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PYRO rotation--need help


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So I'm new to Merc (about 3 months @ 55) and I have tried to read and understand most of the rotation guides, but I feel like I'm still messing it up...maybe I just need more practice.


Here is a link to my gear and a parse I did this morning. I just feel that I should be putting out more DPS and I want to perfect it.


Any and all feedback is welcome.





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So I looked at your parse and gear. With that gear you could be hitting higher than you are. I mean, 3300+ is still pretty solid. I see a lot of people way under that.


Your gear is on point and your rotation looks solid. A few hiccups, but we all have those once in awhile.


I think that your biggest problem is your APMs (actions per minute.) If you look at the actual log, and then look at the time between your activation times, (hit Ctrl+f and search "clamslammer activates" to highlight your actions.) You can see that you have like up to 2 seconds between each action. That should be at the most 1.5 seconds, the length of the GCD. It should be less than that, depending on how much alacrity you have from tree/comps.


In game, go to Preferences>Controls and scroll all the way down.


There is a frame there called "combat"

Set the "Ability Action Queue Window" tab to 1.0

This allows you to set your next action a full second before you are actually able to fire it. The computer then automatically fires it off the exact moment that the GCD is up.


Also, go to Preferences>User Interface>Cooldown Settings


Make sure you have "show cooldown text:" checked. this will give you a numbered countdown for when your CD abilities like Thermal detonator or Electro net are ready to fire again. You should be able to plan ahead a little better.


Work on your rotation and try to get it ingrained. Muscle memory. You need to know what you are going to do a couple of steps before you do it, and the only thing that will let that happen is repetition.


The top parses have like 38-39 APMs and you had like 35. move a little faster and think ahead and you'll nail it.

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Thanks for the feedback man.

Been working on it some more hit my first 3.5K parse but still need a lot of practice cause I hit 36-37 APMs.

starting messing up around the end but I think it's helping.

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One thing you'll need to be careful of is that higher APM means more abilities activated in the same amount of time, which can lead to higher heat accumulation. You'll want to have some space between the availability of Vent Heat and Thermal Sensor Override. I'm assuming that you're using TSO with Fusion Missile in your opener. After that, I'd wait until you have about 40-50 seconds left on your cooldown of TSO before using Vent Heat. Prior to that, you'll want to make sure that you don't go too crazy with Power Shot.
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