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End of season 1


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After about 40 games and a day of good PvP I reached 1500 solo rating on my merc. I just wanted to thank everyone for a great day of PvP. Hopefully in season 2 we'll see more regular queues!


The next frontier is getting a <No Name Guild> ranked team; see you guys in the arena.

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It's a wonderful feeling, queing up solo ranked and seeing 3 other ppl who you actually recognize from WZ matches on your team. On the other hand, queing up to see your healer rocking 1100 expertise along with her tank friend who has roughly the same amount has been know to make Going start slurring. Got our butts handed to us sonething bad. Yet it was all worth it to see the tank, along with the healer he was guarding, blasted away in 2 GCs. Never seen 80k health drop so fast. I'm not sure, but its possible they were not geared enough for that content level and certainly unfamiliar with the fight mechanics. Plox know fights and be geared.



Side note: The worst is looking over to the other team and recognizing all of them. Then finding out no one on you team has any pvp gear. Similar to Bull riding, goal isn't to ride off into the sunset. Just wanna see how many seconds you can last before face tanking the dirt.

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It's a wonderful feeling, queing up solo ranked and seeing 3 other ppl who you actually recognize from WZ matches on your team. On the other hand, queing up to see your healer rocking 1100 expertise along with her tank friend who has roughly the same amount has been know to make Going start slurring. Got our butts handed to us sonething bad. Yet it was all worth it to see the tank, along with the healer he was guarding, blasted away in 2 GCs. Never seen 80k health drop so fast. I'm not sure, but its possible they were not geared enough for that content level and certainly unfamiliar with the fight mechanics. Plox know fights and be geared.



Side note: The worst is looking over to the other team and recognizing all of them. Then finding out no one on you team has any pvp gear. Similar to Bull riding, goal isn't to ride off into the sunset. Just wanna see how many seconds you can last before face tanking the dirt.

lol. I'm not good at all on the scrapper unless conditions are absolutely perfect for me, but every so often, I open on someone and he's sub 20% in 3-4 GCDs (kd + stun time). globaled a few of them with another stealth working him over.

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lol. I'm not good at all on the scrapper unless conditions are absolutely perfect for me, but every so often, I open on someone and he's sub 20% in 3-4 GCDs (kd + stun time). globaled a few of them with another stealth working him over.


I remember doing this with you.. Poor merc lol 10% after your shoot first knockdown was over :D

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Had my merc, Hitman, in a match with Toi amd 2 never heard ofs. Toi said "oh ****, Hayward on otherside". Hehe...and the pve guy says "who is that?" Needless to say I ended up target number 1. Globaled both rounds and got trash talked by Mr. Pve for doing less damage than him. Happy happy Joy joy.
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It was cool to see yellow queue pops on JC again. Keep it up for your rancors, folks.:w_cool:


Unless you're sitting at 1400 expertise... or you're playing some made-up hybrid. Literally got a team today that was 1 real tank, 2 "dps" hybrid tanks with guard and me on heals. We dished out a clean 100k total damage to the other team over about 2 minutes of combat as I got perforated over and over by the real dps.


Everyone else, please keep queueing.

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It's everyone's business when you're queueing solo with other people who have no control and it affects the matchmaking system adversely. In team ranked, knock yourself out.


nobody's going to bring a hybrid into grp ranked because they know they'd get annihilated. they run hybrids to take advantage of solo queue situations where there aren't enough true tanks or true heals in the queue. and honestly, there are so many heals and tanks in queue most of the time now that the hybrids are more of a detriment. in the wee hours of all dps matches though...they still screw with the system. I wouldn't be too concerned about it. tactics/ap was the only hybrid that didn't sacrifice much in order to guard, and that was already nerfed.

Edited by foxmob
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20 is really a lot???? Its going to be a long road ahead.


the trick is that you need to win at about a 3:1 ratio to increase your rating. batting .500 drops rating, and 2:1 keeps you about even (obviously your rating at the time and the opponents also affects gains/losses). 3:1 is tough if there are a lot of ppl in the queue, but if there's only 8-10 cross faction, you can get the same basic team over and over again. as long as you're the superior team...your rating will rise. conversely, if you're really concerned about your rating, you need to recognize this and stop queueing. c'est la vie.


edit: when I keep getting the same teammate who annoys me (usually by leaping ahead and focusing one random person or a tank who doesn't switch) I'll just hop on the other faction to get away from him.

Edited by foxmob
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This is getting to be painful.


I had a match where my healer was a sorc with 1000 expertise. Then the two dps were a r senal mercs in pure PVE gear.


I almost never call anyone out in PVP, but had to, "Thanks for bringing your favorite PVE toons to RANKED PVP guys".


They laughed in response. I went back to my healer, and got the same DPS, then got a back to back with a person leaving the arena before it started.... my winning streak took a horrible nose dive as a result. (Some people seem to mistakenly believe leaving the Arena before it starts saves you a rating penalty?)


How much of this has to do with luck/bad luck? I'm starting to think this 'event' is almost too successfull in bringing out people whom I believe never normally PVP, let alone ranked.


Still even with its frustrations, it has been great to see so many out.

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I have been both lucky and unlucky on both sides of the queue roulette, but I guess the numbers bear out I have been luckier than most.


I haven't had a ton of undergeared folks but I have been on the wrong side of a 3v4 four times when someone left the game. I have yet to be on the "right" side of one of those. Been trying to educate folks it hurts your rating more to leave the game than it does to straight up lose.


The biggest problem I have is with the unevenness of the games. When I get a string of easy wins I fall asleep and get globalled when an actually decent team shows up to play. #embarrassing

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Yeah, I have to apologize to the folks that queued with me Saturday night. I was super drunk, and thought I could heal the world. I was wrong. :rak_04: I even had one guy cuss me out in whisper, then put me on ignore. :o Guess who got stuck with me again the next match? :D


The good news is, after torpedoing my rating that night, I decided for a fresh start with my sorc that hadn't seen rateds yet. Actually turned out well! I've realized that Tier 1 is not going to be a possibility for me, but I'm hoping to get to tier 2 on my sorc.

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The good news is, after torpedoing my rating that night, I decided for a fresh start with my sorc that hadn't seen rateds yet. Actually turned out well! I've realized that Tier 1 is not going to be a possibility for me, but I'm hoping to get to tier 2 on my sorc.


Good luck man, it is rough going on a sorc. WTB more Vanguards, operatives, and smashers.

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How much of this has to do with luck/bad luck? I'm starting to think this 'event' is almost too successfull in bringing out people whom I believe never normally PVP, let alone ranked.


Still even with its frustrations, it has been great to see so many out.

you are correct. there should be at least a minimum expertise requirement to enter any rated Q. or at least something as temperamental as solo rated. and yes, a lot of pve ppl were in queue pub side the first day on pub side. I just quit the games as I was on scrapper, and his rating is immaterial to me. there's at least one thread on the pvp forum asking for this. you might wanna pop in there and just kindly express support for the idea. it might bring some bw response.

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Good luck man, it is rough going on a sorc. WTB more Vanguards, operatives, and smashers.


Yeah, that's what I thought. Luckily, I ended up in 3 DPS, 1 tank matches, and I was the only one capable of off-healing for either team. Easily cruised to 4-0. I wish I had that luck more often...

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