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10k "Thank You"s for player housing !!!


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If this game was a true open world sanbox and not the instanced based linear themepark it is, then I'd be excited for player housing.


Yes, we know you don't like it. There's no need to spam all the threads regarding Housing.

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Yes, we know you don't like it. There's no need to spam all the threads regarding Housing.


one initial post in each thread is considered spam? says who, you?



and if you are so opposed to spam, why are you not jumping on all the different people who created all the different housing threads, "spamming" general discussion forums. Hypocrite.

Edited by Htoob
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Best SWTOR news (for me, anyway) I've heard since... I can't remember when.


Thanking them, though? I sure welcome the addition but charity and altruism wasn't what moved them; it's the potential profits of the housing+Cartel Market combination that did.

Edited by Khyle
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If this game was a true open world sanbox and not the instanced based linear themepark it is, then I'd be excited for player housing.


Yeah, it'll be like having an extra room on your ship. I look forward to it, but nothing will ever come close to UO housing.

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I'm really excited. Anything that is customizable I'm happy about.


Though, I wonder if they missed an opportunity here by having an apartment style housing rather than ship housing. I don't mean the ships we have, but I was thinking about another ship/space station that would be floating around a planet of your choosing. To me, that would feel more Star Warsie. It also would have been a great compromise between housing and Guild Capital Ships.


Either way, I think it's pretty cool.

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Best SWTOR news (for me, anyway) I've heard since... I can't remember when.


Thanking them, though? I sure welcome the addition but charity and altruism wasn't what moved them; it's the potential profits of the housing+Cartel Market combination that did.


This, though I'm glad some players will get a feature they wanted.

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Best SWTOR news (for me, anyway) I've heard since... I can't remember when.


Thanking them, though? I sure welcome the addition but charity and altruism wasn't what moved them; it's the potential profits of the housing+Cartel Market combination that did.


Since when has any game company, let alone any for profit business, been moved by charity and altruism to make a feature? It's all about the money. I wouldn't expect anything less.

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Looking forward to player housing. One of my all time favorite things in SWG was player housing. Albeit I'm sure we won't have that level of customization but it will be nice to have a "home" in game besides our ship.
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I'm really excited. Anything that is customizable I'm happy about.


Though, I wonder if they missed an opportunity here by having an apartment style housing rather than ship housing. I don't mean the ships we have, but I was thinking about another ship/space station that would be floating around a planet of your choosing. To me, that would feel more Star Warsie. It also would have been a great compromise between housing and Guild Capital Ships.


Either way, I think it's pretty cool.


Oh! I like that idea. Just to sit in orbit at a fixed spot even around a planet of choice. Good call.

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Oh! I like that idea. Just to sit in orbit at a fixed spot even around a planet of choice. Good call.


Some one else had a great idea as well. It was to have your legacy characters able to appear in your house. Which would tie in your legacy family ect. That would be kind of cool as well.

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Some one else had a great idea as well. It was to have your legacy characters able to appear in your house. Which would tie in your legacy family ect. That would be kind of cool as well.


Not sure what my Trooper would do when she catches my agent sneaking about. Well at least she won't be knocked down... ;)

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