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Can we stop with the L2P excuse and focus on the real Nerf problems


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Crit is 50% added, so people around will still get hit for 6500+. Still the best AoE in the game. Plus as you point out, 1v1 isn't effected.


Oh the drama,.........the drama.


There's no auto-crit or Shockwave stacks dmg buff OR the 20% dmg boost from Decimate on secondary target...if u wanna see the dmg it will do, spec non-smash and use it...it never goes above 3k non-crit. Smash crits add 90-91%...coz you get 15% from Dark Resonance and the 75-75% surge from your regular stats, add to that the 100% dmg bonus from shockwave stacks and that's why it's high. And yes 1v1's are somewhat affected, since you now need a target->You can't pop stealthers out with smash anymore.


Well aside from the fact that 1 v 1 means nothing, smash is not different 1 v 1 than it was before. Only big difference is that people around him won't eat a 10k autocrit smash but will instead get hit for 5k.


The only people who got hit for 10k's are PvE geared ppl and sorcs. Stop pulling numbers from your ***. Secondary targets won't eat anything higher than 4k, if IT DOES CRIT, and the auto-crit isn't there anymore.

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Smash will no longer be a AoE spec to be honest. Even the nerf to healing OPs means more sorc heal bubbles and smash won't even pop the bubble on nearby enemies. After 2.7 its a single target spec...case closed. Pyro PTs are seen as op not because of dps but because they counter pretty much all other classes. When I'm in my Pyro PT I don't fear any other classes remotely. I don't have the best burst but you can't even get near me half the time anyway. A madness/hybrid sorc is maybe annoying if im not paying attention. All the current nerfs will make this a range dominated game.


With our up coming set up it will take too long for stealthers to kill snipers they will barely be a counter depending on the spec.

Edited by Chimerako
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The ONLY, and ONLY problem with Smash is the stacking of smash in regs and lol crushing.


Right now, they are changing a 100 percent AOE spec into a single target spec without buffing the single target, when what they SHOULD do is nerf the ability to combine smashers and beat the crap out of one dude.


If this incarnation comes into play, using a rage smash you will net:


Primary Target: 9k damage


All Secondary targets=about 2k each


That is virtually no aoe, its so insignificant its not even funny, and this doesn't even count AOE mit!


Smash would hit for 6.6k on someone with aoe redux, and smash is THE most important ability in the rage tree. There is no way you can nerf it without gutting the spec. Its NOT l2p, its basic logic.


What they should do is nerf the PVP potential of overstacking smash. Have Shockwave grant a debuff that only is active on player targets:


After Smash, damage taken from Smash/Force Sweep on player targets is reduced by 50 percent for the next 5 seconds.


This completely removes the problem of multiple smashers AND incorporates the skill of needing to time smashes well, WHILE keeping the single smasher aoe capability that is needed for the spec to be viable. Its a simple, logical change that also removes the need for a player NOT playing smash to use smash without targeting someone to root out stealthers.

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What they should do is nerf the PVP potential of overstacking smash. Have Shockwave grant a debuff that only is active on player targets:


This is honestly all they needed to do. Only one player would take the brunt of the damage from shackwave buff. Removing the bonus from decimate and the auto crit from dominate on secondary targets is ridiculous. And to achieve that nerf that had to force you to require a target, which is a direct nerf to the tank spec.

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The ONLY, and ONLY problem with Smash is the stacking of smash in regs and lol crushing.


Right now, they are changing a 100 percent AOE spec into a single target spec without buffing the single target, when what they SHOULD do is nerf the ability to combine smashers and beat the crap out of one dude.


If this incarnation comes into play, using a rage smash you will net:


Primary Target: 9k damage


All Secondary targets=about 2k each


That is virtually no aoe, its so insignificant its not even funny, and this doesn't even count AOE mit!


Smash would hit for 6.6k on someone with aoe redux, and smash is THE most important ability in the rage tree. There is no way you can nerf it without gutting the spec. Its NOT l2p, its basic logic.


What they should do is nerf the PVP potential of overstacking smash. Have Shockwave grant a debuff that only is active on player targets:


After Smash, damage taken from Smash/Force Sweep on player targets is reduced by 50 percent for the next 5 seconds.


This completely removes the problem of multiple smashers AND incorporates the skill of needing to time smashes well, WHILE keeping the single smasher aoe capability that is needed for the spec to be viable. Its a simple, logical change that also removes the need for a player NOT playing smash to use smash without targeting someone to root out stealthers.


They don't know what they are doing...I mean seriously at this point we know they are just pulling ideas out of their collective butts. By collective I mean the one guy doing PvP rebalancing. Until they change it again this spec will be pointless in pvp with all the debuffs floating around. The QQ around 10k smashes were only sorcs with the bubble on cd and players in the wrong gear. I have a 55 fully gear in every class so when the screw something up I just switch to something that doesn't suck or make it work. I'm going to enjoy STILL destroying ppl with smash spec so they QQ even after the nerf.


Also why reduce the damage output so much? I can put up the same numbers in over all dps in a 8 man wz with a sorc or pyro bh or any DoT spec. They should have been another way to nerf the burst without gutting the entire spec.

Edited by Chimerako
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Im all for nerfing Focus/rage spec on guardian/sentinel, juggernaugt/marauder... however making it useless is not the answer aswell. 10k smashes only happen on pve geared people and or characters that are running around with war hero crap. THE spec is BUILT around Smash, if its nerfed to the ground, then the tree needs to be completly redone and redesigned. Edited by xxIncubixx
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What's with the complaining about a single target DPS spec (PT Pyro) being better in 1v1 than an AoE DPS spec (Rage Mara/Jugg)?


Stop and think about it for a second... a SINGLE-TARGET DPS SPEC is better at 1v1 than an AOE DPS SPEC... why would an AoE DPS spec be expected to be amazing in 1v1 in the first place? By definition, it's built for groups to achieve it's full potential in the first place...


A big problem in this game is people approach balance incorrectly. They're expecting balance on a 1v1 scale, but that's not how PvP in a MMO should work. PvP in a MMO is a rock, paper, scissors world. Everything should have a counter, not necessarily be balanced for 1v1 play. MMOs are about group play, not 1v1s.


because with the current proposed changes for smash, it becomes a very bad single target spec... and if i might add, badly designed aswell.

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Im all for nerfing Focus/rage spec on guardian/sentinel, juggernaugt/marauder... however making it useless is not the answer aswell. 10k smashes only happen on pve geared people and or characters that are running around with war hero crap. THE spec is BUILT around Smash, if its nerfed to the ground, then the tree needs to be completly redone and redesigned.


Amen...lets learn from the concealment operative. Please don't break another class for two years...it's just getting silly at this point. Or rework the entire tree don't just break it then fit it later. Don't nerf the class balance it.

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Well aside from the fact that 1 v 1 means nothing, smash is not different 1 v 1 than it was before. Only big difference is that people around him won't eat a 10k autocrit smash but will instead get hit for 5k.



Smash only does around 2500 damage without the auto-crit and singularity buffs.

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Smash does around 4500 damage critted.


Your hatred for marauders is obnoxious. You complain about smash spec, when assassin has 30% AOE damage taken reduction.


Says the guy who complained about concealment for weeks before the patch and continued to after the patch. Bit of a double standard going on there.

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Says the guy who complained about concealment for weeks before the patch and continued to after the patch. Bit of a double standard going on there.


You literally went around trash talking EVERYONE who said that concealment spec was ridiculous.


My point about Evolixe is that he plays a spec that is a counter to smash, and he complains about smash. An analogy would be a sniper complaining about smash, or a vengeance juggernaut complaining about lightning sorcs.

Edited by TheCourier-
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*cough* *cough* You whine about snipers a lot for a scoundrel. *cough* *cough*


A lot? I made one comment on it which I said it was BS which you decided to take out of context. I never said it was broken or OP, just BS, which was in relation to BW overreaction to GBTF and nerfing that then turning around and giving snipers something that is basically the same thing. There is a massive difference. I'm not going around screaming nerf snipers like you did for weeks with concealment.

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Nerf PYROS?? What am I reading?


We had 30m range Assault plastique. Now 10m

We had 30m range "that fireball that adds fire debuff". Now 10m

We had 30m range cryo grenade. Now 10m.

Assault plastique dealt AOE damage. Now it doesn't.

Our DOTs were nerfed at 2.0 (or 2.1)



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Nerf PYROS?? What am I reading?


We had 30m range Assault plastique. Now 10m

We had 30m range "that fireball that adds fire debuff". Now 10m

We had 30m range cryo grenade. Now 10m.

Assault plastique dealt AOE damage. Now it doesn't.

Our DOTs were nerfed at 2.0 (or 2.1)




Would you be happy if they replaced it with an assault cannon? :p

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