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SWTOR forum legends - the famous and the infamous


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Gotta agree with eaartharioch.


You have no credible and objective inclusion criteria for this thread that makes it the slightest viable. I's just a popularity contest. There are a few names mentioned that clearly invalidates it's main point IMO, because the posters are included merely on perception of a few recommendations but no actual contribution.

Edited by vennian
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Saying "hey dulfy, thanks for all the work you do and contribution to the community" And to _____, _____,____ for posting regularly and keeping these forums from 1) dying 2) plummeting into nothing but "why tor sux" pit.


We don't need a separately maintained callout thread for this, though. I see people say, "Yay" and "Thanks" to Dulfy all the time when she posts to announce a new update to her site. And if somebody says thanks *in that thread* when they find the info useful, that will keep the thread "alive", and eventually, if it gets used enough, the mods can make it sticky (or add the link to a stickied list of relevant sites).

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Now that I've had a little time to myself I've been able to read up on some of Rafaman's posts. Andryah, Lunafox, and several others suggested adding him, and I fully agree.


This is the problem ^


You have an individual that is judging others and determining if they merit inclusion to her " List of Champions" (her words, not mine). The poster is a relative newcomer and is in no position to value, or de-value an individuals contributions.


This is nothing more than a sophmoric attempt at creating some kind of forum Glee club. The thread also could be interpreted, by new members, that those on this list are somehow more constructive than others, and therefore should be trusted over other posters. This could not be further from the truth. This list contains some of the most reviled posters on SWTOR.com. Of course the OP would not know this, because she is fairly new to the community.


I respectfully request Eric to delete this community dividing thread.

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Yeah that was kinda my thought too. I'm hurt that I haven't made enough of an impression on people (good or bad).


Lol! No... that is not it. If you will notice the topic was derailed quite a few pages ago due to a meta discussion on threads, shout outs, call outs, moderation and credibility.


So... I mentioned a few others before CosmicKat, Malaster, GalacticKegger, and.... HyFy. :)


Hyfy always gives a new and often overlooked commonsense perspective. A good grounding when the arguments are flying fast and furious.

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This is the problem ^


You have an individual that is judging others and determining if they merit inclusion to her " List of Champions" (her words, not mine). The poster is a relative newcomer and is in no position to value, or de-value an individuals contributions.


This is nothing more than a sophmoric attempt at creating some kind of forum Glee club. The thread also could be interpreted, by new members, that those on this list are somehow more constructive than others, and therefore should be trusted over other posters. This could not be further from the truth. This list contains some of the most reviled posters on SWTOR.com. Of course the OP would not know this, because she is fairly new to the community.


I respectfully request Eric to delete this community dividing thread.


I would rather have a neutral newcomer be the judge then someone who has been here and is biased.

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I did warn you all that this thread would not end well.


BUT, given where it COULD have gone..its done quite well for itself. I'm surprised we've managed to actually right the ship some what and get it back to relative civility.


I was never a fan of zero tolerance policies and think Eric made a judgement call on this thread and we for the most part of obliged by not getting too petty.


It had its chances to turn ugly, but had there been some other rather notorious posters still around, it probably would have (those that throw out biodrone and buttocks rather often).

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BUT, given where it COULD have gone..its done quite well for itself. I'm surprised we've managed to actually right the ship some what and get it back to relative civility.


I was never a fan of zero tolerance policies and think Eric made a judgement call on this thread and we for the most part of obliged by not getting too petty.


It had its chances to turn ugly, but had there been some other rather notorious posters still around, it probably would have (those that throw out biodrone and buttocks rather often).


I swear there was a thread a while back where Eric said they were going to be more lenient with their forum moderations.

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The thing about that thread is it's a tad bit trickier to determine whether the OP was being serious, or if it was a troll, or simply a tongue in cheek elaborate commentary on conservatism. However, I see your point of view horrorfaneightys, and I respect your wishes. Although that thread amused me greatly (of course I read it in a very unattached way) , it is not right to list that poster with great contributors such as iwipe, Rafaman, Lunafox, Andryah, etc. So I have removed said poster from the list.


No, the tricky part is you, an unqualified newcomer, have no right or authority to investigate and judge another poster. Your "list of champions" is a grotesque attempt to give yourself some sort of creibility, which you seem to desire. You name people as being " great Contributors", as if you somehow have the experience to judge such things.

Edited by Klarick
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Yeah that was kinda my thought too. I'm hurt that I haven't made enough of an impression on people (good or bad).


I'll always remember you, HyFy. Granted, it's a sour point because you argued vehemently against letting male characters wear the dancer's outfit and similarly skimpy things, but now that we have a pair of PANTIES!!! in game available to both sexes I think I can let bygones be bygones.




For now. :rak_03:


I swear there was a thread a while back where Eric said they were going to be more lenient with their forum moderations.


[PETITION] Unban Ansalem ;_;

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No, the tricky part is you, an unqualified newcomer, have no right or authority to investigate and judge another poster. Your "list of champions" is a grotesque attempt to give yourself some sort of creibility, which you seem to desire. You name people as being " great Contributors", as if you somehow have the experience to judge such things.


This thread, a NAMING, thread is against the forum policy, is disruptive, Community divider, and should be removed.


we as "as the community present at the time" were fully in our power to agree/disagree with people listed. Others were added by group consensus (since not many/if any disagreed with people "nominated").


Now you can disagree with one or two people, but as a group I think many on the list are infact the "whos who" on these forums. Some I know 'rather well" from regular postings, common banter, etc. Some I have no knowledge of. There are some on there I would disagree with, and some that probably should be on there but as people would (should?) say "if you dont have something nice to say, don't say anything". Thus there are names I would choose not to put up since I would not have a high opinion of their "contributions" and I think many in the community would agree, as has bioware since many of those are also not with us anymore.

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This thread, a NAMING, thread is against the forum policy, is disruptive, Community divider, and should be removed.


So.. you are arguing with Eric then? Nice. But you have over stepped your authority. ;)


As for community.. this thread has actually fostered some light hearted community interactions together. The exception being a couple of people determined to undermine a thread where adhoc community fostering is taking place. How that is perceived as a bad thing boggles the mind IMO.


And frankly, only someone like the OP could in any way be successful in launching such a thread IMO, being relatively new, soliciting inputs from other forum members on names to add, and remaining calm and composed in the face of attempts to destroy the thread and get it wiped.


Neither you nor I could ever remotely hope to create and nurture a forum thread designed bring people together in some light hearted discussion. Why? Because I am a lightning rod for contempt by some. You... pretty much the same I suspect. :) But that's OK.. the world needs lightening rods to help protect others from lightening strikes to the melon. :D


Personally, I think one reason Eric let this one roll is to test us as a community to see if we are actually capable of cooperative self-moderation. The topic is perfect for it. And personally, I think the community has performed well so far.

Edited by Andryah
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So.. you are arguing with Eric then? Nice. But you have over stepped your authority. ;)


As for community.. this thread has actually fostered some light hearted community interactions together. The exception being a couple of people determined to undermine a thread where adhoc community fostering is taking place.


And frankly, only someone like the OP could in any way be successful in launching such a thread IMO, being relatively new, soliciting inputs from other forum members on names to add, and remaining calm and composed in the face of attempts to destroy the thread and get it wiped.


Neither you nor I could ever remotely hope to create and nurture a forum thread designed bring people together in some light hearted discussion. Why? Because I am a lightning rod for contempt by some. You... pretty much the same I suspect. :) But that's OK.. the world needs lightening rods to help protect others from lightening strikes to the melon. :D


No doubt drawing lightning for the secret purpose of storing that energy away for some doomsday weapon. I'm onto you

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Although that thread amused me greatly (of course I read it in a very unattached way) , it is not right to list that poster with great contributors such as iwipe, Rafaman, Lunafox, Andryah, etc. So I have removed said poster from the list.

And see, this is where your "list" becomes troublesome. You're biased. Blatantly and obviously so.


Suggesting that the forums biggest bully is a "great contributor" and listing that person with the likes of iwipe, is ridiculous. iwipe PROMOTES this game. One of your personal favorites is a cancer to it.

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we as "as the community present at the time" were fully in our power to agree/disagree with people listed. Others were added by group consensus (since not many/if any disagreed with people "nominated").


Now you can disagree with one or two people, but as a group I think many on the list are infact the "whos who" on these forums. Some I know 'rather well" from regular postings, common banter, etc. Some I have no knowledge of. There are some on there I would disagree with, and some that probably should be on there but as people would (should?) say "if you dont have something nice to say, don't say anything". Thus there are names I would choose not to put up since I would not have a high opinion of their "contributions" and I think many in the community would agree, as has bioware since many of those are also not with us anymore.


No. To disagree is not an option. To NAME people is not an option. This thread is a community divider, it singles out people, it gives false impression comcerning some of the most vile people on these forums, and tries to validate or give credibility to people with no regard to a measurable criteria.


It is one thing to say "Gee whiz, thanks to (NAME) for really helping me out"' and another to create a list where an individual is investigating posts, scoring these posts, and determining if someone deserves inclusion to a fantasy list of champions.


Gaming forums are meant to discuss the GAME in question. It is not intended to be a glee club where a select few has created some sort of "Star Chamber" thumbs-up / thumbs-down listing of posters.

Edited by Klarick
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I swear there was a thread a while back where Eric said they were going to be more lenient with their forum moderations.


I decided to look for it so here it is.








Hey everyone,


This thread gives me a good opportunity to pop in and just give everyone a reminder of a couple of forum rules. When I took over as Community Manager I lightened up the rules of the forums a bit. My goal was to allow a place where people could express their opinions, both good and bad. Sometimes while doing that we get a little bit "internet" about it and say things that get close to the line of breaking the rules. It was always our goal to allow you to get near that line now and again, as we all certainly get worked up. However it is when those actions are repeated and intentional that it can become a problem.


Today, as indicated by this thread, we have seen a rash amount of "post necroing," this tend to be around folks being negative in a way that is not constructive.


Although neither of these offenses by themselves will warrant your account to be actioned, please keep in mind that it is our goal for these forums to remain a safe place for discussion. If you are found to be repeatedly necroing posts, creating threads with little constructive feedback, or breaking any other minor forum rule, this can still lead to infractions on your account. Again, our goal is to be a safe place for discussion, both positive and negative, let's all just be a bit nicer to one another and act within the forum rules.


Thanks for your understanding.






Edited by ScarletBlaze
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I decided to look for it so here it is.








Hey everyone,


This thread gives me a good opportunity to pop in and just give everyone a reminder of a couple of forum rules. When I took over as Community Manager I lightened up the rules of the forums a bit. My goal was to allow a place where people could express their opinions, both good and bad. Sometimes while doing that we get a little bit "internet" about it and say things that get close to the line of breaking the rules. It was always our goal to allow you to get near that line now and again, as we all certainly get worked up. However it is when those actions are repeated and intentional that it can become a problem.


Today, as indicated by this thread, we have seen a rash amount of "post necroing," this tend to be around folks being negative in a way that is not constructive.


Although neither of these offenses by themselves will warrant your account to be actioned, please keep in mind that it is our goal for these forums to remain a safe place for discussion. If you are found to be repeatedly necroing posts, creating threads with little constructive feedback, or breaking any other minor forum rule, this can still lead to infractions on your account. Again, our goal is to be a safe place for discussion, both positive and negative, let's all just be a bit nicer to one another and act within the forum rules.


Thanks for your understanding.




There we go, Thank you. Bolded part should explain why this thread was allowed.

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No. To disagree is not an option. To NAME people is not an option, as it is AGAINST policies that Bioware has laid down in print. The CM, has decided to disregard the policy for reasons unknown. This thread is a community divider, it singles out people, it gives false impression comcerning some of the most vile people on these forums, and tries to validate or give credibility to people with no regard to a measurable criteria.


It is one thing to say "Gee whiz, thanks to (NAME) for really helping me out"' and another to create a list where an individual is investigating posts, scoring these posts, and determining if someone deserves inclusion to a fantasy list of champions.


Gaming forums are meant to discuss the GAME in question. It is not intended to be a glee club where a select few has created some sort of "Star Chamber" thumbs-up / thumbs-down listing of posters.


Eric, tear down this thread! It only serves to divide a communinty, and has zero constructive value. Not to mention that it violates Biowares policy.


It is both amusing and troubling that people get so incensed over a single anonymous poster's opinion of other anonymous posters. Get a grip, people!

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So.. you are arguing with Eric then? Nice. But you have over stepped your authority. ;)


As for community.. this thread has actually fostered some light hearted community interactions together. The exception being a couple of people determined to undermine a thread where adhoc community fostering is taking place. How that is perceived as a bad thing boggles the mind IMO.


And frankly, only someone like the OP could in any way be successful in launching such a thread IMO, being relatively new, soliciting inputs from other forum members on names to add, and remaining calm and composed in the face of attempts to destroy the thread and get it wiped.


Neither you nor I could ever remotely hope to create and nurture a forum thread designed bring people together in some light hearted discussion. Why? Because I am a lightning rod for contempt by some. You... pretty much the same I suspect. :) But that's OK.. the world needs lightening rods to help protect others from lightening strikes to the melon. :D


Personally, I think one reason Eric let this one roll is to test us as a community to see if we are actually capable of cooperative self-moderation. The topic is perfect for it. And personally, I think the community has performed well so far.


Im not arguing with anyone Andryah. Come off that pedastal you have built for yourself for a minute -- if you can.


These type of threads are created to do nothing more than to create discord within a community. the OP was looking for recognition/status and, by all acounts, has received it.


I also dont wish to argue with you either Andryah. As of late you have "changed your stripes" somewhat, however some of us that have been here from the beginning know what you bring and what you have brought in the past. In your own words, you are a lightning rod for sure. Why? Because you have a long history of belittling posters with your smug and arrogant replies. Replies that you seem to think are ok as long as you place a smiley face after them. ;)


This thread needs to find a place in the large pile of deleted threads. The OP has received her much needed recognition, status, and validity amoung the "list of champions" lol.


Let us all get back to discussing this fine game, and leave Naming threads behind us.



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