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A Good Group Beats Brute Force Every Time: A Noob’s First Lesson


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I’m an old gamer but a complete noob at MMO.


The rush so many people are in is striking to me.


This ain’t chess and I get that. Still, I was thunderstruck last night when a healer friend of mine was literally on her way to join our group. The leader couldn’t wait two minutes to get a balanced, strong combo. He invited another shadow who just happened to be standing there as our fourth.

I wasn’t mad but wasn't going to leave my friend hanging, either. I apologized to the other group members, dropped out and formed a new group with the healer: No hard feelings if there’s a way to avoid them, I say.


I fully understand the powerful desire to level up quickly and get the good loot. However, that was just one example of haste making waste. With a good healer, that group could have beaten the biggest bosses more quickly and with less effort. Two minutes of waiting would have saved a lot of hacking and slashing tough enemies.


Other times, I’ve seen people give up and go to other missions when the end goal is not only in sight but easy to achieve if they’d just look things over. True story: I once finished "Trouble Indeed" solo. After three rooms of brutal fighting, the rest of the group looked in the last big room and just gave up. I stayed. I woke up at the med center three times and didn't come close to beating the boss, but I woke up the last time with the deed in my hand.


Then there are times when the battle’s won — and group members rush off with security chests sitting there in plan view and not that heavily guarded.


So here's my point: Want to level up fast and collect good stuff? Don't leave good experience on the ground. Take a look around. See what you've missed. If what you tried didn't work, don't do it again.


My character's name's Chebe, a lvl 20 Jedi Shadow currently on Taris. I'll check the server tonight, but I think it's called Krayliss Dragon. I know it's a PvE. I like to use stealh to wade in to a group of enemies and hit force wave. That's the signal for the rest of the group to attack, while the weaker enemies are scattered and falling.


I don't care about loot. I'll clean up the stuff others don't want and sell it for a little cash, but a good group beats loot.

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