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Treek for Mercenary


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I use treek exclusively for my merc and haven't had any trouble whatsoever. I keep her on heals because...


1)She can have all of my old gear, making her stay pretty current and allowing me to spend all my comms on myself (so greedy I am)


2) She is the best healer. Hands down. I run arsenal and most mobs can't even get to me at this point. During boss fights I though on an energy sheild and do some very occation self healing with tracer missle +healing scan and you are solid.


EDIT: Would not use her if I was going healer merc. Her tanking is not her best suit, and you are better off gearing up one of your other tanks (probably Blizz) or dps (maybe still blizz or gault) I don't know any of the other comps yet.

Edited by Dyamar
Didn't include something
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I decided to gear my Treek in full Conqueror Supercommando (tank) gear with Obroan mainland & offhand, with shield & absorb augments. Works well if you help her out with the occasional off-heal (make sure she's actually in her tanking stance tho). I can solo the Oricon Heroics without much difficulty, including those tough "commander" fights in the fortress (provided I clear the area of mobs first so I don't get thrown into them, and don't get jumped by gankers in mid-fight, which happens **a lot** when I'm on my Commando).


Having Treek in full PvP gear has made for some interesting owPvP scenarios. I haven't made any systematic comparisons with other tank comps though, since before Treek I just ran with my healer (Elara) or ranged dps (Aric Jorgan). I think the consensus is that tank comps generally under-perform, the melee ones in particular (heavy armour ranged tanks work well - Corso, Kaliyo, Iresso, etc). Given a mitigation tank's reliance on RNG to make their stats effective, I'd like to try her in straight-up endurance + power augs to see how that compares. But even now her HP is higher than mine, and I'm in full augmented dps Obroan Eliminator gear. If you plan to keep her in healing stance, give her dps gear, since tank comps only really benefit from the stats once their shield chance is dialled up via the tanking stance.

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For leveling, I definitely preferred to use Treek as a healer. Not just for my BH. Then again, I don't really do quests in healing spec. I spec healing only for FPs and OPs.


Treek is a great healer, but I found the difference between her and the other healers quite small for most stuff at 55. Felt like she had a bigger advantage earlier on. I don't know, maybe she is better, but if so I'm not really noticing it.

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Treek is awesome as a companion, especially for BH's of any AC since they share the same main stat.


I don't put much stock into statements about her not being able to tank or heal well, and I have heard it said about both. If you gear her correctly for the role you want her to perform, she will do well. My tanking treek in a mix of arkanian/verpine gear has 37k health without augments. She's been used to tank the Gree and Rakghoul heroic quests and has even tanked CZ labs and meltdown heroic FP's (albeit with a LOT of micro-managing).


Her lack of CC, when compared to the other healer companions, is over shadowed by the fact that her skills do not break CC. I find this to be more important since you don't have to worry about proximity and merc CC is on a 60s timer when used.


Then there's the fact that she can wear your offset gear. This free's up precious slots of inventory space or having to run to a bank. Sure, you could throw it on another companion, but treek can actually use that gear and be effective.


And I should mention that when you roll on aim gear as a merc, nobody will question you about whether it's for you or your companion:p


Another benefit is you can pass a single set of legacy gear around to all your other treeks when do the account wide unlock. Get a legacy MH, such as that from the BBA, and all you have to worry about is getting ears, implants and OH's.


TL,DR answer: yes, treek is worth the investment as a merc.

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