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What do mercs and commandos want and possible suggestions


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So I'm just curious on what you guys want. I agree that mercs/commandos need much better sustained healing but I haven't really heard from anyone how they want it. I've heard some people complain that they feel too "operitive-y" because of the little boosts on KB/KM and KS/TP and say that they don't want to be a HoT driven healer. Let me preface this with I have NEVER played a commando or merc healer so if I'm wrong on any of this I'm sorry this isn't me trying to be ignorant or anything this is from my knowledge your complaints and what I know about your class please correct me if I'm wrong because I love knowing all I can about a class and ill try to adjust my thoughts and ideas accordingly.


A common complaint is that in PVP you get shut down very easily with interrupts and the only way to get around that is your shield for 12 seconds which I will admit is kinda ****** for a 2 min cd, but sorcs/sages have the same mech with their polarity shift. So my question just comes down to what do you want a channel heal like innervation or healing trance some sort of HoT like kolto probe or slow release medicine a lower heat cost on your main heals or more instant abilities like surgical probe or emergency med pack? I play an operative healer so I feel like HoTs are the way to go. I know in PVP if I have someone probed and I'm focusing my heals on them they can survive 4 ppl on them if they're geared and playing right, and in PVE since I have tanks almost perpetually probed they're not going to die anytime soon because I'm getting big ticks in between my heals.


Personally I think it would be good for you guys to get a moderate heal with low heat cost like that because you can out burst anyone and it will make it so that you don't always need to RS/MP or HS/AMP and with the change to KS and TP if you have that on with the hot you can use your hammer shot heal in more situations making your resource management a lot easier during low-moderate damage phases in PVE and while you're getting focused in PVP you can have a moderate HoT with KS/TP and your hammer shot heal as well add hold the line or hydraulic override it could solve some of your problems.


Or you could go with the more complicated route and get something like my surgical probe which makes the operatives 'immortal', a low-moderate insta cast heal that cost no eng but a resource. my suggestion if you want this which I believe would be fair but since I have never played your class I don't know is have it cost 10 stacks of super charge cell to make it fair with an operative's surgical probe which I can use a max of 3 times before I need to build more TA. I think this would be fair bc you build supercharge before a fight starts in PVP or PVE and I can get my TA before a fight as well, if I'm correct supercharge gives a 3% heal boost and so does my TA and you build charge passively by casting any heal ability and I get TA off of my main heal and 30% off my kolto probe and this shouldn't be too detrimental to your healing because you aren't perpetually using the 30stack buff. This could be used in lighter parts of fights or focus when your eng is getting low. But this would make you feel very 'operative-y' which I've seen a few complaints about so this might not be the best idea if that is a complaint amount the community and may cause problems in the OP community bc they would feel like their healing gimmick is being given away to others to make them more viable and make OPs less needed.



The only other way I could think that could help is add a channel heal that you could use like a sorc or sages innervation or healing trance. They have similar problems with being shut down with heals bc of interrupts but they seem to do fine enough with healing in PVP though this may be because of their aoe heal and this suggestion might be useless for that but for PVE this may be helpful. Just thinking out loud right now bc I don't know if this would be op or not but also give it a proc that could increase the size of your aoe by say 30% so you don't have to place it so perfectly all the time. Obviously sorcs may get angry at this but they would still have their barrier on you guys so you wouldn't be equal in all ways.



Or maybe it's a heat reduction on your heals you need? Be able to use them more with out burning out? Idk and sorry for the really long post correct me if I'm wrong on anything and tell me what you think about my suggestings

Edited by Gmodone
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We did actually 3 threads dedicated to the subject. I wonder if the Devs even read it at all.


They don't even acknowledge that feedback exists, let alone read it.


I've heard that the "combat team" is actually one person, and if true, then that person is borderline-incompetent, if past history is anything to go by.

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I've heard that the "combat team" is actually one person, and if true, then that person is borderline-incompetent, if past history is anything to go by.


He isn't incompetent, he is just....busy. I've said this many times before. The devs are just people. The one guy in charge of class balance probably works 50 hrs a week. If, after that he gets to play pvp more than 10 hours a week, it's probably a big week for him. And that means he *might* manage one hour a week with each advanced class. He simply is not going to be capable of understanding class balance the way the best players do. This is why the devs relied so heavily on the meta average metrics to drive class balance for over two years. They finally seem to understand why that approach was fatally flawed, but they are still in the same boat - a guy that plays each AC an hour a week is in charge of making class balance decisions.

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