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Anyone had the chance to test combat medic on PTS in PVP


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I wasnt able to get into a match either, but I have a good feeling about the changes. Group-wide healing is going to be improved, and now while pillar-humping we have another option to heal ourselves. Both good steps in the right direction.


Its an upward adjustment no matter how you spin it. So, I'm not complaining. I am, however, skeptical about top level pvp and that it will still result in lockout. But I could be wrong. I'll give the PTS a few more shots.

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Its an upward adjustment no matter how you spin it. So, I'm not complaining. I am, however, skeptical about top level pvp and that it will still result in lockout. But I could be wrong. I'll give the PTS a few more shots.


IMO it's going to have little impact on our viability as a healing class in Group Ranked. Bottom line is that the bulk of our healing output is still tied to casts and that our resource management is still the weakest of the healing classes.

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IMO it's going to have little impact on our viability as a healing class in Group Ranked. Bottom line is that the bulk of our healing output is still tied to casts and that our resource management is still the weakest of the healing classes.


And everyone tells commandos to stop QQ-ing because 'we can single target heal like no other' and there is some truth to that, but we also blow through our ammo. That and when you try to heal in pvp, people love playing dumb so you have to heal them even more. I might just start letting the stupid people die even if it "hurts" our team.

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