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Where did solo ranked go?


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where did all the solo ranked go? Did it die because of a certain imp guild that is not to be named that would do premade ques since no one really ques imp and just ended it for everyone? cuz if that is really the reason why it ended thanks alot guys i know for a fact you all have pub side toons and to be doing that is really lame.. thanks for killing pvp on harbinger... ps i hope it comes back
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where did all the solo ranked go? Did it die because of a certain imp guild that is not to be named that would do premade ques since no one really ques imp and just ended it for everyone? cuz if that is really the reason why it ended thanks alot guys i know for a fact you all have pub side toons and to be doing that is really lame.. thanks for killing pvp on harbinger... ps i hope it comes back


1. It's a PVE server with PVE guilds, with a handful of "PVP-Only" guilds (who apparently don't want to risk losing rating by queing against their guildies to keep the queues popping), mostly on 1 faction.


2. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=7228143#edit7228143


Hey folks,


One of the things I have seen quite a few questions around is the exclusivity of the Rancor mount which Tier 1 PvPers will be receiving at the end of Season one. I wanted to talk a little bit about Giradda the Hutt’s Rancor mount and the other mounts you will see coming in the future.


  • Giradda’s mount, the armored and tattooed Rancor is a unique appearance that will be exclusive only to our PvP Season one, Tier 1 reward winners.
  • Inside of Nightmare Dread Palace, our Operations players will have a chance to get a very rare mount, a Cyborg Rancor. This will also be a unique appearance of the Rancor which is exclusive to our Ops players.
  • Finally, at some point in the future we will have some more “basic” Rancor models which will be available in other parts of the game, such as the Cartel Market packs.


In short, the specific appearance for the Arena mount and the Cyborg Rancor Ops mount will be unique models, but you can expect to see other Rancor mounts around the fleet in time. Hopefully that answers your questions.






The pops should be back for a day or two at the start of the next season and/or when the devs announce new rewards for season 2, again, for a day or two.


Yeah, it sucks that there's no pops and it probably wasn't the best idea to announce similar rancor mounts coming via pve/the cash shop, but it is what it is. As countless others have said, if you really want regular ranked pops, competitive pvp for the sake of pvp, transfer to bastion/pot5/tofn. If, however, you're satisfied with regs, then Harb has pops pretty much 24/7 and slightly faster than bastion/pot5.


Lastly, while it certainly didn't help that certain guilds timed their queues to get premades into solo ranked, it was simply more so a side effect of such a small pool of players queuing for ranked. There's no need to call out any specific guilds as the cause for the queues dying, because it was no single guild's fault.


P.S. If you don't want to pay for a transfer, send me a PM and I'll give you my personal referral link so that you can get a free transfer.

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well everything you said is true to the fact it is a pve server but does not mean that it is not a certain guild not to be named it is totally their fault they do it on purpose but doing so killed the people wanting to que.... the last few days i would log on asking how the solo ranked ques were going and immediately i am told the a******y guild killed it by premaking with their group they que grouped i know they do this on the regular and they are hardcore pvpers so this is totally ruining it for themselves so yeah i will point it out and call out thank you very much guyz



PS i heard the other "PVP" servers are just as bad as our server right now

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Cool story bro. I'll hope you know we que on both sides and play anyway we can to get in ranked games. The fact of the matter is that imp side was dead before we came back to swtor and imp players still get discouraged doing solo ranked after pubs kick their *** all day. When we que up solo we let each other know that we are, but it's completely up to the game as to whether we get grouped up or not. If there isn't anyone queing imps though were more likely to end up together but in that respect pubs have killed solo que for the imps and thats what it leads to so if you want to start a blame game go ahead and see where it gets you.
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Cool story bro. I'll hope you know we que on both sides and play anyway we can to get in ranked games. The fact of the matter is that imp side was dead before we came back to swtor and imp players still get discouraged doing solo ranked after pubs kick their *** all day. When we que up solo we let each other know that we are, but it's completely up to the game as to whether we get grouped up or not. If there isn't anyone queing imps though were more likely to end up together but in that respect pubs have killed solo que for the imps and thats what it leads to so if you want to start a blame game go ahead and see where it gets you.


obviously i know you que both but then you like to ruin it knowing no imps are queing so you will go exploit that fact and run your premade knowing full well you will be getting into solo ranked in your group ranked team.. GG you killed it

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Play toons both sides and switch if one side is dominating too hard at a particular time. It's impossible to premade solo queue...


Pops were a bit slower today compared to usual though. Wound up logging after a 20 min wait at 5ish. #firstworldproblems

Edited by nellosmomishot
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No, Supa it's not being done on purpose. This is just a sad manifestation of the state of PVP in this game. There are so few good PVP players left compared to even just 8 months ago that you get the same people not only in your solo ranked matches, but your regs too, something that really hasn't happened in regs on this server until recently. There's likely only about 1/20th of the amount of decent players in PVP on this server compared to when servers merged to create the new Harbinger about 18 months ago. And because there are so few good players left, whoever is on one side and not on the other greatly affects who is winning in PVP. It didn't use to be that way and that, to me, is the only real shame in all this.
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I have been playing Guild Wars and haven't played SWTOR in some time, but I do keep up on the forums and when I heard about Ghost Infantry and their b@#ch tactic I could believe that but Aldasin and his guild ruining PvP on The Harbinger ... that one is kinda hard to believe.
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Lol your from Goof and your complaining about Imps?


Yeah I'm not even clear what he's going on about. He seems to be making the assertion that Ascendancy's q'ing is somehow killing the solo q for "everyone" without giving a logical reason how that works. Imp wins wouldn't discourage other imps from q'ing (quite the contrary). And even if Imps stopped q'ing, the arenas would just match him up against other pubs, so faction is irrelevant. I guess he just wanted some easy imp kills and when he doesn't get it, complains on here about one of the few imp guilds still willing to face the ROFLstomping of the many pub pvp guilds like his.


obviously i know you que both but then you like to ruin it knowing no imps are queing so you will go exploit that fact and run your premade knowing full well you will be getting into solo ranked in your group ranked team.. GG you killed it


Lol, so if by your own assumption that no other imps are q'ing, then what's Ascendacy supposed to do about that? That they should go do PVE until you give the go-ahead?

Edited by HeatRacer
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Majority of things can be the reason for imps not queuing. Such as under geared players, pve all stars thinking they will hit 1500 in pve gear, rancors will be avail in cm/ops, thus giving no reason to try for pvp rancor and of course pubs being generally better at PvP. I normally play pub most of time for the faster ques, but if I see some imps I'll switch over to my merc, but its not fun sitting in 10-15 min ques when I'm a healer on the imp side. Edited by Ashwinn
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I do solo ranked on both sides pretty much everyday. Solo ranked isn't dead but it isn't insta-popping like it was a few days ago. It will probably start to die off pretty soon as more people get frustrated, realize that they are not going to get to 1500 and decide to just wait for the CM/PvE version of the rancor.


Ascendancy didn't kill solo ranked. If you want to blame someone, blame Bioware for announcing the other rancors so quickly after the season one rewards. Great idea :rolleyes:

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ok so no imps queing on rank solo and 4 leet players switch to sync que together and get in together (since no other imps are queing) is abusing the system and making an unfair advantage as they get their group on team speak and pub side is random people going in just saying and if you dont get it your just a baddie




bad form yo

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It will probably start to die off pretty soon as more people get frustrated, realize that they are not going to get to 1500 and decide to just wait for the CM/PvE version of the rancor.


^ This.


Regardless of whether or not rancors will be available from NiM/CM, people will quickly get tire of being farmed, and give up on ever achieving 1500 rating. But theoretically, that helps reduce the #'s of 'pvp casuals', for better or worse..

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where did all the solo ranked go? Did it die because of a certain imp guild that is not to be named that would do premade ques since no one really ques imp and just ended it for everyone? cuz if that is really the reason why it ended thanks alot guys i know for a fact you all have pub side toons and to be doing that is really lame.. thanks for killing pvp on harbinger... ps i hope it comes back



honestly i would blame those "certain" rep pvp guilds abusing the solo que by que synching with hybrid tanks and heals.

If you have an actual ranked group going, why not organise with another group to do some group ranked?

oh, because its so much fun when its not a challenge is why :)

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ok so no imps queing on rank solo and 4 leet players switch to sync que together and get in together (since no other imps are queing) is abusing the system and making an unfair advantage as they get their group on team speak and pub side is random people going in just saying and if you dont get it your just a baddie


Once again you're shooting your own argument in the foot. If no imps are q-ing solo, then it's irrelevant whether those 'leet' players are q-synced or not since they're the ONLY ones who could possibly be matched up. Maybe if there weren't so many ROFLstomp Pub guilds like yours, more good PVPers might be enticed to play on the Imp side.


And honestly, belonging to the same guild is also kind of irrelevant. If they all dropped their guild and joined different ones, but still ended up in the same team (since they're the only one's q-ing according to you), they'll still hit just as hard as they did before.


I dunno about you, but I've never found voice chat to be as big an advantage in arenas as regular warzones, where there are large areas where players can't see each other, objectives to achieve, and a greater # of players maneuvering around. Haha, whenever I get into voice chat with my pvp friends (since the Imp pvp community is smaller, the channel I'm in often has players from up to 4 diff guilds), it's more drunken ramblings and BS than any actual coordination.

Edited by HeatRacer
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Once again you're shooting your own argument in the foot. If no imps are q-ing solo, then it's irrelevant whether those 'leet' players are q-synced or not since they're the ONLY ones who could possibly be matched up. Maybe if there weren't so many ROFLstomp Pub guilds like yours, more good PVPers might be enticed to play on the Imp side.


And honestly, belonging to the same guild is also kind of irrelevant. If they all dropped their guild and joined different ones, but still ended up in the same team (since they're the only one's q-ing according to you), they'll still hit just as hard as they did before.


I dunno about you, but I've never found voice chat to be as big an advantage in arenas as regular warzones, where there are large areas where players can't see each other, objectives to achieve, and a greater # of players maneuvering around. Haha, whenever I get into voice chat with my pvp friends (since the Imp pvp community is smaller, the channel I'm in often has players from up to 4 diff guilds), it's more drunken ramblings and BS than any actual coordination.


ok well you have no names in your sig and from what you say in your posts your obviously a lil special so congratz on your troll...not..

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ok well you have no names in your sig and from what you say in your posts your obviously a lil special so congratz on your troll...not..


And you ignore the points, instead trying to deflect it by making it personal. Classic.


But as an aside, I did consider putting my toons in my sig, but then I decided not to risk having morons potentially pester me in-game chat.

Edited by HeatRacer
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ok so no imps queing on rank solo and 4 leet players switch to sync que together and get in together (since no other imps are queing) is abusing the system and making an unfair advantage as they get their group on team speak and pub side is random people going in just saying and if you dont get it your just a baddie




bad form yo


If they're "abusing" the queue, what stops you from "abusing" it too and getting yourself onto their teams (as it would now be 4 of them in queue and you, you know that all three of your teammates will be awesome every time).


It's impossible to premade queue for solo...

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If they're "abusing" the queue, what stops you from "abusing" it too and getting yourself onto their teams (as it would now be 4 of them in queue and you, you know that all three of your teammates will be awesome every time).


It's impossible to premade queue for solo...


integrity.. that is what stops me

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Alright so what your saying is that A) ascendancy and B) Midian have Que sync'd solo ranked thus killing it?

HA you have no logic. Your In Goof, so your in a dedicated PVP guild. Divino as far as i know is happy to organize groups. You have either ignored your guilds request to que up with them, or you haven't been important enough for them to tell you.

So do not blame Imperial guilds for doing the same as your guild and others on Republic side, I've come up against many My ninjas, Ghost infantry and Goof troop 4 man teams in the solo que and i have yet to make a post about Republic guilds killing pvp.

Your Integrity is stopping you queing with other guild members? why are you in Goof then? PVP is about teamwork and objectives, so stop QQ'ing about the Imperial guilds, be a nice person and group up with your guild mates then they may take you on some group ques.

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