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They took everything


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There is not a single ability in this game where it is fun to be on the receiving side... if you get perma slowed, it can be just as annoying (me making wanna respec focus), then stunlocked forever.


Look, you can argue whether or not the class can be played effectively without the stun (I am certain a few players will figure out how to do it), but don't tell me any snare is just as annoying as a stunlock. Stun has only one option to counter, snares have multiple on most classes, and snare does not prevent you from using abilities. The only snare that is anywhere near as annoying as a stun is E-net.

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They are taking away Dirty Kick? Tendon Blast?


Come on guys, losing one stun the length of a GCD doesn't cripple the class. This is mostly a fun factor loss, not a loss of functionality.


It is a loss of functionality!


It will not stun for 1.5 secs it just immobilise the target allowing them full funtion without movement. Therefore the scrapper will now have to go toe 2 toe (melle class) with whoever they decided to start combat on and we will not have the defense to survive that....if this goes live

Edited by Shaggggy
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Dramatization went out the window when BW decided that they are going to remove a keystone ability from scrappers. Like it or not, they are most likely going to do the same thing to assassins as everyone switches back to deceptions or the few scrappers that don't unsub finally give in and level an assassin.


The nerfs coming in 2.7 are way too heavy handed and if this is the future of balancing patches....God help you if you survived the nerf this patch because this **** is overkill.


I hope this isn't true. What does give me a sliver of hope for assassins though, is that our knockdown has always been different than operatives'. Operatives' KD is skill points specific to one certain skill tree. Perhaps this is how BW can get away with taking it away. (That said, condolences to operatives, because 2.7 will pretty much kill them off) Spike is an actual trainable ability that all assassins get when they reach a certain level, regardless of what their spec is. Hopefully it will be too big a change for devs to make as it is an actual trainable ability, so they will leave it alone.

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Look, you can argue whether or not the class can be played effectively without the stun (I am certain a few players will figure out how to do it), but don't tell me any snare is just as annoying as a stunlock. Stun has only one option to counter, snares have multiple on most classes, and snare does not prevent you from using abilities. The only snare that is anywhere near as annoying as a stun is E-net.


while my formulation surely was a bit overstating, i just like to add, that yes, there is not so much you can do against hard stuns unless you are a stage or a vanguard, but also slows and roots don't effect resolve and can there be spammed without second thought. the point i was trying to make any form of cc is annoying (in all fairness to different degrees) if you are on the receiving side.

The whole issue about the removal of the knockdown, and that was my main point, is that so far the class was designed to use it's cc as both it's offense and its defense, now one key element is being removed. It changes the whole idea on how the class is meant to be played, without offering an alternative playstyle.

will scrappers/concealment operatives find away around this?

I seriously don't know. It is not that there were that many around really playing the spec anyway (some just tried it for fun and giggles as 2.6 came out), but you can really do some non regstar pvp with it anyway. It was never ranked viable and probably never will be. Against decent players you always (except for the very beginning when the class was really a bit out of line) a rough time. So naturally the population of playing the spec, was rather small, especially those actually maining it. Add to it, that pre 2.6 it was also quite hard to play it with any quality.

With the oncoming change, I doubt many people with stick with the spec for pvp.

I personally have enough, as i said, if we finally got our defenses buffed, i wouldnt even care about this change, but as it is i will either spend more time on my assassin and shadow or just stop playing this game. This was one nerf too much.

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They are taking away Dirty Kick? Tendon Blast?


Come on guys, losing one stun the length of a GCD doesn't cripple the class. This is mostly a fun factor loss, not a loss of functionality.



It is loss of a functionality and classbreaking.


Opponent A - have a durability to withstand 10 hits

Opponent B - have a durability to withstand 3 hits


Who will wil the duel A vs B if there will be no stuns involved?

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It is loss of a functionality and classbreaking.


Opponent A - have a durability to withstand 10 hits

Opponent B - have a durability to withstand 3 hits


Who will wil the duel A vs B if there will be no stuns involved?


That scenario doesn't exist in the game and certainly won't exist when a Scoundrel/Operative is in play. Scoundrels still have a stun on the lowest cooldown of any class. You all are blowing this nerf way out of proportion to its effect.

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Hard stun is the lowest form of CC on the fun-meter for both, giver and receiver. Hard stun doesn't give options, it takes away options


Ya thats kind of the point...Tools are supposed to remove factors of a game. It's the same concept in 3D fighting games where specific setups remove the ability to block or shake out of stuns giving guaranteed launchers into full juggle damage and a possible wall splat. Also, if you're CC breaking a 1.5s stun....well shame on you.


and that's why so many players hate this mechanic.


Then they probably shouldn't be pvping...let alone playing an MMO.


A root, on the other hand, permits response - other than the 2-minute CC break cooldown, of course.


Roots are fine for classes that have the defensive capabilities deal with being attacked. Scrappers have no such tools. Scrapper is designed around controlling the opponent, thats the entire point. Their knockdown IS part of their defense. Removing that and giving nothing substantial in return not only hurts the class but its also insulting. Go ahead, try and play scrapper right now without taking the two points in KO...see how far you get.


If they remove control then they need to give the spec the ability to survive or at the very least give scrappers something similar to recklessness so their opener can be consistent burst since they lost the ability of consist control.


Addendum. You seem to be bent on martyring every class that you play. Before, it was Sentinels. Now it's Scoundrels. Playing SWToR must truly be a miserable time for you.


I'm not martyring anything. I just bother to learn the basic meta game of how specs work. For someone who claims to play every spec I'd expect the same out of you, but given your lack of knowledge I think its safe to assume you don't actually have every AC.

Edited by Raansu
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It is loss of a functionality and classbreaking.


Opponent A - have a durability to withstand 10 hits

Opponent B - have a durability to withstand 3 hits


Who will wil the duel A vs B if there will be no stuns involved?


Come on now. Who or what class/spec is getting hit 3 straight times at 10k damage per?

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