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Well, concealments/scrappers getting nerf'd again....


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At least they let us enjoy it for a week... Which I did personally ask them for.


So I can't help but feel partly responsible for it.




I do not feel responsible for it at all.


Wowcarebears 2


Concealment/Scrappers 0


Is this best ouf ot 5, or best out of 3?


Is it time to give up or do we keep playing?

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Take a look at the changes for sorcs.


Hello Sorcerers!


Below you will find our current list of changes slated for Game Update 2.7, again this is not a comprehensive list of all changes and all changes are subject to change. Our goal with these changes was to address the classes survivability/viability along with some "quality of life" for Lightning. Here ya go:

•Force Barrier now has an additional effect. While you are protected by Force Barrier, charges will build up and grant Enduring Bastion. Enduring Bastion is a shield that absorbs an amount of damage based off the charges (1-4) that are present when Force Barrier ends. Enduring Bastion also grants immunity to interrupt and lasts for up to 5 seconds after Force Barrier ends.

•Polarity Shift will now make the caster immune to pushback along with interrupts.

•Innervate is now immune to pushback.

•Lightning Barrage now has a 50%/100% chance to grant a Lightning Barrage charge when using Lightning Strike on a target affected by your Affliction. A Lightning Barrage charge causes your next Force Lightning to channel and tick twice as fast.

•Lightning Storm now builds a charge whenever you deal damage with Lightning Strike, Thundering Blast, or Force Storm. At 2 charges, Chain Lightning's cooldown is reset and the next cast of Chain Lightning activates instantly and has no Force cost. This effect can only occur every 10 seconds.

•Wrath now builds up a charge whenever the Sorcerer deals damage with Force Lightning. At 3 charges, the next Lightning Strike or Crushing Darkness is cast instantly and deals 35% more damage.



So they gave sorcs stun/cc immunity.... just wow.


And they increased their damage and DPS on top of it.


Lovely change... very well thought out.


Keep them coming BW.

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I'm not sure I should be satisified with the fact they are nerf'ing smash.... but they did none the less.


Oh and the nerf to smash is minor... the only thing they changed was the AOE autocrit. It will still autocrit the primary target, but not any secondary targets.


Look at what it has cost concealments/scrappers?


Some how I don't find it a fair trade... I honestly never had a problem with smash since launch. But I had a problem with the fact concealments/scrappers are first on the chopping block in every single update since launch.

Edited by Ahebish
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Conc isn't getting nerfed in 2.7, if anything Healers are getting the nerf bat FINALLY. Sure the new roll mechanic is kinda lame, just have to roll (lol see what I did there) with it. and the new thing for the Hidden Strike Immobilise is kinda nice, gives us some more ganking that doesn't fill resolve!
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And now we move on to snipers and gunslingers:


Morning all!


There are some survivability changes coming to Snipers in Game Update 2.7 that I wanted to let you all know about:


  • Shield Probe's cooldown has been reduced to 20 seconds, its maximum duration reduced to 10 seconds, and now absorbs slightly more damage per cast.
  • Hold Position now causes Evasion to give the Sniper a 100% chance to resist Tech and Force attacks for 3 seconds.


These adjustments should not be considered final as they are still subject to change, but we wanted to let you know what we had currently for you guys in 2.7.






Just what that spec needed BETTER defensive cd's.



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Conc isn't getting nerfed in 2.7, if anything Healers are getting the nerf bat FINALLY. Sure the new roll mechanic is kinda lame, just have to roll (lol see what I did there) with it. and the new thing for the Hidden Strike Immobilise is kinda nice, gives us some more ganking that doesn't fill resolve!


Hello Operatives!


Below you will find our currently planned changes for Game Update 2.7. Keep in mind this is not a comprehensive list and they are subject to change. Know that one of our goals with these changes were to "tone down" the inherent power of Operative healers in PvP. Here are the current changes:


  • Shield Probe has had its cooldown reduced to 20 seconds, its maximum duration reduced to 10 seconds, and now absorbs slightly more damage per cast.
  • Exfiltrate has been redesigned. Using Exfiltrate will grant a charge that will allow Exfiltrate to be used again before the ability goes on a 10 second cooldown, allowing for 2 rolls in succession.
    • Exfiltrate no longer costs energy to use.

    [*]Jarring Strikes now grants a buff that makes Backstab not require position behind the target after using Hidden Strike.

    • Jarring Strikes now causes Hidden Strike to immobilize the target instead of knocking them down.

    [*]Surgical Precision can now only grant Tactical Advantage every 6 seconds.



If you don't call this a nerf, you are hopelessly delusional.


I guess you forgot the fact assassins have 3-4 stuns to our 1 now?


Or herhaps you are forgetting the fact sorcs now become the ONLY class in the game with stun/cc immunity on a CD. Outside of the CC breaker CD. Oh ya they also get an abosrb shield as well on the same stun/cc immunity CD. Oh ya and they get a damage increase on top of it.


Maybe you missed the part where gunslingers/snipers get better defensive CD's which they did NOT need.


Apparently you didn't read about those changes.... yet.


To be blunt however, I have no bleeding heart for operative healers. I'm sorry but you needed the nerf, and pretty much almost anyone agrees with that... maybe the nerf is to harsh, but a nerf was needed none the less.

Edited by Ahebish
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pft.. I guess shadows/assasins are more accepted as stealth killers then ops/scoundrels..

To be honest all the concealment op has going for it is the short and few cc's we have to kill a target.

Honestly the sins/shadows could use a nerf bat vs their knockdown stuns if op/scoundrel is getting some.

Personally I've always thought the PvP team for this game couldn't put a baby puzzle together without fckin it up..

they sure as hell don't play the classes they try to "balance" even though they claim to, probably raped one or 2 of them to many times hence the nerf XD

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This is a buff to concealment, think about it before all you all knee-jerk with whines please. I'm very happy, no white bar from hiddenstrike+debilitate, no energy loss on roll, no having to be behind the target to get that first backstab. And a nice buff on the shield probe, it's all gravy babes relax :D
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This is a buff to concealment, think about it before all you all knee-jerk with whines please. I'm very happy, no white bar from hiddenstrike+debilitate, no energy loss on roll, no having to be behind the target to get that first backstab. And a nice buff on the shield probe, it's all gravy babes relax :D


All of this is meaningless after you execute Hidden Strike. It doesn't matter if the resolve doesn't go up now. After you open up, the enemy will just knock you back or stun and kill you afterwards and with nerfed roll, you cannot even escape. It is you who shoul think first not suggest others to do that :rolleyes:

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Since they did nothing to seriously increase our survivabilty (shield probe buff is a bad joke), the remove of the knockdown, is potentially the servest of all nerfs concealment has ever got. Any ranged class played by someone with half a brain, will instantly know you back root you, and kill you before you get back into melee. Sniper now have a godmode CD added, to their not so bad arsenal of DCD already. With these changes we are no longer a counter to snipers, because they have multiple ways of completely shutting us down or mitigating all the damage we can do.


as for melee. Assassins always were a tough match (since 2.0), even when you opened, with 2.7 they will just laugh at you for even trying.


marauders camo leap, and you gonna receive a lot of damage and probably.


juggs, push leap, ravage....


vanguards where always hard, will be even harder, you get instantly stun after opening and are already on the receivinge end.


From what i just see coming, it is not worth opening on anyone anymore. As as people get used to there not being a knockdown anymore, you open and are already on the receiving side. With our inherent squishiness this really does make things a lot harder even in 1v1s.

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If you don't call this a nerf, you are hopelessly delusional.


I guess you forgot the fact assassins have 3-4 stuns to our 1 now?


Or herhaps you are forgetting the fact sorcs now become the ONLY class in the game with stun/cc immunity on a CD. Outside of the CC breaker CD. Oh ya they also get an abosrb shield as well on the same stun/cc immunity CD. Oh ya and they get a damage increase on top of it.


Maybe you missed the part where gunslingers/snipers get better defensive CD's which they did NOT need.


Apparently you didn't read about those changes.... yet.


To be blunt however, I have no bleeding heart for operative healers. I'm sorry but you needed the nerf, and pretty much almost anyone agrees with that... maybe the nerf is to harsh, but a nerf was needed none the less.


I read all of the change notes at about 11pm at night, and posted on most of them. the only real nerf in this bag is the HUGE Smash nerf. which IMO is actually a bit too far... I dont play Smashmonkey often but, still that's got to be a bigger nerf than Orbital Strike...


Snipers and Gunslingers actually DO need the change that they got. their DCD's were pretty weak except for Ballistic Shield, and for Marksman, Entrench.


also, i think your forgetting that, the Hidden Strike stun, would fill resolve in PvP, making it so that if you did another CC you would fill their resolve bar, and make them immune to CC. This is actually a big Buff, because of that reason.

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If you don't call this a nerf, you are hopelessly delusional.


I guess you forgot the fact assassins have 3-4 stuns to our 1 now?


Or herhaps you are forgetting the fact sorcs now become the ONLY class in the game with stun/cc immunity on a CD. Outside of the CC breaker CD. Oh ya they also get an abosrb shield as well on the same stun/cc immunity CD. Oh ya and they get a damage increase on top of it.


Maybe you missed the part where gunslingers/snipers get better defensive CD's which they did NOT need.


Apparently you didn't read about those changes.... yet.


To be blunt however, I have no bleeding heart for operative healers. I'm sorry but you needed the nerf, and pretty much almost anyone agrees with that... maybe the nerf is to harsh, but a nerf was needed none the less.

To be fair its not cc immunity or stun immunity , its knockback immunity and intterupt immunity. But yeah , if these changes go though without any changes made , Scoundrels and Operatives are officially in a very hard spot(a measly buff to shield probe wont save the class).

Edited by Thubb
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I really like the idea behind this class, you know being an operative for imp intelligence is pretty cool, but there is no denying now that Assassin is just plain better. I've tried to stick with the operative class since the start but it seems the community as a whole can't deal with us being at all relevant. The QQ'ing was insane over a 1.5 second stun that you needed to fully spec into. So we're pretty much screwed because as soon as we get any sort of buff that allows us to kill a single target (maybe) before getting blown up, the community cries out and BAM nerfed again...
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To be fair its not cc immunity or stun immunity , its knockback immunity and intterupt immunity. But yeah , if these changes go though without any changes made , Scoundrels and Operatives are officially in a very hard spot(a measly buff to shield probe wont save the class).


that's it. The case as it is easy to counter by people that know how it works. Some classes had a harder time some an easier.


Now Operatives will be a free kill more than ever. You can't even do the OS opener now, because it is plainly pathetic.

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The change to Hidden Strike is a NERF. It is in no way a buff. Concealment has only 2 hard stuns and we just lost one of them. This spec is about taking on enemies on your terms and controlling them while bursting them down before you get blown up by their measly gaze. We really are just gimped Deception Assassins with a few minor differences.


Now we have less control and we can't interrupt their current action. You know what's going to happen now every time you open up on a semi-competent player? You're going to get stunned or knocked back immediately. We are a melee spec, the point of the KB was to stay on our target and burst them down as fast as possible, to catch them off balance. Now they can react the instant we attack, we just lost a HUGE advantage. The knock down had several effects, it let us interrupt the player no matter what and had the chance to throw them into a panic depending on their proficiency. It also let us get an extra attack or two in before they could react. Now all of that is lost.


No immediate white bar? You think this is a buff? You must not know how to play this spec effectively if that is your reasoning. That is only a valid argument when referring to Concealment vs a bad player or a player with their stun breaker off cooldown. When you face a good player you should not be filling their resolve as soon as you can. If you do not know whether or not your enemy has their stun breaker available you should assume it is and treat them as such, you don't always need to gamble and use all your stuns right away. If you know for a fact they used it recently then by all means stun lock them and tear them a new one. Hidden Strike's knock down effect barely adds resolve anyway, and you should be taking advantage of that fact and spacing out your hard stuns with Sever Tendon's root in between to make the most out of your enemy's resolve. If you don't know how to take advantage of this system then you shouldn't be playing Concealment or Deception for that matter.


And don't even get me started on the ridiculous 360 degree backstab buff. That's *********** stupid. they are literally catering to the bad players now. If you can't get behind an enemy for one attack than there are bigger issues than the class' mechanics you should worry about.

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The removal of the knock down is stupid and reactionary, those are also two words I'd use to describe 90% of the decisions made by the devs in this game. For the people calling it a buff because it no longer fills resolve when you debilitate afterwards - stop, just stop. Stop posting, stop typing, stop playing, stop breathing, you're oxygen thieves.


I'm assuming Jarring Strike will now be 2 points to get a 1.5 second root? What an absolute waste of talent points, 2 talent points for a 1.5 second root that can only be applied from a stealth opener, dumb.


The changes to roll seem unnecessary, in some circumstances the new version will be better but it offers less flexibility so I would consider it a nerf of sorts. All in all bioware have managed to send this class to the back lines after about 2 weeks of having it in a semi reasonable state, quite impressive when you think about it.

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I'm assuming Jarring Strike will now be 2 points to get a 1.5 second root? What an absolute waste of talent points, 2 talent points for a 1.5 second root that can only be applied from a stealth opener, dumb.


I'm hoping that this is the case so that it frees up 2 points to put some where else. Also I hope that the "any direction back stab" is this way too to free up some more points since the game has no "rag doll" effect in it and you can pretty much back stab people in the face as you run through them. For the sins/shadows reading this...this also works with maul/(pub side name here), no need to be standing behind when you want to use it just go thru them to do so.


For those that dont know, "rag doll" effect is basically this: two players/npc's cannot encompass the same space (games with rag doll). So there would be no way to run through another player and perform a move that can only be performed from behind. So hidden strike/maul someone in the forehead today while you are "inside" them.

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I really like the idea behind this class, you know being an operative for imp intelligence is pretty cool, but there is no denying now that Assassin is just plain better. I've tried to stick with the operative class since the start but it seems the community as a whole can't deal with us being at all relevant. The QQ'ing was insane over a 1.5 second stun that you needed to fully spec into. So we're pretty much screwed because as soon as we get any sort of buff that allows us to kill a single target (maybe) before getting blown up, the community cries out and BAM nerfed again...


This is the truith

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Knock down with hidden strike is the best thing about this class. They better not change that.


They did change it. They took it away. Its gone. The class is even more destroyed if that is possible. These have to be the dumbest people Ive ever encountered how do they even know how to code?

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Ok it really depends, I can understand why they took away the knockdown specifically, its humiliating to be on the receiving end of it. Hence the QQ. Its more about the animation than the stun. Also, whether this counts as a buff or nerf depends on whether the target can turn while rooted (I don't think so?). If they can't turn, then getting insta punted will only happen with snipers and commandos. The vanguard stun is only 1.5s so you start on even terms, they turn around to do damage right as you unstun. Also, lets be honest here, our damage isn't going anywhere, and at the moment we can SHRED other dps. Our straight up damage output is comparable with carnage maras (7-9k hs, 3-5k acid blade, 7k laceration crits? god damn, wish I had that in lethality).


It also depends on how much they increase the absorb rating on the shield probe. Currently with the tallents in lethality and 2 pieces of medic gear it will absorb about 3-4k, getting that boosted to 5-5.5 along with a reduced cd (5-10s in lethality) could make it very relevant.


Also, assassins do need a nerf. They'll get it (eventually) for now we just have to avoid them. You think its bad for you concealment types? Have you tried fighting an assassin as lethality? The smashtard nerf is GLORIOUS! If you want to feel better about losing the knockdown go to the mara forum and enjoy the rainstorm of tears. All those brainless morons who couldn't do more than smash without bothering to target are gonna be as useless as they deserve to be.

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Ok it really depends, I can understand why they took away the knockdown specifically, its humiliating to be on the receiving end of it. Hence the QQ. Its more about the animation than the stun. Also, whether this counts as a buff or nerf depends on whether the target can turn while rooted (I don't think so?). If they can't turn, then getting insta punted will only happen with snipers and commandos. The vanguard stun is only 1.5s so you start on even terms, they turn around to do damage right as you unstun. Also, lets be honest here, our damage isn't going anywhere, and at the moment we can SHRED other dps. Our straight up damage output is comparable with carnage maras (7-9k hs, 3-5k acid blade, 7k laceration crits? gosh darn, wish I had that in lethality).


Not getting that opener is very big. Fights where I do get the opener are always much easier because I can easily setup an explosive probe and get enough TAs to start adding to my opener. I find that fights where you can't get the opener are much tougher and getting a momentum going is more difficult. For example I faced a sorc who (somehow) saw me in stealth (even though I used sneak but w/e), got the first attack and the battle was very, very tough. Later in the same match, I got the opener on him (was static barriered so it didn't take anything) and easily finished him off.


The KD gives you a momentum and interrupts their momentum.


It also depends on how much they increase the absorb rating on the shield probe. Currently with the tallents in lethality and 2 pieces of medic gear it will absorb about 3-4k, getting that boosted to 5-5.5 along with a reduced cd (5-10s in lethality) could make it very relevant.


they already mentioned that they will rework the lethality tree to not allow the CD to be that low. It will probably only absorb another 1k tops. Still useless.


Also, assassins do need a nerf. They'll get it (eventually) for now we just have to avoid them. You think its bad for you concealment types? Have you tried fighting an assassin as lethality? The smashtard nerf is GLORIOUS! If you want to feel better about losing the knockdown go to the mara forum and enjoy the rainstorm of tears. All those brainless morons who couldn't do more than smash without bothering to target are gonna be as useless as they deserve to be.


Assassins don't need a nerf, but the stalker bonus ability definitely needs to go, it gives us too much burst. In return we need some better sustained damage. We are not in as bad a place as concealment will be, but still far from OP. I can handle assassins on my sorc, though it is harder than ops.

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