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Trauma Probe doesn't stack and is only one per person


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TP can't overheal, and lasts a lot longer than 18 seconds. Any other comparison to SRMP is irrelevant since we don't get stacks or anything else from TP and never have.


It can and does overheal, though there's absolutely no questioning the fact that TP overheal is extremely marginal (it's usually between 92% and 95% effective in my post-2.6 logs). As for side-benefits, TP refreshes First Responder like nobody's business. Not that FR was ever much of a problem anyway (especially with 2 points in the talent), but still.

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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Only being able to drop one TP per persone regardless of how many commandos are in the raid is a pretty serious problem in PvE. [...] No other healer pair in the game is that disadvantaged. [...] Sage bubbles are a much smaller percentage of overall healing done. On most fights, the bubble is around 5% of the total eHPS.


The limit for Static Barrier|Force Armor is similar, and the resulting disadvantage is similar. In a crucial respect, it's worse: it's a Sorcerer|Sage's best heal for an emergency.


Static Barrier|Force Armor should be 20% or more of EHPS on many fights even excluding the HOT that it provides for the Sorcerer|Sage. Assuming a very conservative 90% effectiveness for Static Barrier|Force Armor, it has neared 30% of my EHPS on occasion, and, even with another Sorcerer|Sage healer, has never been less than 10%.


The HOT from having my own Static Barrier|Force Armor on myself is, by itself, often 5% of my HPS on 8-man. Perhaps this is the 5% to which you're referring. This is a small fraction of its EHPS, because it excludes all of its absorbing.


For a Sorcerer|Sage, only Innervate|Healing Trance buffed by Force Bending|Conveyance has higher single-target EHPS than Static Barrier|Force Armor. Static Barrier|Force Armor has excellent HPF and can be used while moving. Another advantage is that it's an absorb rather than a heal.


I would not stack two commando healers in serious content.


I wouldn't either, but, likewise, I wouldn't bring all Sorcerer|Sage healers.


Pre-2.6, I completed both TFB and S&V NiM 8 with me and my co-healer on Sorcerers and with me and my co-healer on Mercenaries. Each had its disadvantages, but I didn't feel that either had the greater disadvantage. The primary issue for two Sorcerers is not synchronizing Innervate|Healing Trance, around which a Sorcerer|Sage's rotation is built. Both having only Dark Infusion|Deliverance available equals a dead tank. Likewise, the two Mercenaries usually mustn't synchronize Supercharged Gas|Cells.


Since 2.6 didn't address this disadvantage of having all Mercenary healers, I doubt that my experience would be different now.


t's a "net potential raid HPS" thing. [...] As it stands, this mechanic effectively removes Trauma Probe as an ability from one of your two commando healers.


Like any healing team, you divide and conquer.


The pre-2.6 disadvantage of a Mercenary|Commando for raid healing has been greatly exaggerated. A Mercenary|Commando healer is a superb tank healer, but choosing to heal tanks rather than the raid isn't the same as being a poor raid healer. I never felt disadvantaged healing the raid on my Mercenary in 8 or 16, and I have dozens of parses available on TORParse supporting this.


For example, Kolto Missile|Kolto Bomb has greater HPCT than Revivification|Salvation whenever the number of allies receiving all of their ticks is 1-4 or 15-16. In addition, this comparison of HPCT ignores the below advantages of Kolto Missile|Kolto Bomb over Revivification|Salvation.



  1. Since Revivification|Salvation has a 10-second duration, it's rarer for an ally to receive each tick. It's rarer still for an ally to receive effective healing from its final ticks, which are of equal magnitude to its initial tick.
  2. Kolto Missile|Kolto Bomb can always be used while moving.
  3. Kolto Missile|Kolto Bomb's 6-second CD means that it's at the ready for almost every wave of AOE damage. In contrast, Revivification|Salvation's 15-second CD is longer than the time from one wave of AOE damage to the next in most fights with substantial AOE damage, forcing a Sorcerer|Sage healer to choose his battles. A major factor in the Mercenary|Commando healer's unrivaled efficiency is this ability to snipe effective AOE healing right out from under a Sorcerer|Sage or Operative|Scoundrel.
  4. Kolto Missile|Kolto Bomb always increases healing received 3%, and, with Supercharged Gas|Cells, provides 5% damage reduction.


Post-2.6, a Mercenary|Commando can have the greatest raid EHPS. And I suspect that this remains the case even if your co-healer is a Mercenary|Commando and you each Kolto Shell|Trauma Probe 4 out of 8.

Edited by Orderken
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