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Player Housing will be underwhelming


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Because, ultimately, it means that something else was not done in favor of spending the time and resources to build this particular feature. So yes, there are going to be people unhappy about that because they reason they bought the game was for the design and features that were being sold as part of the game and those designs and features are ones that they enjoy playing. Many people bought this game on the premise of having a great storyline for their character to battle and become a hero through. That is something many people have been asking to be expanded upon for the 2+ years the game has been active, so they are going to continue to ask for it and ask for it loudly and often (that does seem to be the way it works in the gaming community, does it not?) I don't know any reasonable person who would buy a game without player housing because one day they might implement player housing.


Queue legions of SW:G veterans. :)

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Because, ultimately, it means that something else was not done in favor of spending the time and resources to build this particular feature. So yes, there are going to be people unhappy about that because they reason they bought the game was for the design and features that were being sold as part of the game and those designs and features are ones that they enjoy playing. Many people bought this game on the premise of having a great storyline for their character to battle and become a hero through. That is something many people have been asking to be expanded upon for the 2+ years the game has been active. I don't know any reasonable person who would buy a game without player housing because one day they might implement player housing.


That's an incorrect assumption.


Companies are quite capable and willing to focus on multiple aspects at the same time. We know for certain that there are multiple teams working on multiple aspects of the game simultaneously. We also know that they work on aspects of game play for months and months before they say one word about it to us.


Ops will never suffer because of money spent on PVP and FPs will never suffer because of time/energy expended on CM stuff.


Any company who says that they'd have to cut other content to make room/time/space for a particular aspect of content is lying to you, or they're on a shoe-string budget. Neither case applies here.

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That's an incorrect assumption.


Companies are quite capable and willing to focus on multiple aspects at the same time. We know for certain that there are multiple teams working on multiple aspects of the game simultaneously. We also know that they work on aspects of game play for months and months before they say one word about it to us.


Ops will never suffer because of money spent on PVP and FPs will never suffer because of time/energy expended on CM stuff.


Any company who says that they'd have to cut other content to make room/time/space for a particular aspect of content is lying to you, or they're on a shoe-string budget. Neither case applies here.


As far as we know. Not saying you're wrong at all, but we wouldn't know anything unless layoffs were announced.

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Because, ultimately, it means that something else was not done in favor of spending the time and resources to build this particular feature. So yes, there are going to be people unhappy about that because they reason they bought the game was for the design and features that were being sold as part of the game and those designs and features are ones that they enjoy playing. Many people bought this game on the premise of having a great storyline for their character to battle and become a hero through. That is something many people have been asking to be expanded upon for the 2+ years the game has been active, so they are going to continue to ask for it and ask for it loudly and often (that does seem to be the way it works in the gaming community, does it not?) I don't know any reasonable person who would buy a game without player housing because one day they might implement player housing.




Uhh, how is that, exactly. Again, I have extrapolated my predictions based on what we have seen the game engine is capable of up to this point. That's not being a cynic, but a realist based on the factual information we have.

Different things come in time. You just have to be patient. That's all it is.

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Any company who says that they'd have to cut other content to make room/time/space for a particular aspect of content is lying to you, or they're on a shoe-string budget. Neither case applies here.


Then why wasn't player housing it at launch? Why are playable species so limited? Why were class stories canned altogether? Why do we need to pay them, at all? Resources are indeed finite. And while I highly doubt something already developed would be cut as you seem to imply, there are currently an infinite number of things not being developed right now because of that limitation.

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As far as we know. Not saying you're wrong at all, but we wouldn't know anything unless layoffs were announced.


Actually, we would know from quarterly reports, and all the recent ones point out that TOR is a very profitable aspect of EA. Other data sources detail how subs and micro-transactions combined have resulted in a $200 million revenue stream over the last year.


We've seen nothing but expansion within TOR itself with new aspects being introduced at a staggering rate. First GSF in Feb and now Housing being added later this year. These aren't just new additions to existing aspects, these are entirely new aspects of the game meant to appeal to different crowds of potential players. This is a 'growing' game and that speaks volumes as to how the game is doing financially.

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Actually, we would know from quarterly reports, and all the recent ones point out that TOR is a very profitable aspect of EA. Other data sources detail how subs and micro-transactions combined have resulted in a $200 million revenue stream over the last year.


We've seen nothing but expansion within TOR itself with new aspects being introduced at a staggering rate. First GSF in Feb and now Housing being added later this year. These aren't just new additions to existing aspects, these are entirely new aspects of the game meant to appeal to different crowds of potential players. This is a 'growing' game and that speaks volumes as to how the game is doing financially.


You honestly think those are legit? After seeing a variety of scandals over the last year, I don't trust anything in any reports.

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That's an incorrect assumption.


Companies are quite capable and willing to focus on multiple aspects at the same time. We know for certain that there are multiple teams working on multiple aspects of the game simultaneously. We also know that they work on aspects of game play for months and months before they say one word about it to us.


Ops will never suffer because of money spent on PVP and FPs will never suffer because of time/energy expended on CM stuff.


Any company who says that they'd have to cut other content to make room/time/space for a particular aspect of content is lying to you, or they're on a shoe-string budget. Neither case applies here.


Not entirely. There is a finite budget for any game. Regardless of the breakdown of the teams, that finite budget has to fund each of those teams. Ultimately it doesn't matter which team may have worked on the player housing, the payroll for that team was used for them to build the player housing. That means one of two things. Either the group for player housing was formed from people from other teams (meaning less people to work on the things that are given to those teams, and thus hurting potential development), or the group was hired as a separate team in and of its own to work on this and similar features. If the second is the case (most likely), then that could have been payroll that was used to hire a team that could work on class stories, or to hire additional people to farm out to the other teams in order to supplement and progress development of PvP, Ops, FPs, or what have you.


Again, personal preference, mind you, but I play the game for those stories and FPs, and to a lesser extent PvP and the Ops because those were the main features and main selling points of the game. Now, when I see the finite budget going towards more niche things, I am certainly going to voice my displeasure at the fact that one or more of the main selling points of the game are being overlooked in favor of a lesser feature that may or may not necessarily be of use to the wider playerbase.


EDIT: I have no reason to doubt the reports either, but still again, there is a finite budget for the game - as big as that might be. Naturally, if they monetize the housing correctly, that budget will (hopefully) increase by a large magnitude. However, such an increase would only be beneficial if said additional resources were then put towards the main selling points and features of the game (IMO, natch).

Edited by TravelersWay
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You honestly think those are legit? After seeing a variety of scandals over the last year, I don't trust anything in any reports.


I know they're legit.


Businessmen will play games with numbers every day of the week and twice on Sunday, but they will not...ever...EVER...play games with quarterly report numbers. They can get away with a lot of stuff, but playing games with stockholder reports IS NOT ONE OF THEM.


You don't have to trust me on it, you're quite free to do some reading up on what happens to executives who play games with quarterly reports. They can shine things up, they can downplay things, but they can't outright 'lie' and they've said, in small simple words, that TOR is a profitable aspect of the company and other independent agencies have backed up these reports with their own numbers.


So, yes, I believe them when they say it because no one in a three piece suit wants to go to jail.

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Different things come in time. You just have to be patient. That's all it is.


And nothing I said denies any of that. My predictions are simply based on what we can reasonably expect at launch. Again, nothing cynical about it, just being realistic based on what we know the game is capable of due to what we have in the game now. To speculate any further beyond that would be pointless at this moment.

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I know they're legit.


Businessmen will play games with numbers every day of the week and twice on Sunday, but they will not...ever...EVER...play games with quarterly report numbers. They can get away with a lot of stuff, but playing games with stockholder reports IS NOT ONE OF THEM.


You don't have to trust me on it, you're quite free to do some reading up on what happens to executives who play games with quarterly reports. They can shine things up, they can downplay things, but they can't outright 'lie' and they've said, in small simple words, that TOR is a profitable aspect of the company and other independent agencies have backed up these reports with their own numbers.


So, yes, I believe them when they say it because no one in a three piece suit wants to go to jail.


Obviously that's the law. Does it matter? No. Look at some of the Senate in Canada. Duffy was claiming a house that he didn't live in. Wallin was claiming a vacation, and used the excuse she wanted to spend time with her daughter. Sure these are politicians and they are indeed the same all over the world, but truth is they aren't suppose to play games by claiming stuff on taxpayers' money like the above examples. They still did. They also had their own party pay it back which is funny how the rich do that. If any of us played games by claiming stuff we aren't entitled to in our taxes, we go to prison. The point is the majority of the corporations/politicians will lie if it means profit, a quick buck, and saving their own money.

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Obviously that's the law. Does it matter? No. Look at some of the Senate in Canada. Duffy was claiming a house that he didn't live in. Wallin was claiming a vacation, and used the excuse she wanted to spend time with her daughter. Sure these are politicians and they are indeed the same all over the world, but truth is they aren't suppose to play games by claiming stuff on taxpayers' money like the above examples. They still did. They also had their own party pay it back which is funny how the rich do that. If any of us played games by claiming stuff we aren't entitled to in our taxes, we go to prison. The point is the majority of the corporations/politicians will lie if it means profit, a quick buck, and saving their own money.


That's the Senate. That's government, not business.


you can't get away with fudging quarterly reports. There are simply too many people looking over your shoulder and checking the numbers.

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Obviously that's the law. Does it matter? No. Look at some of the Senate in Canada. Duffy was claiming a house that he didn't live in. Wallin was claiming a vacation, and used the excuse she wanted to spend time with her daughter. Sure these are politicians and they are indeed the same all over the world, but truth is they aren't suppose to play games by claiming stuff on taxpayers' money like the above examples. They still did. They also had their own party pay it back which is funny how the rich do that. If any of us played games by claiming stuff we aren't entitled to in our taxes, we go to prison. The point is the majority of the corporations/politicians will lie if it means profit, a quick buck, and saving their own money.


Unfortunately true as cases like Enron and Goldman Sachs can show. However, at this point, there is no real reason to doubt that SWTOR is as profitable as EA may claim and as some outside reporting has shown (as in the recent case of cash shop earnings). But regardless, that still ultimately doesn't mean that regardless of the size of the budget, things get cut or put on a back burner in favor of other things. That's how game development works.


That's the Senate. That's government, not business.


you can't get away with fudging quarterly reports. There are simply too many people looking over your shoulder and checking the numbers.


Well, you can as long as you don't get caught. How long has Baseball been fighting the HGH stuff? They made it illegal for players to use it, yet we had the biggest bust in history last year. It still won't stop others from trying it, because of one common theme among thieves and cheaters - they don't believe they will get caught. Still, like I said, that is no reason to disbelieve the EA reports, but also no reason to deny how game development works on a daily basis.

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Unfortunately true as cases like Enron and Goldman Sachs can show. However, at this point, there is no real reason to doubt that SWTOR is as profitable as EA may claim and as some outside reporting has shown (as in the recent case of cash shop earnings). But regardless, that still ultimately doesn't mean that regardless of the size of the budget, things get cut or put on a back burner in favor of other things. That's how game development works.


I'm not doubting that SWTOR isn't profitable. I've seen many threads actually state how players have resubbed or started to sub asking for help on what to do. The numbers most likely are accurate. I'm just stating that everything isn't always as it seems. I mean fudging a report saying that said game is successful allows a lot of players that read it think "Hey, it's profitable, it must be good.".


In truth, that's how all projects work. Ideas, projects, things can always be cut, or be an afterthought because new ideas take precedence. This applies to all business, not just game development.

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You would be incorrect, sir. We have no 'Housing.' as of yet.




Pilot Your Personal Starship

Earn your own ship which is your base of operations as you explore the galaxy and participate in epic space combat.


now we need two bases of operation? interesting.

Edited by AmagonofBloodfin
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Wait you guy don't seem to under stand is the current dev team when they took over they sat down and ask each other what was the community wanting? That with there current budget they could bring to this game. You don't go out a design every thing every buddy wants with out plan of budget in mind. That what they been doing giving us what we the community want that fits in there budget.


I find it nice to know that they been listening we asked for this feature along with a free roam space they did both. It make me wonder what other files they have name SS for us to see in the future think about it for a sec. Mean there hope for new thing down the road as they open up there road map and continue to make things for us to play with

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