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Wow PT's version of pyrotech is SOOOO much better!


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Lets look at the skills that are different in the Pyrotech tree.


Bursting Flame vs. Advanced Targeting = is about even. The armor penetration from Adv. target is about as good as bursting flame so that is a wash


Iron Fist vs. System Calibrations = a 4/8% damage increase vs. 1/2% alacrity. Well alacrity does almost nothing especiall at such low percentages and especially for a Pyrotech so the damage increase is of course superior.


Flame Suit vs. Pyro Shield = reduces dot damage by 7.5/15% all the time or when you cure yourself you reduce dot damage by 15/30% for 6 seconds. Even though Pyro shield is a higher percentage Flame Suit is passive and on all the time. Flame suit superior.


Power Bracer vs. Power Barrels = Rocket punch, thermal detonator, incendiary missiles damage improved by 6% or reduces the heat for power shot by 3 and the cooldown of unload by 3 seconds. Also, increases the damage of rail shot, power shot, unload and thermal detonator by 6%. This one is close, but Power Barrels is slightly better because rail shot does more damage than rocket punch usually and unload is pretty good even though power shot is still not worth using.


Automated Defenses vs. Jet Rebounder = increased amage by 15/30% when kolto overload is active and reduces the cooldown of kolto overload by 3/6 seconds whenever you are attacked or increases the damage of jet boost by 15/30% and also reduces the cooldown of jet boost by 0.5/1 second. Ok this one is a joke really. Increased damage by a large amount when you really need it or increase the damage of a low damage attack. The Powertech version also gets your very much needed defensive cooldown back to you faster. Hands down this goes to the Powertechs. This is really the biggest and most glaring ability difference.



So overall the Powertech version of pyrotech is much better. Only one ability that Mercs have that PT's don't is superior compared to 3 that are better on PT. The Devs should consider this.


So if you want to be Pyrotech you should really be a Powertech especially if you intend to PvP at all.

Edited by NathanielStarr
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Iron Fist vs. System Calibrations = a 4/8% damage increase vs. 1/2% alacrity. Well alacrity does almost nothing especiall at such low percentages and especially for a Pyrotech so the damage increase is of course superior.

While there are in the same spot in the tree they are not the correct match up.

Iron Fist vs Mandalorian Iron Warheads - 8% dmg increase to Rocket Punch (9sec cd & 4m range) vs 6% dmg increase to Power Shot (no cd & 30 range) the spam move for Merc Pyro. Merc Wins!


Flame Suit vs. Pyro Shield = reduces dot damage by 7.5/15% all the time or when you cure yourself you reduce dot damage by 15/30% for 6 seconds. Even though Pyro shield is a higher percentage Flame Suit is passive and on all the time. Flame suit superior.

Passive 15% dot dmg reduction with no cleanse vs 15% dot dmg reduction for 6 sec with cleanse. So except against Madness Sorcerer's, which PT's getting the better of this skill with. It's a balance when considering the class abilities as well.


Power Bracer vs. Power Barrels = Rocket punch, thermal detonator, incendiary missiles damage improved by 6% or reduces the heat for power shot by 3 and the cooldown of unload by 3 seconds. Also, increases the damage of rail shot, power shot, unload and thermal detonator by 6%. This one is close, but Power Barrels is slightly better because rail shot does more damage than rocket punch usually and unload is pretty good even though power shot is still not worth using.

Power Barrel increase the dmg of Power Shot (Workhorse of the spec) & Rail Shot (Backbone of the spec). Where as Power Bracer increase the dmg of Rocket Punch (9sec cd) & IM the weak dot. Power Shot (34.34%) vs IM (2.6%) total dmg. Merc Wins!


Automated Defenses vs. Jet Rebounder = increased amage by 15/30% when kolto overload is active and reduces the cooldown of kolto overload by 3/6 seconds whenever you are attacked or increases the damage of jet boost by 15/30% and also reduces the cooldown of jet boost by 0.5/1 second. Ok this one is a joke really. Increased damage by a large amount when you really need it or increase the damage of a low damage attack. The Powertech version also gets your very much needed defensive cooldown back to you faster. Hands down this goes to the Powertechs. This is really the biggest and most glaring ability difference.

Wrong. Automated Defenses while active increase damage reduction by 30%. PT Wins! but Merc's have heals which offset this anyway.


So overall the Powertech version of pyrotech is much better. Only one ability that Mercs have that PT's don't is superior compared to 3 that are better on PT. The Devs should consider this.


So if you want to be Pyrotech you should really be a Powertech especially if you intend to PvP at all.


Incorrect. Mercenary's have the much better Pyro tree. 2-0-2. DPS parces on both the Dummy & Operations, Pyro Merc's are performing way better then Pyro Pt's

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While there are in the same spot in the tree they are not the correct match up.

Iron Fist vs Mandalorian Iron Warheads - 8% dmg increase to Rocket Punch (9sec cd & 4m range) vs 6% dmg increase to Power Shot (no cd & 30 range) the spam move for Merc Pyro. Merc Wins!


That is not what we are comparing. If you do that we'll throw in rebraced armor, puncture, rail loaders, combust and knock the Mercs out of the park. Plus Power Shot is terrible and should not be spammed. Why in the world are you doing that? Besides we are looking at the mercenary pyrotech tree vs. powertech pyrotech tree, not the Arsenal tree. Merc becomes even more in trouble when you start looking at the other trees.




Passive 15% dot dmg reduction with no cleanse vs 15% dot dmg reduction for 6 sec with cleanse. So except against Madness Sorcerer's, which PT's getting the better of this skill with. It's a balance when considering the class abilities as well.


If you have cleanse doesn't it make this ability mostly worthless except in the case of Sorcerers, which you can't cleanse? Your logic is weirdly stretching to be in favor of Mercenaries. But I think a passive is better.


Power Barrel increase the dmg of Power Shot (Workhorse of the spec) & Rail Shot (Backbone of the spec). Where as Power Bracer increase the dmg of Rocket Punch (9sec cd) & IM the weak dot. Power Shot (34.34%) vs IM (2.6%) total dmg. Merc Wins!


While I disagree with power shot being used ever past level 30 I did give this one to Mercs before.


Wrong. Automated Defenses while active increase damage reduction by 30%. PT Wins! but Merc's have heals which offset this anyway.


Off heals are much less reliable than off tank defenses, so heals do not offset anything. You can almost give 2 wins for PT for this skill alone. 30% defense when you really need it on top of the other defenses they have and the majority of the time the Merc never even gets to see Kolto Overload even kick in. Sorry but you need to be Mr. Fantastic to stretch this into anything even resembling a draw. The merc ability that is opposite of this is quite pathetic actually.



Incorrect. Mercenary's have the much better Pyro tree. 2-0-2. DPS parces on both the Dummy & Operations, Pyro Merc's are performing way better then Pyro Pt's


score is 3 - 1 Powertechs still and I believe the leader boards over some dummy parcels in a PvP situation.

Edited by NathanielStarr
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That is not what we are comparing. If you do that we'll throw in rebraced armor, puncture, rail loaders, combust and knock the Mercs out of the park.

It's a pointless exercise to only compare 1 tree without considering how the other tree's affect the build. You only put 36 points in the Pyro tree with 10 points going into the other tree's to complete the build. So yes, you should be comparing the other skills that are used in the pyro spec's.


Plus Power Shot is terrible and should not be spammed. Why in the world are you doing that?

OMG are you for real????


PLEASE go read Mercenary Arsenal/Pyro DPS Guide

How do you proc PPA without using Power Shot? What are you using as filler until PPA is available again? What DPS are you doing?









Edited by Blitz-wing
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You lost all credibility with that sentence.


PT's do have it better than mercs in PvP, but that is just because of interrupts and not damage output.


Damage output in PvP is a function of uptime on target and damage delivery system. PT is light years ahead of merc in both. Then add burst damage where PT is king (SC, EF and higher damage per RS) and better survivability (kolto overload damage reduction), and the difference between merc and PT is substantial. There is a lot more than just interrupts that make PT superior in PvP.

Edited by Ottoattack
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Damage output in PvP is a function of uptime on target and damage delivery system. PT is light years ahead of merc in both. Then add burst damage where PT is king (SC, EF and higher damage per RS) and better survivability (kolto overload damage reduction), and the difference between merc and PT is substantial. There is a lot more than just interrupts that make PT superior in PvP.


Basically, this. When I go into arenas, and there's a Pyro PT on the other team, their typically an issue in terms of their damage; they're someone we have to worry about. I play Pyro as well, and because I've been playing Merc since launch and I know what I'm doing, I manage to be a threat as well. But the best strat is to focus down the merc first because it works, and it severely shuts down our DPS. If anything, Pyro on a PT is better solely for the 100% uptime on the move, regardless of how the talents compare.

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Damage output in PvP is a function of uptime on target and damage delivery system. PT is light years ahead of merc in both. Then add burst damage where PT is king (SC, EF and higher damage per RS) and better survivability (kolto overload damage reduction), and the difference between merc and PT is substantial. There is a lot more than just interrupts that make PT superior in PvP.


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What is this proc you speak of, I let Railshot cool down before using it again.



You need the proc because of Prototype Particle Accelerator that does this ''While Combustible Gas Cylinder is active, Power Shot/Flame Burst has a 45% chance and Unload/Rocket Punch has a 75% chance to finish the cooldown on Rail Shot and make the next Rail Shot FREE. This effect cannot occur more than once every 6 seconds." Now you may not have heat issues from other thee abilites but it still give you a free rail shot so dont take it lightly!

Also having rolled both of them Powertech is better in pvp as a pure rng class since flame burst/rocket punch are instant abilities whereas Mercenary's power shot,unload abilites need to be channeled.

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You need the proc because of Prototype Particle Accelerator that does this ''While Combustible Gas Cylinder is active, Power Shot/Flame Burst has a 45% chance and Unload/Rocket Punch has a 75% chance to finish the cooldown on Rail Shot and make the next Rail Shot FREE. This effect cannot occur more than once every 6 seconds." Now you may not have heat issues from other thee abilites but it still give you a free rail shot so dont take it lightly!

Also having rolled both of them Powertech is better in pvp as a pure rng class since flame burst/rocket punch are instant abilities whereas Mercenary's power shot,unload abilites need to be channeled.


You fell victim unto the troll.

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