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Mercenary Pyro PvP Gear ?


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Hey gang,

I'm wondering about what PvP gear to put on my pyro merc.

Note: I don't want to get into a Bolster/ PvE gear convo, but I'm just looking at PvP gear.


According to noxxic, I should order my stats like this:

Expertise > Aim >= Accuracy (105%) > Surge (70%) > Power > Crit (25%) > Alacrity

Combat Tech gear has Power & Surge, but the 4-piece bonus is for Carbonize & rocket punch (I'm guessing these are for powertechs). Eliminator gives a set bonus catered towards Mercs (Jet Boost & Rail Shot), but with Critical & Surge... so should I be mixing the two?

If so, does anyone have any suggestions I can use?


Thanks in advance!


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