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Problems getting PPA to line up after Rapid Shot.


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Ok , Big question. I am having problems with getting the PPA Going off after i use a rapid shot balance heat AFTER IM..


This what happens > PS , PS ,(PPA), RS , TD, PS , PS , (PPA) RS, RapidS , IM, PS , PS ,(PPA) RS, UL

Link to example : http://www.torparse.com/a/579741/time/1391642544/1391642942/0/Overview



On my best parse it was procing like normal

This what happens >PS , PS ,(PPA), RS , TD, PS , PS , (PPA) RS, RapidS , IM, PS , (PPA) RS, UL

Link Of example : http://www.torparse.com/a/585819/time/1392058890/1392059284/0/Overview


This happens again when im adding Net , Or using Fusion Missile.



A little insight will help , I don't know if i am going 2 fast to slow . ect

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Pyro has a deceptivly simple rotation, in that it is simple, but a player can do a lot to reduce its effectivness. Three of the most common Pyro mistakes, especially in regards to procing PPA/RS are:


1) Using several heat-intensive DoT abilities in succession;

2) Mixing in Unload, RS, DoT and PS at random intervals, instead of the exactly right times in a fight;

3) Putting in excess Alacricy through gear or System Calibrations - you need the 2% Alacricy you gain naturally, not a point more.


Just follow this rule: One DoT (TD, IM, EN) or Rapid shot, two PS, PPA/RS, another DoT, PS, PS, PPA/RS, Unload, PS, PPA/RS, DoT, PS, PS, PPA/RS, occasionally 3 x PS, PPA/RS, rince and repeat. You'll know that you've mastered the rotation when you begin proccing PPA/RS on an 8s cooldown at all times. This way you'll have terrific heat management, you'll alway proc PPA at those intervals and will get reliably high DPS (I see that you have excellent DPS, so if you're having problems, I'm guessing you're sporting a DF MH, but can't squeeze out that last bit of DPS out of your build).

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You cannot proc reliably with only 1 PS.


You must use PS twice and you can use one other attack of 1.5s as either the first or second attack.


This. The 1.5 sec attack is either a DoT, RS, or an instant PS. RS should be done every 3-4 PPA/RS in order to manage heat, but only then.

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those guys know what they are talking about.


Only use rapid shots in place of your first action of the 4 gcd rotation.






Rapid Shots>PS>PS>RS




those are basically the only combinations you should use. when you are high on heat, the rapid shots need to come at the beginning of the rotation. This will allow you to reliably proc RS every 6 seconds. Stay away from alacrity, It will mess up your PPA proc, especially when you use unload. I don't even use the 2 points in the Pyro tree.


When I don't have vent heat anywhere near coming off CD, I stop using IM. I substitute Rapid shots in place of it. The regular ppa proc keeps the cylinder burn up, and the IM has a low damage to heat cost ratio.


one thing I do is go to torparse.com and look at the top merc DPS (Marisi and Pizza'da'hutt) I find their parses and go to log view. Then I hit Ctrl+F and type in Marisi activates (for example) This will highlight every action they take. It lets me really analyze what the best in our class are doing. It allows me to replicate and understand their rotations better.

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