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A perfect example of the ability delay


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Im on board with the delay is frustrating.


I cant even tell which spells or abilities I am using in PvP. I have a lot of instant casts but cant get to a proper progression. Its so choppy and frustrating. I avoid PvP but love PvP...kinda sad.


That being said ill give it some time for some kinks to be worked out. Im not going back to WoW but man was the PvP excellent, fun and smooth comparably.

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What delay? I'm having no problem dominating the charts on warzones. L2P and adjust to the mechanics of this game. This isn't WoW dammit.


Because having an artificial crutch is so much fun.


That delay is very annoying, it's like ~300ms. Perfectly noticable while playing a melee class relying on positioning. Try it and tell me it's fine in PvP.

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A free on top message, but this delay issue is pointless at this time, since every player has the same issue. means no one got any advantage out of it.

so, if this is an issue i don't know from my perspective, since its a summoning time of 0,5 seconds, of you just need 0,6 for mounting so....


except people who have instants dont need to worry as hard.




my jugg doesnt have many cast times, so i dont know about him, but my sorc does, and it definitely affect her.

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Because having an artificial crutch is so much fun.


That delay is very annoying, it's like ~300ms. Perfectly noticable while playing a melee class relying on positioning. Try it and tell me it's fine in PvP.


I do play melee and I see no delay in skill activation and queuing up other skills.

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Just adding my voice to the list as someone who is noticing this. It is really frustrating when you are trying to perform interrupts and despite hitting the ability in time there is a delay which sees the player/mob finish their cast.


I really hope this issue is recognised by the folk at BW and is being worked on. :)


If nothing else I'm glad it isn't just me who noticed it.

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incidentally you could go to the menu and lower the delay to .25 instead of .5 but currently there is no way to disable it completely.


Also, a little off topic but PLEASE fix the horrible TAB targeting system!


Those are my two main issues right now holding the, what would be fun combat system back.

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I noticed it was blatantly obvious with mounting too, really irritating the delay, but there are some obvious bugs in game that tbh should have been fixed, like if you wipe on the republic boss group in mandalorian raiders sometimes the lootbox never opens when you beat them.
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It's there and it will cause many players to leave if it is not fixed. I love every aspect of the game, but many people do more than questing.


This is highly noticeable in PVP and when I heal FP's.


The people who do not notice this are not competitive in any way and are probably not as skilled as others. Yes I said it. It is true and you know it. They don't care because it helps them seem good. It's like the meter argument lol.

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The slight delay between me pushing/seeing the button be selected on my action bar and the ability firing is driving me up the wall. The game not being responsive is terrible for me especially as I'm used to reasonably high level PvP in wow where being even 1/10th of a second late can lose you a game.



Hope you guys never play Guild Wars 2 when it comes, because their devs already said their 'GCD' is based on skill animation, not on a set time. Personally, I like the idea.

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I do play melee and I see no delay in skill activation and queuing up other skills.



So becasue you dont see it it doesnt exist and all the people saying they experience it in this thread are just making it up?


You can change the keybinds, you can change the action queue delay to 0.0 and there is definitely still server side latency issues with this game. Pretty sure its more to do with how the code is written than internet speed too. I have 30MB internet and usually less than 50ms latency, my pc has 8 gigs of ram, i7 and 460 card and I see the delay all the time in pvp. I have my settings on med with all the shadows and stuff off.


I have a feeling this same issue is what is causing the raid frames to not display health properly in pvp too.


It doesnt happen so much in pve and the raid frames also usually work in pve, which means its the way they designed the game client when multiple real players are in the same area. I'm not a coder but I read a post by a guy that is (I'll try to find it and edit in the link) and he explained it with the real technical terms.


Now combine this with the long animations and often times melee characters cant even get an ability off because enemy players can just move out of the hit box before the animation completes.


Like I said, look at the Jedi Knight ability Master Strike. Its a 3 sec channel that requires you to stand still and stay in melee range. It almost never gets to the last tick of damage because people just move out of the way. 3 seconds is an eternity in pvp.


The instant abilities also arent instant because they dont go off until after the animation finishes and knockbacks can stop the very long animations before they even complete on instant abilities.

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The issue is that most of the bugs (spell delay, mount delay, getting stuck mostly everywhere when exploring, green/blue/yellow/red beam of *** (check Tatooine) and many many many more...


Where all documented since early Beta.


While the content is just freakn out of this world... The platform is what I can describe as a MMOized Mass Effect engine.


For me, while content is just the best thing ever done in a MMO... it cannot alone offset the many bugs from its engine.


So I hope the Devs will start ramping up their work and provide for an appropriate platform to feature the awesome content from the artists.


I feel pretty much the same way. I would gladly forego a patch or two of content, if they would put all their extra resources toward fixing these bugs.

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Hope you guys never play Guild Wars 2 when it comes, because their devs already said their 'GCD' is based on skill animation, not on a set time. Personally, I like the idea.


Yeah but thats totally different to what the problem here is. The whole combat system around GW2 was built around using the animations as GCD. The first time i saw video footage of the latest combat system in GW2, i literally pissed my pants at how smooth everything seemed.


Whereas this plays like a traditional mmorpg. So in this game you have to deal with the skill delay, GCD, and animation to finish....making it super clunky. I notice this much more on my Sorcerer than my Bounty Hunter though.


NOT to mention that there is certain sync issues with client and server even though i mostly have 30ms ping. I mostly quest with a friend, it is extremely noticeable when my friend on HIS screen killed it, but still takes a while for MY screen to register the kill. So that leads to me targeting a "live" enemy but my skills not wanting to go off because the enemy in all actuality is already "dead".


I just hope that Bioware is aware of these and many more issues and are working on a patch soon.


First impressions are super important for any MMO. Anyone who argues differently is a blinded fanboy. It only takes the first several days for players to decide if they like it or not.


I personally love the PVE content in this game, but once i reach lvl50 and the end of the storyline for the classes that are interesting to me, i do not see myself subscribing any longer if the above issues and many more are dealt with. There is no way i will even take PvP seriously with the glaring issues right now.

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try mounting and moving forward right when it gets to 0.5/0.5. you will be dismounted every time, you have to wait like another 0.5 seconds till the cast actually goes through. this is a perfect example of the delay that is plaguing combat as a whole but especially ruins pvp.



Wow! I thought it was just me. I have almost given up PVP several times due to lag. My space battles are great, my movement and cinematics are great, but combat is strange and wonky, especially in PVP


Thanks for the post. It's a terrible issue that needs giving, but at least it clears up a few things.

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Im playing a jedi shadow tank, and this is a huge issue for me aswell when tanking as its nearly impossible as it is to hold aggro and if my skills stops responding i'll fall behind on threat. Secondly im deeply in need of having my shield ability up at all times or i'll start to take to much damage.


So besodes pvp as well as healing and most likely dps tanking is quite affected by this as well and quite a big issue.


Not really sure why people are against a less buggy UI as well as a more responsive game, it Seems rather ridiculas that some people dont want things improved for the better.


Since i've been working with the HeroEngine my self I believes its more of a buggy UI that just needs fixing rather than a deep hardcoded engine problem. But yes, a more responsive UI would be a most welcome fix, rather sooner than later.


EDIT: one last thing. When you have to wait through 3-5 global cooldowns with no skill firering, gets really frustrating really fast.

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This needs to be prioritized as a fix since it affects all players and all classes in the game. I would appreciate recognition of this issue by the development team. If this is working as intended, then I will cancel my subscription and move on. This issue is ruining user-interaction in the game.
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This issue isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be. At first I would semi-rage at the lag between moves, but I learned to adapt, especially as a Jedi Sage. The healing seemed lagged a bit, but that was purposely implemented to prevent spamming.


How about you guys learn to adapt to the current system to prevent WoW try hard spammers instead of crying.

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This issue isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be. At first I would semi-rage at the lag between moves, but I learned to adapt, especially as a Jedi Sage. The healing seemed lagged a bit, but that was purposely implemented to prevent spamming.


How about you guys learn to adapt to the current system to prevent WoW try hard spammers instead of crying.


lol no

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