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Combat Medic- What's your companion choice?


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I use Jorgan as well, but that's only because a couple of Yuun's skills are currently bugged. If they ever fix them to use the right stats I'll switch to him. I use Torian with my Merc for everything and he's a beast. I prefer the melee DPS companion jumping in everyone's face and keeping everyone together over a ranged DPS splitting things apart. It makes it easier to AOE everything down.


DPS companion though, be it Jorgan, Yuun, or even HK. Jorgan is by far the easiest to gear up though as he can use 100% of your hand me downs, including barrels/full Assault Cannons.

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If I had a mando instead of a VG + Merc, I'd use Jorgan. Cause that way I can dump all my off-spec gear on him, similar to what I do with my Tank and his best bud Treek.


Cause its always good to have a DPS set lying around, even if you have to rip it off your companion every time you need to use it.

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Well if we're talking dps comp...


Jorgan has ranged AOE but gets cast pushback the moment anything hits him. Mind you, putting my gear on him and watching Aimed Burst crit for over 6k is nice.

Elara is a joke dps option since most abilities are healing

MX-41 is the same joke as Elara but most abilities are taunts/defence

Yuun is a bug with bugs and a weapon that needs unbound barrels, yeah good luck there

Tanno is a credible melee DPS but same weapon issue as Yuun, comedy gap closer of 10-100m

HK is single target only and needs robot gear but has less casts to get pushed back than Jorgan


I use Elara as a healer and Tanno as a tank with no DPS comp.


Elara is obvious, Tanno is the only viable tank because, and this is important, he goes TO the enemy packs and gathers them around him which is tank basics #1 for maximum AOE damage.


Alternative healer is the teddy bear Treek who can use the exact same gear as Elara, even though she comes with a rifle by default a pistol can be used and makes no difference.


Alternative tank is also Treek, not as AOE as Tanno but more gadgets.

Edited by Gyronamics
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