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M1-4X as a DPS companion???


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i currently have been using YUUN as my comp. He is geared in 69/72 purple DPS gear and his DPS is pretty nice. When i put the same gear on Jorgan, Jorgan's DPS (on character sheet) was slightly higher, by maybe like 50 r 75 dps total. I use YUUN because he is mdps and he is less annoying compared to Jorgan.


I am very interested in using M1-4X as a companion, but in DPS stance. I used him while questing and i enjoyed his comments and overall was quite fun to use him. However, I kill stuff fast enough when doing the dailies that i dont need a tank. This is why i want to use M1-4X in DPS stance.


It would cost quite a bit of credits to pull all of the mods/armorings/enhancements from YUUN to put into the droid armor I have. So, i am curious if anyone uses M1-4X in DPS gear in DPS stance? i would like to know how his DPS compares to either YUUN or Jorgan. I imagine it will be lower, since M1-4X is a tank, but how much lower?


the only other negative to usng M1-4X, is currently if i find a fight i cant do with YUUN, i pull his gear off and give it to my healer and i can do it and there is no cost since i am not removing mods or anything. I would no longer be able to do this


thank you so much for reading


TLDR: How much lower is M1 DPS in vs YUUN or Jorgan in DPS gear/DPS stance

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Compared to Yuun, hes better cause Yuuns biggest hits are glitched to need willpower + force power and as auch absolutely suck


Compared to Jorgan, hes either gonna be worse at AoE or Single Target, depending on Jorgans stance.


The third option however, and the one I'd reccomend, is HK-51, who blows all other dps companions out of existence. Treek is also pretty good though.


So my reccomendations for dps:



Aric Jorgan (put your off-spec gear on him)

Tanno Vik


Elara Dorn

M1-4X (he can't use your armor, otherwise he'd be above the healers)


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I love M1 as a companion. However i cannot answer your question about Yuun simply because i don't have him as geared as M1. M1's commentary alone is worth playing with him!


How I've played with him is by going all DPS gear, but in tank stance. I put a shield offhand on him, but with dps items. Also I recommend turning off his pull... it will mess up your beginning aoe. He does good damage and he's good with crowd control. Have fun ;)

Edited by KBsFuRy
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is this real that YUUN should be using willpower gear?




about 30% of his dps comes from the glitched hits if they weren't glitched. So Yuun will either be at 70% efficiency or 30% efficiency or in between those 2, depending on how you gear him.


Until they fix this, he will remain the worst DPS companion in the game Bar 1 - Sgt Rusk - same problems as Yuun.


EDIT - Forgot C2N2... but then again his DPS problems come from the fact he doesn't have a gun or techblade or anything like that...

Edited by TACeMossie
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so i finally got a chance to check, and shockingly i get the same (almost exactly) the same dps on the character sheet between M1-4X and HK-51 when using the same gear. i also did some checks on having HK fight a mob solo and see how long it takes and then doing the same with M1-4X and they were just about the same. I am pretty surprised by the output. maybe if i care enough one day i will put in the logs and run them through to see what the numbers are, but honestly, they are so close in DPS that i am going to use the one i want. I dont see M1-4X slowing me down.


Also note, M1-4X was in DPS stance

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so i finally got a chance to check, and shockingly i get the same (almost exactly) the same dps on the character sheet between M1-4X and HK-51 when using the same gear. i also did some checks on having HK fight a mob solo and see how long it takes and then doing the same with M1-4X and they were just about the same. I am pretty surprised by the output. maybe if i care enough one day i will put in the logs and run them through to see what the numbers are, but honestly, they are so close in DPS that i am going to use the one i want. I dont see M1-4X slowing me down.


Also note, M1-4X was in DPS stance


You get hk-51 using a sniper or a rifle? Cause his tooltips should be higher...


But yeah good to know. I was wondering if I should get some droid armor for forex and HK51 in case Treek's excessive "Yub Yub"s got annoying (Can alwas dump my VGs spare mainhand on him)

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i have some numbers to backup my thoughts.

I did the test 5 times for each guy. The test was fighting a gold enemy lvl 55 on CZ and the DPS comp did all the fighting. i would throw heals to keep them alive, but i never attacked.


1. M1-4X - Average Time: 1 minute 9 seconds

2. HK-51 - Average Time: 1 minute 7 seconds

3. YUUN - Average Time: 1 minute 6 seconds


The HK-51 was using all of the same exact gear as M1-4X except the offhand.

The offhand on HK-51 is a 66 Barrel/72 rest piece, where the offhand for M1-4X is a full 72. I did use the sniper rifle on HK and was just swapping out the mods.


YUUN obviously can't use droid gear, his gear is 69 gear with a couple of 72's.


The implant and ear piece was the same set for all people.


The character sheets show the following information

M1-4X DPS- 1491

HK-51 DPS - 1576

YUUN DPS - 1628



At this point it appears that there is such little difference between comps when it comes to DPS that i can use which ever i feel like at the time and there will not be any real noticeable



(added note: if i leave HK-51 with 5 stacks of target eliminated, the average drops by 2 seconds on average)

Edited by youpey
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