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DPS Relics


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BIS, is out of my reach. I need to know the best relics I can use that I have, or can get quickly.



"BiS Relics: Dread Forged Relic of Serendipitous Assault | Dread Forged Relic of Focused Retribution. "




I have an Arkanian Serendipitous Assault, and a Dread Guard Boundless Ages.

I also have Conquerors Serendipitous Assault and Focused Retribution, working on Obroan versions.


Do I want to use Conquerors Focused Retribution over the Boundless Ages?

That's a loss of 28 Aim and 27 Power to gain 125 Aim for 12 seconds every 40 seconds at most.

Several players told me to switch those. That's the 1st Obroan I'm working towards. Then the Serendipitous.

Edited by Kourage
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BIS, is out of my reach. I need to know the best relics I can use that I have, or can get quickly.



"BiS Relics: Dread Forged Relic of Serendipitous Assault | Dread Forged Relic of Focused Retribution. "




I have an Arkanian Serendipitous Assault, and a Dread Guard Boundless Ages.

I also have Conquerors Serendipitous Assault and Focused Retribution, working on Obroan versions.


Do I want to use Conquerors Focused Retribution over the Boundless Ages?

That's a loss of 28 Aim and 27 Power to gain 125 Aim for 12 seconds every 40 seconds at most.

Several players said to use change those. That's the 1st Obroan I'm working towards.


The oboron ones will be the quickest to farm probably. The BIS should be the main stat and Power ones. The main stat one you should upgrade to oboron first as the conq version isn't as good.

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