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New Commando wanting to know what the differences are for Gunnery and Assault.


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Simply, gunnery spec concentrates on stationary range tech abilities (foremost of these Full Auto and Charged Bolts) while using Armor Piercing Cell, whereas Assault focuses on elemental damage using abilities such as plasma grenade to wear down opponents while using Plasma Cell. In gunnery spec PVP your bane is going to be interrupts and pushback from enemy attacks, while also being hard to maneuver because your go to abilities 9again, mainly full auto and charged bolts) are stationary. However, gunnery can still do massive damage in warzones when you attack enemies from their flanks and from out of their Line of Sight. Assault PVP revolves mainly around survivability and wearing your enemies down, but you will find that Vanguards actually have a slight advantage in the Assault spec, so most Commandos end up going gunnery. These explanations are very basic, and there are MANY more variables that affect each spec, but they're meant to just give a quick summary. Hope this helps!
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Simply, gunnery spec concentrates on stationary range tech abilities (foremost of these Full Auto and Charged Bolts) while using Armor Piercing Cell, whereas Assault focuses on elemental damage using abilities such as plasma grenade to wear down opponents while using Plasma Cell. In gunnery spec PVP your bane is going to be interrupts and pushback from enemy attacks, while also being hard to maneuver because your go to abilities 9again, mainly full auto and charged bolts) are stationary. However, gunnery can still do massive damage in warzones when you attack enemies from their flanks and from out of their Line of Sight. Assault PVP revolves mainly around survivability and wearing your enemies down, but you will find that Vanguards actually have a slight advantage in the Assault spec, so most Commandos end up going gunnery. These explanations are very basic, and there are MANY more variables that affect each spec, but they're meant to just give a quick summary. Hope this helps!


Uhh neither Full Auto or Charged Bolts are tech and Gunnery doesn't focus on Charged Bolts anyway...

Edited by Kinslayer
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Gunnery focuses on doing a ton of up front damage. Gunnery is centered around Grav Round (an ability that you get from the Gunnery skill tree), because it does a ton of different things for you that will set up your other attacks.

1. It places a 20%(?) armor debuff on your target.

2. It makes them vulnerable to High Impact Bolt.

3. It grants Charged Barrel, a self-buff that stacks up to 5 times that increases the power of your next HiB by 6% for each stack.

4. It has a chance to finish the cooldown on your Full Auto and make it do 33%(?) more damage

5. The armor debuff increases the damage of your Demolition Round by 20 or 25%

I don't remember exactly what the percentages are, but you can see why Gunnery relies on Grav Round heavily. Your hard hitting skills with Gunnery are Full Auto (which hits really hard when proc'd by Grav Round and with the 30% crit damage increase), Charged Barrel HiB, and Demo Round.


Assault is more about DoTs, and bursting. The main objective is to set your enemy on fire so that they're constantly taking damage, while sticking them with Assault Plastiques, hitting them with HiB, and then using Charged Bolts and Full Auto to proc more HiBs. If you time it right, you can do a ton of damage all at once when your Assault Plastique and HiB hit at the same time. Your hard hitting skills in Assault are the ones you're bursting with - HiB and Assault Plastique, which you want to try to pull off after you've gotten their health down with your burning effects and other attacks.


As said in a previous post, most Commandos usually wind up using Gunnery the most because Vanguards do Assault much better, but Assault Commando can still be fun because they have range that Vanguards don't get.

Edited by Col_Wilson
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The simple version in my mind is assault is a good PvE and leveling tree because yo do good damage when you can settle into the rotation and the enemy doesn't "fight back".


Gunnery is a good PvP tree because it's better in short bursts where the enemy will interrupt/stun/dogplie you. Instead of high damage spread out over time and enemies like Assault you can do a powerful burst to kill or maim and an enemy and then relocate before they turn on you.

Edited by Kerensk
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