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SWTOR forum legends - the famous and the infamous


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White knights are typically shown off as antagonist most of the time, oddly enough because the color white typically symbolizes something entirely different, which I suppose is the point.


Would you like a side of cranberry and stuffing? Damn now I'm hungry.


That's true. I would have no problem with them at all if they refrained from veiled insults, condescension, and passive aggressive content intended to elicit escalated responses...IE pushing people's buttons with the express intent to get them moderated. At least those with a better than basic reading comprehension level can see that they're baiting.

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Presenting facts, reason, logic, and even argument in the face of hyperbole, frustration, and general exaggeration =/= attacking .


Sit down Andy. Im a friend. We must talk lil sister. All that above is YOUR opinion sweetheart. Nothing more than just your opinion. You may believe that your opinion is all that matters, and others are just frustarted little trolls, but you could not be further from the trruth. Just the simple fact that you actually quote yourself is a statement in and of itself. ProTip: well balanced people don't quote themselves in a forum signature. Just sayin.


Wait....sorry. I meant to add your trademark: :p

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Sit down Andy. Im a friend. We must talk lil sister. All that above is YOUR opinion sweetheart. Nothing more than just your opinion. You may believe that your opinion is all that matters, and others are just frustarted little trolls, but you could not be further from the trruth. Just the simple fact that you actually quote yourself is a statement in and of itself. ProTip: well balanced people don't quote themselves in a forum signature. Just sayin.


Wait....sorry. I meant to add your trademark: :p


And.. all of this above ----> your opinion.


In fact...everything in a forum presented by players is opinion expressed by players. I know this and accept it, regardless how you try to mischaracterize me as otherwise. I provide more latitude to other peoples opinion then you do in fact, IMO.


IMO <---------- learn it, understand it, apply it. ;)


I took you off of /ignore a while back because you changed you tone in the forum (which I appreciate). Since you have returned to your favorite tactics now... bye bye again.

Edited by Andryah
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This is still going?


Lol! err... ok.


BTW, I didn't see the thread as a White Knight consortium. Others can be added, but... it seems that we can't get that far.


It reminds me of that dude... hmm... what was his name? I can't remember his name because he will forever be know to me as "cut and paste". He proposed, in all seriousness, that BW could cut and paste a new engine with the help of a few interns. LOL! err... but I digress.




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And.. all of this above ----> your opinion.


In fact...everything in a forum presented by players is opinion expressed by players. I know this and accept it, regardless how you try to mischaracterize me as otherwise. I provide more latitude to other peoples opinion then you do in fact, IMO.


IMO <---------- learn it, understand it, apply it. ;)


I took you off of /ignore a while back because you changed you tone in the forum (which I appreciate). Since you have returned to your favorite tactics now... bye bye again.


You are contradicting yourself little sister.

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It seems we're reaching a point where all the passive aggressiveness being expressed by smilies is becoming worthy of its own thread by now...


LOL I'm happy that others finally took notice of the usage earlier in this thread. It probably would be entertaining.

Edited by Hambunctious
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I don't want to be rude, but I don't feel those other posters should be listed along side myself. I deserve my own thread.


Original poster, can you please edit my name out of this thread.


Thanks in advance.


It just got REAL! Lol


Fa real tho...wether you agree with the op opinions, or if you fall into the "annoyed by this high school popularity contest" group doesn't really matter. It's one thread out of God knows HOW many. If it offends you that much just don't open it. Read another thread. You don't keep pouring gas on a fire & complain about it continuing to burn. Just let it go...it's really not that serious. Hell...when I was IN high school the little popularity contest didn't faze me because I didn't care what EVERYONE else thought about me. All that mattered is what I thought about me. It's the same thing here. I'm popular enough irl, and have enough self confidence that a list like this (that I'm not on) doesn't bother me in the slightest. I've been sitting here Lmao at y'all trying to get it closed. Are you that easily offended? You're REALLY that upset that you can't "tear a new one" for the ones YOU feel shouldn't be on the list?


Just let it go cuz....stop pouring gas on tha fire & it'll go out eventually. Hahahaha It's not that serious. :D



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Nobody on this list left their wife like I did, just so they could game more.


So yes folks, I'm a little bothered that I'm being listed with the commoners.


so you left the only person who tolerated you enough to marry you...


wow just wow :rak_04:

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Oh god it's funny because it's true ;)


Also am I the only one who thinks it's terribly narcissistic to quote yourself in your sig? I mean, I'm not going to name names but it bugs the hell out of me when I see it :D




I think we're really derailing the thread at this point though, rofl.


You know I thought the exact same thing the first time I saw that sig. Mind you, when you seem to have complete forum mod immunity I guess your arrogance level would be of galactic proportions.


Ooops, forgot the obligatory ;) and i'll add a :D to really cover my bases.

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I don't want to be rude, but I don't feel those other posters should be listed along side myself. I deserve my own thread.


Original poster, can you please edit my name out of this thread.


Thanks in advance.


ROFL.:D I dang near peed myself seeing this one. THAT was funny.

Edited by Trooperclay
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I don't want to be rude, but I don't feel those other posters should be listed along side myself. I deserve my own thread.


Original poster, can you please edit my name out of this thread.


Thanks in advance.


And finally, God himself has come to us and shared his divine wisdom. You mortals, must obey at once and create a thread dedicated to SirCopperfield and him alone.

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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I don't want to be rude, but I don't feel those other posters should be listed along side myself. I deserve my own thread.


Original poster, can you please edit my name out of this thread.


Thanks in advance.


And Copperfield, BTW, there are PLENTY of threads "in your most majestic honor"

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so you left the only person who tolerated you enough to marry you...


wow just wow :rak_04:


Don't mind Copperfield and Marty, they are our village idiots and at no time should anything they present as fact be taken as such. However Copperfield did make a small appearance in the game, and if you have not yet seen him you should go take a look. His appearance was made on Imp side on Voss. At the Nightmare lands outpost there is a very "special" guy by the name of Lem who is helping an Imperial Doc study the effects of the Nightmare lands on people. You really should take a few minutes to go check it out if haven't already.

Edited by Hyfy
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An odd list by the OP. The title of the post seems to suggest we have a list of well-known forum "goodies" and "baddies". But much commentary in the thread implies they are all "goodies". Certainly when some posters point out that a few are well known for their attacks on other forum posters, they get jumped on.


The OP seems to see them as well known "forum warriors". But that just says they are well known for fighting a lot on the forum. That can be a good thing or it can be a bad thing. One thing that is clear is that there is disagreement on that very point with some on the list. For me the very notion of fighting on a forum dedicated to the expression of people's opinions is odd and even implies that some people should not have opinions or at least should not be able to express them unhindered.

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