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Mercenary 1v1 Tactics Help


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I have a level 47 Arsenal Merc I was on Belvelis and got the drop on a Level 42 Sentinel last night in a 1v1 scenario. I thought I was going to win as I outleveled him and managed to ambush him but read what happened.


(This part is based on memory as it was over so fast)


I know I opened with 2-3 tracer missiles on him + a rail shot (might have been either a unload or a HSM to boot) but I know I managed to burn him down to about 40% of Health before he stealthed...managed to bring his health back to about 70-80% somehow and then cut me apart in about 5 secs flat. I might have used jet boost to push him away but he force lept back on me with no problems before he finished me.


I know I made 2 mistakes. First I underestimated how quickly he got his health back (medpack I guess) and second I forgot to map the stealth detech button which I should have known he was going to use.


But even so, I still I don't get it what did I do wrong? Once he got close I knew I was in trouble....How is a Merc Arsenal supposed to deal with a Sentinel (or maybe I should avoid melees altogether in 1v1?). 5 Lvls below me and he totally kicked my butt without any effort. It was embarrassing.


I am used to PVP in groups where I have tanks to keep these guys off me, how do I deal them in 1v1?

Edited by mmarsh
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It's mostly a game of antcipation. as arsenal I would get off a couple of attacks (ps > tos > 2xtracer (atleast 2) > heatseeker > rail shot > and then electro net and finish him off). But seeing as you are 47 you have about 4 levels to go before you get electro net, as electro net doesn't let them run away or stealth for that matter, which helps you greatly. But like I said it is situational and you need to anticipate when he is about to stealth. That and if you ever go against a scrapper/shadow/sin/operative have your stealth scan on keybind so that when they try to run away by cloaking out, you can pop them out of it.
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A lot depends on what stance the marauder was. Until you get electro-net, you really have no way of stopping their leap... which also means you have no way of stopping them from interrupting you constantly. If he's using smash spec, you want to hit jet boost as he leaps the first time and stun immediately on the obliterate leap. Make him waste his smash, otherwise you are going to get blown up.


If he is Ataru form, you want to wait until he uses Gore, then use jet-boost. When he starts ravage, hit HO to get out of it. The key is to keep him from capitalizing on his gore de-buff and to not get stuck eating an entire ravage.


If you got 3 tracers on him then you have 45s or tracer lock/heat signature on him. You can basically kite and auto-shot until HSM is back off CD. If he hit's Undying rage, you got him. Just LOS/kite him until it wears off then he should be one-shottable.

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  • 2 weeks later...
A lot depends on what stance the marauder was. Until you get electro-net, you really have no way of stopping their leap... which also means you have no way of stopping them from interrupting you constantly. If he's using smash spec, you want to hit jet boost as he leaps the first time and stun immediately on the obliterate leap. Make him waste his smash, otherwise you are going to get blown up.


If he is Ataru form, you want to wait until he uses Gore, then use jet-boost. When he starts ravage, hit HO to get out of it. The key is to keep him from capitalizing on his gore de-buff and to not get stuck eating an entire ravage.


If you got 3 tracers on him then you have 45s or tracer lock/heat signature on him. You can basically kite and auto-shot until HSM is back off CD. If he hit's Undying rage, you got him. Just LOS/kite him until it wears off then he should be one-shottable.

this is a thought out attack

im guessing when he seen you stand there when he popped stealth he new the fight was over

with no interrupts and a thank you jet boost it would have been over really fast like you said

i suggest doing as many friendly duels as you can so you learn how to deal with each class and increase buff size of your target so you know exactly what your dealing with

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