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A perfect example of the ability delay


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This issue isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be. At first I would semi-rage at the lag between moves, but I learned to adapt, especially as a Jedi Sage. The healing seemed lagged a bit, but that was purposely implemented to prevent spamming.


How about you guys learn to adapt to the current system to prevent WoW try hard spammers instead of crying.


Try it as a sniper or gunslinger.


2 seconds to get in cover


2 seconds to activate an attack


2-3 seconds for attack to charge



See the problem here?

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try mounting and moving forward right when it gets to 0.5/0.5. you will be dismounted every time, you have to wait like another 0.5 seconds till the cast actually goes through. this is a perfect example of the delay that is plaguing combat as a whole but especially ruins pvp.


i could get off a 1 second cast in WOW in less time then a 0.5 second cast in SWTOR.


this was by far my #1 complaint in beta and i was so disappointed that nothing improved come launch.


i will play this game forever if this is fixed.


So what you're saying it, if I start moving at 0.5 seconds left, i'll be interrupted? Well yes, it hasn't finished yet. Now you say wait an extra .5 of a second (So that'll make the bar go to 0 seconds) and i'll be alright? Well who'd have thought...


In all seriousness, this is your latency, every MMO out there has it (Even WoW cast bars take your lag into account, that's all this is) so turn your torrents off. >.>

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So what you're saying it, if I start moving at 0.5 seconds left, i'll be interrupted? Well yes, it hasn't finished yet. Now you say wait an extra .5 of a second (So that'll make the bar go to 0 seconds) and i'll be alright? Well who'd have thought...


In all seriousness, this is your latency, every MMO out there has it (Even WoW cast bars take your lag into account, that's all this is) so turn your torrents off. >.>


If it was latency related he'd be able to starrt moving 10 seconds before the server actually would regisgrate it if we exaggarate a bit. It doesnt exactly work the other way around, even though i agree that the speeder example isn't the best og examples, theres still a problem when it comes to the UI and its not always reliable skill activation system.

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So what you're saying it, if I start moving at 0.5 seconds left, i'll be interrupted? Well yes, it hasn't finished yet. Now you say wait an extra .5 of a second (So that'll make the bar go to 0 seconds) and i'll be alright? Well who'd have thought...


In all seriousness, this is your latency, every MMO out there has it (Even WoW cast bars take your lag into account, that's all this is) so turn your torrents off. >.>


no this is not latency. 0.5 OUT OF 0.5. everyone has to wait a full second for a 0.5 second cast. this has nothing to do with internet, this game would do this even if i was playing this LAN.

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Im playing a jedi shadow tank, and this is a huge issue for me aswell when tanking as its nearly impossible as it is to hold aggro and if my skills stops responding i'll fall behind on threat. Secondly im deeply in need of having my shield ability up at all times or i'll start to take to much damage.


So besodes pvp as well as healing and most likely dps tanking is quite affected by this as well and quite a big issue.


Not really sure why people are against a less buggy UI as well as a more responsive game, it Seems rather ridiculas that some people dont want things improved for the better.


Since i've been working with the HeroEngine my self I believes its more of a buggy UI that just needs fixing rather than a deep hardcoded engine problem. But yes, a more responsive UI would be a most welcome fix, rather sooner than later.


EDIT: one last thing. When you have to wait through 3-5 global cooldowns with no skill firering, gets really frustrating really fast.


Seriously...its getting really annoying having all the idiot fanboys on these forums thinking the game is perfrect as is and wanting no improvements. Like seriosuly your arguing against implementing more fluid controls when the delay is gamebreaking for certain classes? I just hope bioware is smart enough to ignore them and actually listen to suggestions that are given least this game end up like all the other MMO's released the past few years.

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Reading this thread makes me want to scream Fanboi.


How some of you can object to making the game more responsive and fluid is beyond me. It also isn't isolated to PvP.


Have your opinion all you want, But some people actually want a Fluid and Responsive Combat System, If you quit because "It's too much like WoW" then well, Bye. Why you would i don't know.

Edited by Ethier
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Except if they listen to the majority of people complaining on these forums, it will turn into a reskinning of WoW. Everything people are complaining about are things that exist in WoW, go figure.


And for the people complaining about healing, the game isn't designed to just que up heal after heal after heal anyway. You will run out of energy, force, etc... Take your time, plan out your heals and you'll be fine.


The issue is that it is already like WoW in so so many ways its unbelievable. MOST of the skills are reskins from WoW. A lot of the overall design of the talent trees/classes are reskins from WoW. The item system is pretty much a reskin from WoW.


As much as you want to preach the idea that the game shouldn't be like WoW, or that if we do everything that people suggest, it will become a reskin like WoW, you need to take a look at what is already here. It is pretty much a reskin of WoW. It does a small limited amount of things a lil differently but the core of this game is pretty much the same as every other MMO out there.


WoW is simply the biggest MMO on the market and it raised the bar for all MMOs around. To disregard ideas from such a successful MMO is silly. Especially when these ideas are simple ones which can only add to make a game better, especially a game that plays a **** ton like WoW, and they are staples now in the MMO industry and even if BW had a more unique and new design on the combat and how MMOs should work, I cant see why a lot of the things people are asking for would be bad?


I am not saying these people should design the game, but if you think that they would design a Star Wars skin of WoW then I am afraid BW has already done that for us.


BW has done a reasonably good job on this game. It works pretty well. The class story is relatively captivating and a lot of the conversations are entertaining. Sadly though they have fallen into many of the pit falls which I believe all developers do when designing and creating a MMO and hopefully with time they will begin to fix and improve on it. There are non better than those that have lived and played MMOs for the last 10 years to give their opinions on what they expect or want from an MMO in this day and age. They have seen it all and I for one would like to see many of the features that WoW has had and has now in this game. It has so many of the others, why not more of the other ones.


I didn't expect this to be any sort of evolution on the MMO genre as much as I had hoped it would be, but its a fun game with some interesting ideas and at least it is helping pave a way for a new generation of MMOs.

Edited by Kirazaki
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I can't believe all the people saying it's a non issue and that you just got to learn how to deal with it. WHAT!? What is wrong with people on this forum? Are you so blinded by your fanboyism that you don't even want to admit that this game has faults that needs to be fixed?


SWTOR does many things right, but it's also lacking in several areas and anyone who's able to look at the game objectively will see that. And here's the shocker folks - they are calling those faults out so that they might get improved!


I thought we're all interested in playing the best game possible, or am I wrong?



tl;dr These forums are garbage.

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try mounting and moving forward right when it gets to 0.5/0.5. you will be dismounted every time, you have to wait like another 0.5 seconds till the cast actually goes through. this is a perfect example of the delay that is plaguing combat as a whole but especially ruins pvp.


i could get off a 1 second cast in WOW in less time then a 0.5 second cast in SWTOR.


this was by far my #1 complaint in beta and i was so disappointed that nothing improved come launch.


i will play this game forever if this is fixed.


Actually, in WoW, if you timed it right, you could start casting your next ability before the ability bar was finished(because of a delay. The server started casting the ability before the client did)

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I can't believe all the people saying it's a non issue and that you just got to learn how to deal with it. WHAT!? What is wrong with people on this forum? Are you so blinded by your fanboyism that you don't even want to admit that this game has faults that needs to be fixed?


SWTOR does many things right, but it's also lacking in several areas and anyone who's able to look at the game objectively will see that. And here's the shocker folks - they are calling those faults out so that they might get improved!


I thought we're all interested in playing the best game possible, or am I wrong?



tl;dr These forums are garbage.



I really have no issues bro.


then again, I went from rift to this.. I haven't played WoW in many months, and the animations are much better in this game than rift, the combat feels smoother.

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I really have no issues bro.


then again, I went from rift to this.. I haven't played WoW in many months, and the animations are much better in this game than rift, the combat feels smoother.


Yeah.. I honestly don't see any problems either. And this is coming from an ex WoW player.

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I hope they keep it in to keep the elitists out.


This right here is an example of the blind fanboisim that can cause this game to fail. You are saying that you want to KEEP a feature in a game BROKEN just to keep a certain group of people from playing the game? That's by far one of the most retarded statements I have seen on these forums.

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This right here is an example of the blind fanboisim that can cause this game to fail. You are saying that you want to KEEP a feature in a game BROKEN just to keep a certain group of people from playing the game? That's by far one of the most retarded statements I have seen on these forums.


The "it works great broken" argument is pretty dumb I agree.

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This issue is definitely annoying at times, I'll admit, but to sit there and whine that it's game breaking, or even that it's ruining PvP, is absolutely ridiculous. If every player is dealing with the same issue, it's still a level playing field...so how exactly is it unfair? When it comes down to it, the only problem is inaccurate casting bars. Increase the displayed casting time on timers and tooltips by .5 secs and you're issue is solved. It's a difference in timing from what you're used to, not a game-breaking bug. Just because you could cut timers short in WoW doesn't mean this game has to do the same thing.
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Seriously...its getting really annoying having all the idiot fanboys on these forums thinking the game is perfrect as is and wanting no improvements. Like seriosuly your arguing against implementing more fluid controls when the delay is gamebreaking for certain classes? I just hope bioware is smart enough to ignore them and actually listen to suggestions that are given least this game end up like all the other MMO's released the past few years.




Huge issue needs to be fixed asap, if this game is to even be taken seriously.

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