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End of season 1


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umm. no. can't even recall talking to you in-game, and wondering an open-ended question about the role of the top ops/scoun? yeah. that's sooo about you. I'd think it's patently obvious at this point that I reply to anything remotely interesting.



followed by your own commentary that the imps transferred in, which sticks out because every time someone (emotionally more than factually) claims that imps dominate, you jump on it. ;)


although I do agree with your last statement. it's about as factionally balanced as a server can be in swtor.


edit: my VG/PT is relevant. it speaks to the sham of those statistics. /salty


LMAO so Vanier, a pub with his 2200, transferred it in with that rating. Iike transferred out of JC and came back with a 1700ish rating. Totecxipe, john-mclane, and Buppi don't play the game and/or are on another server. So how are my statements emotional rather than factual? The leaderboards speak for themselves. I have always told people to refer to the leaderboards where it clearly shows pubs are dominant in solo and group. I have gotten into it with a few PD regstars about their experience in regs.


Your VG got carried by Vanier and your PT... well.... you got solo'd by JMD in a solo arena with both of you at 70-80% health. I get killed by your assassin teammates, JMD kill hims then proceeds to school you. No Vanier on impside to carry you. So keep working on that PT. You have a month.....

Edited by Iolus
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LMAO so Vanier, a pub with his 2200, transferred it in with that rating. Iike transferred out of JC and came back with a 1700ish rating. Totecxipe, john-mclane, and Buppi don't play the game and/or are on another server. So how are my statements emotional rather than factual? The leaderboards speak for themselves. I have always told people to refer to the leaderboards where it clearly shows pubs are dominant in solo and group. I have gotten into it with a few PD regstars about their experience in regs.


Your VG got carried by Vanier and your PT... well.... you got solo'd by JMD in a solo arena with both of you at 70-80% health. I get killed by your assassin teammates, JMD kill hims then proceeds to school you. No Vanier on impside to carry you. So keep working on that PT. You have a month.....

and I'm the one who misreads everything? the emotional reactions are the people who lose a few days and then start crying that the imps are taking over. my only criticism of you is that you react to all them seriously. don't get your panties in a bunch.


I faced vanier as much as I was on his team. and all of the season 1 rated matches were one day last week. vanier was nowhere to be seen. so I really dunno what you're getting at there.


as for jmd...you just believe whatever you want.

Edited by foxmob
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and I'm the one who misreads everything? the emotional reactions are the people who lose a few days and then start crying that the imps are taking over. my only criticism of you is that you react to all them seriously. don't get your panties in a bunch.


I faced vanier as much as I was on his team. and all of the season 1 rated matches were one day last week. vanier was nowhere to be seen. so I really dunno what you're getting at there.


as for jmd...you just believe whatever you want.


LOL I choose to educate those people. They love to blame other pubs and claim imps are taking over because they can't seem to understand that they are the reason they lose so much. It seems that it bothers you that I do that..... why? There is nothing wrong with not playing the game well, there is a problem that they always blame others for it.


So you are telling me that you and I weren't in a solo match where the last two standing were you and JMD? You are denying he killed you to win the second round? lol

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So you are telling me that you and I weren't in a solo match where the last two standing were you and JMD? You are denying he killed you to win the second round? lol


that happened. once. didn't have dcds or htl to get out of his ravage. dunno about the 70-80% bit though. was more like 50%. but we were roughly equal in hp.

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How about we stop bickering about nonsensical shenanigans and get back to what really matters. Bucket hats. Bucket hats are what really matter. Go buy one. Like right now. It will boost your rating 60% of the time with a 50% chance of it happening 15% of the time, on a Tuesday. In the rain.


In all seriousness everyone should be happy we are getting so many people showing up in ranked, win or lose with all the ranting and raving and glorious death it's been fun. I hope people are enjoying it enough to keep showing up in the future and I implore people to give 4v4 a go, with all the solo queue going on start picking out some people you like playing with and toss the idea around. It's honestly not a bad time, I promise.

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When I see an opponent with a bucket hat, I know they're friggin' awesome. That's why I'll never own one. But yea, I see one, and I groan.


But yea, all the queuing has been fantastic.... literally awesome. The ONLY thing that is really bugging me is the 3v4's that obviously will never backfill... why these don't end I don't know. It doesn't make sense.


Also people leaving... they don't know that their rating hurts more?


Otherwise it's been fantastic. I'll be sad to see it go.

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When I see an opponent with a bucket hat, I know they're friggin' awesome. That's why I'll never own one. But yea, I see one, and I groan.


But yea, all the queuing has been fantastic.... literally awesome. The ONLY thing that is really bugging me is the 3v4's that obviously will never backfill... why these don't end I don't know. It doesn't make sense.


Also people leaving... they don't know that their rating hurts more?


Otherwise it's been fantastic. I'll be sad to see it go.


as far as I can tell, you lose about the same if you stay and fight or just quit (14-16 elo). maybe double that for quitting/dc? honestly, I quit quite a few matches the week rewards were announced cuz I just got angry when I inspected ppl around 1500 exp. but that wasn't the best way to go. I was just angry.

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How about we stop bickering about nonsensical shenanigans and get back to what really matters. Bucket hats. Bucket hats are what really matter. Go buy one. Like right now. It will boost your rating 60% of the time with a 50% chance of it happening 15% of the time, on a Tuesday. In the rain.


In all seriousness everyone should be happy we are getting so many people showing up in ranked, win or lose with all the ranting and raving and glorious death it's been fun. I hope people are enjoying it enough to keep showing up in the future and I implore people to give 4v4 a go, with all the solo queue going on start picking out some people you like playing with and toss the idea around. It's honestly not a bad time, I promise.



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Okay... someone told me you lose more for leaving....


But you don't get comms for leaving... do you?


Anyway, I just don't understand leaving. Or not loading with the match...


Every time I've dc'd I've lost a whole lot more elo than I would have if I had just lost.

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I don't have concrete proof, but anecdotal evidence points to it being 1.5X's the rating loss for a leave/dc. It also modifies the amount the other team earns I've noticed, since we've beat the same team twice in 4's once with them having a d/c then once without and we get more points for the latter. I do wish would do something about disconnects though, especially in 4's it'd be nice if they could get back in.
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I don't know I've been queuing nightly and since last Thursday I've had 3 solo ranked queues pop as a healer.


Also of note is that if you "Decline" a ranked queue pop you lose 15 points. I gave up the other night waiting in queue and joined a guildie for Starfighter and as soon as we queued my Solo Ranked match popped (forgot to unqueue) and I hit Decline and I got a message stating I was penalized 15 rating for abandoning a queue. :(

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I don't know I've been queuing nightly and since last Thursday I've had 3 solo ranked queues pop as a healer.


Also of note is that if you "Decline" a ranked queue pop you lose 15 points. I gave up the other night waiting in queue and joined a guildie for Starfighter and as soon as we queued my Solo Ranked match popped (forgot to unqueue) and I hit Decline and I got a message stating I was penalized 15 rating for abandoning a queue. :(

I can verify that you get that for leaving one you've already taken. I think that's a flat detraction, and what you lose from the matches depends on your rating, the other team's average rating, etc.

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