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Sad news for ingame roleplayers, /emote will not be cross-faction


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From the Cantina last night, I had a Redditor ask a question for me :)


Will /emote ever be cross-faction, similar to /say, for roleplayers?


Per Mr. Musco... "If it is not already an option in game, then it won't be in the future. No /spit"


Super disappointing, but it's a question I've been trying to get adressed for a while. Currently, /emote (example "Scya drinks the tall glass of Alderaanian ale.") can only be seen by your own faction, while /say and things like /clap can be seen cross-faction. It means roleplayers really have to work around the system and put custom actions in /say for cross-faction rp.


Sounds like this won't get changed. Too bad! Just figured I'd share for anyone else who'd been wondering.

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I've never thought it would be cross faction made.. when I'm RP'n and its faction mixed I always use stars i.e.

*takes a sip from his drink* when I wish to emote, only time I custom emote is in faction only areas, tbf in RP I use the ** almost all of the time and only use normal command for emotes that are visible, or to make a joke custom emote

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A little late to the party by about 2.4 versions sweetie.


/emote commands have never been cross faction though various backslash commands such as /grin /clubdance /spit and other emotes are visible.


But custom emotes have never been cross faction.


Glad to see you caught up to the rest of us.

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A little late to the party by about 2.4 versions sweetie.


/emote commands have never been cross faction though various backslash commands such as /grin /clubdance /spit and other emotes are visible.


But custom emotes have never been cross faction.


Glad to see you caught up to the rest of us.


Needlessly antagonistic much? I'm pretty sure the OP was well aware that it isn't in game, but it was just confirmed by a dev that it won't be added in the future. Two totally different topics.

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Needlessly antagonistic much? I'm pretty sure the OP was well aware that it isn't in game, but it was just confirmed by a dev that it won't be added in the future. Two totally different topics.



I was hoping it was an oversight since one works and the other doesn't. It may still have been an accident, but it's not getting fixed according to Mr. Musco.

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One of the perks former SWG players lost... since emotes could be seen by any player at any time, providing they were within the range limits of the person "casting/typing" said emote.


Then again, this game is WAY more involved with factions than SWG, they did fail in regards to the most simplistic(sp) features of the game they were closing down and effectively replacing.


I can recall, that in Rift, a game that when I played it at least (the first year it was out, several months thereafter) you could quite easily taunt the other faction with emotes and it was encouraged to do so.

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