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Advanced Med Probe Channel time lowered?


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I honestly don't use Advanced Med probe much, So this could have been something that's been around for awhile since I never noticed any change in the Patch notes, however. It's handy for people whom don't know about it.


First of all, I'm pure Gunny Spec. The channel time for my Advanced Med probe is 1.4. I noticed after using my Grav Round (Or Charged Bolts) that instantly after one shot it lowers Advanced med probe to 0.8, And if you hit another Grav Round, Lowers to 0.3, After the 3rd Grav round it becomes a instant cast.


I honestly don't know if that's been there all along or not. As I can't find any skill in the tree that states it does this? Again I'm a Gunny Commando.


Either way, That's a pretty awesome advantage if you ask me. I normally use Med probe to heal myself as Gunny along with a Kolto Bomb.


Sure Advanced med probe DOESN'T heal for AS much, But costs less & if you've been DPS-ing can channel uber quick or instant. I would often die at times when trying to channel 2.4 seconds worth of Med probe. Only down side to it is of course the cool down but could even so.


So was this there all along? If so I feel kinda dumb but I've never read patch notes that state it did this. Maybe some others don't know about this either.

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You might want to check out the skills you are using in your gunnery spec :)


"Charged Barrel

Grav Round grants Charged Barrel, increasing the damage dealt by the next High Impact Bolt by 6% and reducing the activation time of the next Advanced Medical Probe by 20%. Stacks up to 5 times."


By having this you can decide wheter you prefer to increase your HiB dmg or have an short/insta AMP heal with GravRound spam.

One of the core mechanics of gunnery, and a mandatory talent for this spec.

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