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Can we stop with the L2P excuse and focus on the real Nerf problems


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LOL a bad that guy actually mains a PT DPS and not only that, but knows how to play one unlike you...


If I knew that your only way of making an argument was to us ad hominem attacks then I wouldn't have even bothered to response to you.:rolleyes:


In conclusion just l2p. But I suggest you do so before the upcoming PT DPS nerfs bc my post specifically states why they are OP, but not considered OP yet. FOTM rerollers will reroll PT DPS and then the tears will start flowing on the pvp forums. :)

Your tears are already here smh.

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The only people who got hit for 10k's are PvE geared ppl and sorcs. Stop pulling numbers from your ***. Secondary targets won't eat anything higher than 4k, if IT DOES CRIT, and the auto-crit isn't there anymore.


My op gets hit for 10k all the time. Full expertise, left side full obroan, right side mix of obroan and conqueror.

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Nerf PYROS?? What am I reading?


We had 30m range Assault plastique. Now 10m

We had 30m range "that fireball that adds fire debuff". Now 10m

We had 30m range cryo grenade. Now 10m.

Assault plastique dealt AOE damage. Now it doesn't.

Our DOTs were nerfed at 2.0 (or 2.1)




When did assault plastique deal aoe damage? genuinely wondering.

i was a pyro (or whatever the equivalent is called) commando at patch 1.0 and it never did aoe damage at the time.

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My op gets hit for 10k all the time. Full expertise, left side full obroan, right side mix of obroan and conqueror.


Oh yes, my bad I totally forgot you guys, Med armor w/o 30% dmg reduction get a big whooping too. Thing is, I don't see much OPs around the battlefield, at least not on my 55 Carnage Mara, but still I think concealment should get an AoE dmg reduction...assassins do, why shouldn't OPs. Instead of trying to buff their dmg with totally random methods, Bioware should make them more durable...this way they'll actually HAVE time to do dmg.

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Or you could un shoe-horn people from specs that have a 30% aoe dr, and just tack it into arenas/warzones like the heal debuff.


And that would kill the whole point of having AoE specs... o.o

Edited by Tevzz
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And that would kill the whole point of having AoE specs... o.o


Not really, keeping aoe as strong as they have been then liberally passing around a 30% aoe dr talent just shoehorns classes into 1 of 2 things, either they deal out that aoe, or they pick the spec that has a DR talent. Making it a passive wz/arena effect like the heal debuff at least cuts down on talent tree bloat, and gives the devs a baseline to make an attempt at actually balancing aoe out with. 7k splash damage rather than 10 is plenty fine.

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I'm tired of people's excuse for everything is L2P


I'm quoting myself :


Or it is just the wrong bracket ?


Pre-2.0 in WZs you could meet an level 50 character with your level 10 character - no wonder why the game makes you believe at that point [pre 2.0, that is] that you are a "bad".


Nowadays, things aren't that grim anymore. Most PvP players say "L2P" even to level 10 players because of Bolster.


And yes, I do believe that players would still tell an level 10 player "L2P", no matter how many skills he or she is missing with level 10 ...


It's just because "L2P" has become an excuse for not admitting that vsomeone might have real problems in an lower bracket in itself.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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It's gonna be amusing after 2.7 when players load into a wz and see rage jugs. They'll simply lol and leave. In general, guards/jugs will be fairly lol.


Yeah I tried Rage jug once...dmg was good...died fast as hell! But yeah...2.7 kinda killed jugs in some way, plain and simple->No More glass cannon-burst spec and vengeance can't pop stealthers out anymore wohoooo we're in a bad position for DPSing in PvP-.-''


Not really, keeping aoe as strong as they have been then liberally passing around a 30% aoe dr talent just shoehorns classes into 1 of 2 things, either they deal out that aoe, or they pick the spec that has a DR talent. Making it a passive wz/arena effect like the heal debuff at least cuts down on talent tree bloat, and gives the devs a baseline to make an attempt at actually balancing aoe out with. 7k splash damage rather than 10 is plenty fine.


I disagree fervently for ranged classes to take 30% baseline less dmg from AoE. If smash or Flamethrower gets to them it's their fault in my opinion and other people's AoE dmg should be reduced bcuz of that. In addition, trees with 30% AoE reduction are actually far from bloated...

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I'm quoting myself :




And yes, I do believe that players would still tell an level 10 player "L2P", no matter how many skills he or she is missing with level 10 ...


It's just because "L2P" has become an excuse for not admitting that vsomeone might have real problems in an lower bracket in itself.


To be fair, even without all of the skills or talent points, a GOOD player will still dominate level 29's at level 10-13, just like a GOOD level 30 player will still kick a level 54's ***.


If they're both equally skilled, then yeah, the higher level will most likely win. But the only times I ever had problems fighting higher levels on my alts were when the people playing those higher levels were well-known PVPers on the server rolling alts as well.

Edited by QuiveringPotato
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Yeah I tried Rage jug once...dmg was good...died fast as hell! But yeah...2.7 kinda killed jugs in some way, plain and simple->No More glass cannon-burst spec and vengeance can't pop stealthers out anymore wohoooo we're in a bad position for DPSing in PvP-.-''




I disagree fervently for ranged classes to take 30% baseline less dmg from AoE. If smash or Flamethrower gets to them it's their fault in my opinion and other people's AoE dmg should be reduced bcuz of that. In addition, trees with 30% AoE reduction are actually far from bloated...


Yea, I truly find it amazing how the devs have ignored virtually every basic rule of mmo pvp.

- Giving ranged classes more tools to kite than melee has to stay on target....

- Giving ranged burst and melee sustained with above balance reversals....

- Giving ranged better dcds than melee with above balance reversals....


That's not to say there isn't going to be a good melee spec post 2.7, but they'll certainly be the minority.

Edited by Telaan
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Yea, I truly find it amazing how the devs have ignored virtually every basic rule of mmo pvp.

- Giving ranged classes more tools to kite than melee has to stay on target....

- Giving ranged burst and melee sustained with above balance reversals....

- Giving ranged better dcds than melee with above balance reversals....


That's not to say there isn't going to be a good melee spec post 2.7, but they'll certainly be the minority.


IKR...anyways I'll stick my Sentinel to focus build and let him get the nerf bat...I mean it can't be worse than Vengeance without the new ravage reset in terms of dmg add to that the increased mobility...seeing how Smash on 1 target Outdamages both Shatter and Impale's initial hits...and you can lower the CD to 9seconds...without counting Force Crush/Exhaustion...which when you look at it's duration and DMG/rage cost...you realize it's PRETTY dam good.

Edited by Tevzz
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Well aside from the fact that 1 v 1 means nothing, smash is not different 1 v 1 than it was before. Only big difference is that people around him won't eat a 10k autocrit smash but will instead get hit for 5k.


Think more like 2K, most of Smash's buffs to smash will only apply to target, it looks like the only thing that will apply to all targets is the 20% passive boost at the bottom of the tree.

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They aren't giving that boost either.



Wooow, so that means Rage/Focus's smash is going to hit secondary targets with less damage than Vengeance/Vigilance's current smashes? LOL


That should speak VOLUMES about how gutted our poor AOE spec is gonna be after the patch :(

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Wooow, so that means Rage/Focus's smash is going to hit secondary targets with less damage than Vengeance/Vigilance's current smashes? LOL


That should speak VOLUMES about how gutted our poor AOE spec is gonna be after the patch :(


Said this before, make smash give a debuff that reduces the damage of the next smash the target gets for the next 5 seconds. Simple. Also fix how guard works with smash, it makes tanks life hell, maybe give guard an aoe reduction for the tank only? Maybe?


No bad should ever cluster like brainless ****s around one dude to get smashed. It should never happen, ever. Jugg Smash is fine, its a glass cannon but has supreme aoe. Mara Smash needs a nerf to survivability so it becomes a glass cannon. Smash should be a regs spec and supplemental DPS burst spec and Veng should be a root and shutdown healer spec. The only time smash in regs is truly unbalanced is when 2 or more smashers smash a few dudes in succession. That's it.

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