things, we don't know why you're here in the first place.
  4. Mumble- For the purposes of organized guild events, we have a 100 slot Mumble server. We ask that you download and are able to access our server. A microphone is not required, but operations and pvp are more fun and successful when there is communication.
  5. Characters- We ask that you make character profiles on the website, so we can keep track of, and know who your alts are.


If you feel that you meet these criteria and want to apply, please fill out a recruitment form, found here.


Once you have applied, an officer will check out your application, and approve it. Then, you are put through the trial process. You can either message (or will be messaged by) one of these officers:










Then, you have to group with an officer and do a group activity. A flashpoint, heroic, warzone, or operation. We will judge your conduct and play, and then will decide whether or not to invite you to the guild.


Current Needs


We are currently looking for a Tank, either Vanguard or Guardian, for our main Progression Team.




  • Level 55 Vanguard or Guardian Tank
  • Full 66 gear
  • Mumble/willingness to download and use it
  • Ability to have fun and not take things too seriously
  • Mostly mature outlook
  • Skilled/competent at tanking
  • Has to have tanked (main or off) at least a 55 SM operation
  • At least 16 years old
  • Willingness to learn and/or teach


  • 69 gear or higher
  • A mic
  • 18 years old or older


We are also looking for competent DPS of any class/spec. Criteria are as follows:




  • Level 55 DPS
  • Full 66 gear
  • Mumble/willingness to download and use it
  • Ability to have fun and not take things too seriously
  • Mostly mature outlook
  • Skilled/competent at dpsing and not standing in stupid.
  • Has to have completed TFB and S&V SM
  • At least 16 years old
  • Willingness to learn and/or teach


  • 69 gear or higher
  • A mic
  • 18 years old or older
  • Parsec/TORParse or willingness to download them
  • We are specifically looking for a sentinel who is well versed in all three specs

If you think that you meet or exceed these qualifications, please PM me here on the forums, or whisper Bashkala (or send a mail message) in game. In order to fill this slot, we will require an interview of sorts in Mumble, to make sure that you will mesh well with our group.


Other information


Our website




May the force be with you.

Edited by crazylegoman
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