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It's Done - Levels 1-55 ENTIRELY Through Galactic Starfighter!


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For those who hate reading - this is just a story about leveling a toon entirely through GSF. That's all.


About a week or so after GSF launched, I knew I was hooked - I loved flying my Sage's pike, and I was starting to top the scoreboard after finally feeling like I was actually contributing something to my team.


So, I decided - why not just have some fun and level a toon from 1-55 entirely through GSF?


Since I'm a roleplayer at heart, I chose a Smuggler for this odyssey - and Highjinks was born - a name I was very happy to find was available, since it seemed to fit my idea of this character's personality. To go along with it, I decided I needed an appropriate ship, and so I settled on the Flashfire. I also decided I wouldn't take an advanced class, and indeed, am still a Smuggler (and get tells about it all the time)!


I made myself a set of rules - I could only gain experience through GSF and the GSF daily and weekly, and I was not allowed to use cartel coins to convert ship requisition to fleet requisition, with the exception of the first 5,000 requisition I earned, in order to purchase my Flashfire.


I logged in at level 1 and immediately queued - flying the Star Guard for a while to earn my Flashfire. 1-8 were done standing next to the shuttle on Ord Mantell, and then I rode it over to the fleet, where I remained until level 15. Returning to Ord Mantell, I did the class questline up to the point where Corso joins you as a guest, in order to use him as my co-pilot.


I hopped the shuttle back to the Republic Fleet, and have been there ever since - I've become somewhat of a fixture on the Ebon Hawk's fleet - at any given time you'll find me standing in the exact same spot on the railing in the combat section, near the pvp terminal.


I got hooked on the Flashfire, and suddenly realized I was actually good at GSF - not the best on the server (that'd be Andern, Kvikorma, and Large), but kind of up there, and I kind of lost track of everything else in the game and started doing nothing but GSF. I met some friends and joined a guild full of amazing flyers, so thanks to Saberwing for taking me in and giving this Imperial diehard a home on Republic side.


My Flashfire was mastered at the same time I dinged level 30, but I never stopped flying it, except for short excursions on my Pike or Quarrel to mess around and pick up some requisition on them. I still only have one companion, though my crew skills are all maxed.


My battlerecord shows me at just under 4 days played on Highjinks, and I'm 40 battles away from Fleet Admiral. Got Space Ace a good while ago :) Sometime in the next few days I'll go ahead and do the class quest to pick up my other companions, and I may even get an advanced class, though GSF will still be my main focus.


I know a lot of people won't give a crap about this story, but the point of it is this:


I had fun. A LOT of fun, leveling this way. I've learned that I absolutely adore the Flashfire, and I've made a lot of new friends and enemies, and I've gotten to really be part of The Ebon Hawk's amazing GSF community. A lot of people said I was crazy for wanting to level this way, or that it would be boring, or take forever.


It did take a while, longer than it would have if I were questing, but since actual level doesn't matter in GSF, I found that I didn't really care how long it took - I cared more about my win/loss ratio (71 percent!), lol. And it wasn't boring - far from it, especially once I had a few upgrades.


My conclusion is that leveling this way is viable if you have the patience for it and really love GSF. I may even do it on a second toon.


So thanks Bioware - and The Ebon Hawk GSF community - you've made this leveling experience great.



The most sensational Flashfire pilot in the galaxy!

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Well done! I toyed with the idea of doing something very similar (including no advanced class), but never quite reached it. May do something similar if I roll on another server to test their community. Problem is I get bored too easily. Even as short as TEH queues are, I need something to do. So I'm usually doing space missions while waiting for my GSF queue to pop.


Again, well done!

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For those who hate reading - this is just a story about leveling a toon entirely through GSF. That's all.


So, I decided - why not just have some fun and level a toon from 1-55 entirely through GSF?


Since I'm a roleplayer at heart, I chose a Smuggler for this odyssey - and Highjinks was born [/url]


Oh HIJINKS!! Oh boy. I actually warn Imperial pilots at the start of matches to look out for you. You are a slippery slippery flashfire that pulls hijinks.


*tips hat*

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For those who hate reading - this is just a story about leveling a toon entirely through GSF. That's all.


About a week or so after GSF launched, I knew I was hooked - I loved flying my Sage's pike, and I was starting to top the scoreboard after finally feeling like I was actually contributing something to my team.


So, I decided - why not just have some fun and level a toon from 1-55 entirely through GSF?


Since I'm a roleplayer at heart, I chose a Smuggler for this odyssey - and Highjinks was born - a name I was very happy to find was available, since it seemed to fit my idea of this character's personality. To go along with it, I decided I needed an appropriate ship, and so I settled on the Flashfire. I also decided I wouldn't take an advanced class, and indeed, am still a Smuggler (and get tells about it all the time)!


I made myself a set of rules - I could only gain experience through GSF and the GSF daily and weekly, and I was not allowed to use cartel coins to convert ship requisition to fleet requisition, with the exception of the first 5,000 requisition I earned, in order to purchase my Flashfire.


I logged in at level 1 and immediately queued - flying the Star Guard for a while to earn my Flashfire. 1-8 were done standing next to the shuttle on Ord Mantell, and then I rode it over to the fleet, where I remained until level 15. Returning to Ord Mantell, I did the class questline up to the point where Corso joins you as a guest, in order to use him as my co-pilot.


I hopped the shuttle back to the Republic Fleet, and have been there ever since - I've become somewhat of a fixture on the Ebon Hawk's fleet - at any given time you'll find me standing in the exact same spot on the railing in the combat section, near the pvp terminal.


I got hooked on the Flashfire, and suddenly realized I was actually good at GSF - not the best on the server (that'd be Andern, Kvikorma, and Large), but kind of up there, and I kind of lost track of everything else in the game and started doing nothing but GSF. I met some friends and joined a guild full of amazing flyers, so thanks to Saberwing for taking me in and giving this Imperial diehard a home on Republic side.


My Flashfire was mastered at the same time I dinged level 30, but I never stopped flying it, except for short excursions on my Pike or Quarrel to mess around and pick up some requisition on them. I still only have one companion, though my crew skills are all maxed.


My battlerecord shows me at just under 4 days played on Highjinks, and I'm 40 battles away from Fleet Admiral. Got Space Ace a good while ago :) Sometime in the next few days I'll go ahead and do the class quest to pick up my other companions, and I may even get an advanced class, though GSF will still be my main focus.


I know a lot of people won't give a crap about this story, but the point of it is this:


I had fun. A LOT of fun, leveling this way. I've learned that I absolutely adore the Flashfire, and I've made a lot of new friends and enemies, and I've gotten to really be part of The Ebon Hawk's amazing GSF community. A lot of people said I was crazy for wanting to level this way, or that it would be boring, or take forever.


It did take a while, longer than it would have if I were questing, but since actual level doesn't matter in GSF, I found that I didn't really care how long it took - I cared more about my win/loss ratio (71 percent!), lol. And it wasn't boring - far from it, especially once I had a few upgrades.


My conclusion is that leveling this way is viable if you have the patience for it and really love GSF. I may even do it on a second toon.


So thanks Bioware - and The Ebon Hawk GSF community - you've made this leveling experience great.



The most sensational Flashfire pilot in the galaxy!


I am doing the same thing and am at level 38 so far. kudos for doing it first!!!

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Grats Highjinks! I did a similar thing though not to that extent on my GSF character leveling mostly through space and some ground PvP. I also did class missions to pick up the companions though. Just hit 55 a couple days ago on him.



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How long did it take you to get to 55? How many days/matches? Used any XP buffs? Pug or grouped?


Eight days total /played time, about 3-4 weeks of a few hours a day. Actual GSF /played was just under 4 days though, the rest of the time was sitting around on the fleet chatting or being tabbed out while in queue.


I have 634 matches on Jinks, and I did have all of the GSF legacy xp bonuses and constantly kept a major starfighter XP buff up unless it was very late at night and the queue was slow since I didn't want to waste it while sitting in queue.


I played both solo and grouped, probably about an equal amount of each. My flashfire was mastered literally the match I dinged 30 in.

Edited by silvershadows
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Eight days total /played time, about 3-4 weeks of a few hours a day. Actual GSF /played was just under 4 days though, the rest of the time was sitting around on the fleet chatting or being tabbed out while in queue.


I have 634 matches on Jinks, and I did have all of the GSF legacy xp bonuses and constantly kept a major starfighter XP buff up unless it was very late at night and the queue was slow since I didn't want to waste it while sitting in queue.


I played both solo and grouped, probably about an equal amount of each. My flashfire was mastered literally the match I dinged 30 in.

I see thanks, that's not bad way to level up.

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Nice work m8.

I don't think I want to know how many matches and gsf experience boosts that took.

Once I get my current project up to 55 i'm planning on doing this with a toon I named Edison'Trent, kudos for anyone who gets the reference =)


I do! I so miss it since early access of GSF (don't get me wrong, I like GSF, but the nostalgia).


Sounds like you had a lot of fun, Highjinks. I did the last five levels on my smuggler like this, which certainly didn't took as long as your adventure. Unfortunately, this stupid peace treaty makes it impossible to have a lot of space battles before the invasion of Corellia.


Good job on customization by the way.

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