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Self healing with Rapid Shots is great and all...


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Felt like bumping this... Am I really in the minority in that I used audio ques to help with my rotation and find a silent ability annoying?


Annoying? Maybe a little. But how do you mange to use sound ques for help in your rotation? I mean I know my rotation backwards and forwards, but the sound ques don't really come into play.

Can you hear Emergency Scan on some one that's not right next to you during a boss fight or pvp?

Don't get me wrong I'd love to have some SFX on it but I'm just not seeing it as practical.

Edited by toha
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hold on... someone actually doesn't like this?


Rapid Shots noise when using it on someone else is the MOST annoying sound. I hate it so much.


Please DON'T give it a sound imo.


It doesn't have to be the same sound, but it does need A sound. Also you spend most of you time rapid shotting other people anyway, so not sure how this would be any more annoying.

Edited by TezMoney
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Would definitely love to see the sound for the self heal.


Another thing that caused me some grief at first is that the self target modifier doesn't allow you to fire Rapid Shots at yourself - you literally have to target yourself, which completely throws off how I normally heal myself. i've had to change my normal self target modifier key to target self now so I can properly Rapid Shots myself when I want to (in addition to heal myself). Adds an extra step since before I didn't have to stop what I was doing to heal myself - I could just hold that down to throw a heal as I continued on with whatever friendly healing I was going to do. They clearly have the ability to do it because I'm able to Rapid Shots a friendly through Focus Target Modifier, so hopefully just an oversight.

Edited by ryuzo
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have had a Mercenary since beta and launch, so I feel a little silly asking this question. Has rapid shots always worked on self? I could have sworn it didn't work on me at one time, though It may be that I didn't really notice due to the lack of sound.


As for adding a sound to it...YES please!! While it isn't absolutely necessary, it certainly does help to stay in the timing rhythm. When I have tried healing others without sound in the past, I was definitely thrown off my game a little so I have no doubt it will do the same when I heal myself with it.

Edited by Darth_Brutalis
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I have had a Mercenary since beta and launch, so I feel a little silly asking this question. Has rapid shots always worked on self? I could have sworn it didn't work on me at one time, though It may be that I didn't really notice due to the lack of sound.


Rapid shots didn't work on self until the latest patch, there was also a chage to kolto shell; it now can be applied to multiple targets at once but has fewer ticks.


I'm gonna guess and say your Merc is a little dusty, might be time for a rez ;)

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