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Weird experience with another player


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It's just one click on decline, and that is a lot of work, I know.


- You are fighting an elite

- You get group invite

- You click decline and continue fighting

- You get group invite (still fighting)

- You click decline and continue fighting

- You get group invite (still fighting)

- You click decline... and you already know how this continues


Yes, I get that quite often. It's a good thing they have added auto-decline option.

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Sounds to me like the OP gave a polite invitation to group up. If the other player was not in the mood to group or doing his/her own thing a simple "no thanks" would have been sufficient.


I do not see that the OP did anything wrong and if baffles me that he is getting grief for it. He didn't send or spam a blind invite(s) (which would be a reason to ignore someone)


I haven't experienced this specific situation in game however I run a lot of pug Flash Points and there are a lot of socially inept/stunted/stupid players out there who lack communication skills.


Furthermore, If I am competing for the same kills with other players in a small area I will happily accept blind invites in certain circumstances even, much less a polite invitation such as the OP extended

Edited by kimdante
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I'm 50/50 with the OP, Now me.. I have a set routine I like to stick to and not be rushed or diverted, and I don't like to share in loot, I only tend to group when needed or my OCD isn't so bad, but on the other hand at least you ask people rather than throwing out phantom invites and hoping they accept, I wouldn't go so far as to ignore someone for asking me though, I'd just explain why I wouldn't want to or kindly say "no thank you :)"


That's just how I am, I like to be left alone unless a group matter is needed

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- You are fighting an elite

- You get group invite

- You click decline and continue fighting

- You get group invite (still fighting)

- You click decline and continue fighting

- You get group invite (still fighting)

- You click decline... and you already know how this continues


Yes, I get that quite often. It's a good thing they have added auto-decline option.


:rolleyes: I didn't know that the party invite window was so big that it could ruin a fight. Getting a party invite in the middle of a fight doesn't make it harder for me to fight. :eek:


Anyway, I don't invite people in the middle of a fight. So really, I don't see what is so annoying about it outside of fights.

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I would have been happy to group with you, because you actually ask for a group. I have had to auto-decline group requests in this game because people constantly keeps inviting me without a reason. But yeah, there are many rude people in this game. I have had so many moments where I attack some mobs that are guarding a chest and some jerk comes and steals it. If i say something, they just shout back insults and such.


But it is like this in most MMOs, but I have noticed it is much worse in this game than in other games I have played.


I'm actually the same way. I absolutely abhor blind invites from people I don't know (it's different if it's a guildie or friend). But if you take the 2 seconds to send me a tell asking me if I want to group up for X quest or X dailies, etc. I will most likely go along.

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What a silly comparison. Your home is your private place for peace and quiet, but playing a mmo is like walking out in public.

Not so silly.

Even in the street, or in a supermarket, or in the airport, people say "Hello" before asking me something. And I do the same.

Sometimes I need to tell my name and give one or two details "Hello Miss, I'm David's father." or "Hello, can I call my lawyer before following you mister ?"


Yes, I know it could sound strange the first time you hear that and maybe a clarification is needed.

It's probably a detail but, you know, sometimes the most important things blablabla... and I must highlight here such a tiny detail :


I'm a player.


I'm not this kind of a PNJ that starts or ends a mission. And I don't want to be called like a partner. Hunt begins soon... ;)


I'm a human and I need some... hmmm... relationship ?

It's not mandatory, of course, but a minimal social behaviour is always appreciated. Peanuts in fact, just few words, a hand sign or just a little smile is enough. :)

But it makes a big difference for me (and maybe some people around you, who knows ?).


But it's not mandatory.

Forget it and continue to play with the other "social" players. It's a detail.

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Sounds to me like the OP gave a polite invitation to group up. If the other player was not in the mood to group or doing his/her own thing a simple "no thanks" would have been sufficient.


I do not see that the OP did anything wrong and if baffles me that he is getting grief for it. He didn't send or spam a blind invite(s) (which would be a reason to ignore someone)


I haven't experienced this specific situation in game however I run a lot of pug Flash Points and there are a lot of socially inept/stunted/stupid players out there who lack communication skills.


Furthermore, If I am competing for the same kills with other players in a small area I will happily accept blind invites in certain circumstances even, much less a polite invitation such as the OP extended


He didn't get griefed. He just got /ignored. Everyone has the right to /ignore anyone anytime. /ignore is never rude.

Edited by Sadishist
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I probably would have ignored you too. I hate group invites I didn't agree to. That's just poor form (particularly in this client where it's not non-intrusive at all).


You ask, you wait for a response, then you send the invite. You don't blind invite or ask AND invite at the same time.

Edited by hadoken
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Oh look here, another silly comparison. It is not their area, and there are other people playing, and when people are competing for the same objectives I think that people should be a bit flexible. I don't understand what is so bad about partying with people who are doing the same freaking quest. If you don't want to write anything in the group chat, that is fine with me, but It's annoying when you're in an area and take forever to do quests because people could've just partied and stopped competing for the same quest objectives and saved time for everyone.


I don't really see what is so intrusive with a party invite either. Could you explain that for me? It's just one click on decline, and that is a lot of work, I know.


Then what is so hard about first asking the person if they want to group up before assuming that that person will just drop whatever they are doing to come help you out.

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Not so silly.

Even in the street, or in a supermarket, or in the airport, people say "Hello" before asking me something. And I do the same.

Sometimes I need to tell my name and give one or two details "Hello Miss, I'm David's father." or "Hello, can I call my lawyer before following you mister ?"


Yes, I know it could sound strange the first time you hear that and maybe a clarification is needed.

It's probably a detail but, you know, sometimes the most important things blablabla... and I must highlight here such a tiny detail :


I'm a player.


I'm not this kind of a PNJ that starts or ends a mission. And I don't want to be called like a partner. Hunt begins soon... ;)


I'm a human and I need some... hmmm... relationship ?

It's not mandatory, of course, but a minimal social behaviour is always appreciated. Peanuts in fact, just few words, a hand sign or just a little smile is enough. :)

But it makes a big difference for me (and maybe some people around you, who knows ?).


But it's not mandatory.

Forget it and continue to play with the other "social" players. It's a detail.


It's redundant to ask players if they want to join before you send a party invite. Assuming that you send it out of combat, and you both know you are in the same area doing the same quest, and with those circumstances, I really don't see the problem, or what is rude or intrusive about it.


Being a party doesn't mean that you have to be social. If people want to be sure, I'm game, but they don't have to say anything for my sake. I'm not that much of a social person myself, and I lean heavily towards introversion.


The way I see it, you people are overreacting, it's just one small window you can click decline on.


I do this because partying is kind of the point with multi-player, but when you go to a super market, socialising is not in the sights (at least not for me). It's in the name, you know, multi-player. You don't have to party all the time, but can't you be a bit flexible?

Edited by aryvandaar
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I probably would have ignored you too. I hate group invites I didn't agree to. That's just poor form (particularly in this client where it's not non-intrusive at all).


You ask, you wait for a response, then you send the invite. You don't blind invite or ask AND invite at the same time.


You and the other guy posting here would be friends, then. That's pretty sensitive.

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Anyway, I don't invite people in the middle of a fight. So really, I don't see what is so annoying about it outside of fights.


If you don't ask or communicate in any way with me then I don't want to group with you. I don't like to run around without knowing what the other guy is actually doing. It could be quest I haven't received yet or achievement thing.

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Placing someone on ignore does seem like a nuclear response. However I don't think I would have responded to the followup "why" myself. I wouldn't have placed you on ignore but I certainly wouldn't have felt the need to explain myself to you or anyone else either.


I'm also hanging in the PVP queue while questing and will take it as soon as it pops, so it's kind of a pita to team up with people only to abandon ship in 5-10 minutes. I'm probably going to have to finish whatever mission we were on solo anyway so it's just easier to stay solo because of that.

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He didn't get griefed. He just got /ignored. Everyone has the right to /ignore anyone anytime. /ignore is never rude.


I'm referring to the forum/thread backlash he's recieving. And it seems he wasn't that bothered by the /ignore. He was making a casual observation, curious about the behavior, and sharing his experience.


Sure the other player had the right to /ignore him. However, the OP wasn't spamming him/her with blind invites, hopping around the other player in nothing but a thong, being creepy, stealing nodes/kills, selling gold, or otherwise acting like a d0uche.

Edited by kimdante
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Speaking of ninja looting. Earlier there was someone who needed a blue item when it wasn't for their class, and the player didn't even ask first. What was even more annoying is that I had killed every mob there while the other player did nothing.




What a silly comparison. Your home is your private place for peace and quiet, but playing a mmo is like walking out in public. Let me get this right, you think that people should ask before inviting in a multi-player game? Look, swtor may be a single-player like mmo, but if people compete with the same quest objectives as me in an area I'm going to send an invite without asking.


There is nothing silly about that comparison. I actually find it quite apt. And yes I also ABSOLUTELY think someone should ask me if I want to group up before sending me a blind invite. Let me get this right, you think that you are that important that I should stop what I am doing to come help you out, especially when you can't even be bothered to say hello or ask me first?

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It's redundant to ask players if they want to join before you send a party invite. Assuming that you send it out of combat, and you both know you are in the same area doing the same quest, and with those circumstances, I really don't see the problem, or what is rude or intrusive about it.


Being a party doesn't mean that you have to be social. If people want to be sure, I'm game, but they don't have to say anything for my sake. I'm not that much of a social person myself, and I lean heavily towards introversion.


The way I see it, you people are overreacting, it's just one small window you can click decline on.


I do this because partying is kind of the point with multi-player, but when you go to a super market, socialising is not in the sights (at least not for me). It's in the name, you know, multi-player. You don't have to party all the time, but can't you be a bit flexible?


It's not redundant, it's called being polite. And it almost seems as if you think we have a problem with grouping up and being in a party. That's not the case, what people like us have a problem with is your approach to forming that party. I don't care if it's 1 small window or 30 big windows, if you just assume that you are that important that I am going to drop what I am doing to come help you out without asking me first if I want to I am with almost complete certainty going to decline the blind invite.

Edited by Hyfy
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:rolleyes: I didn't know that the party invite window was so big that it could ruin a fight. Getting a party invite in the middle of a fight doesn't make it harder for me to fight. :eek:


Anyway, I don't invite people in the middle of a fight. So really, I don't see what is so annoying about it outside of fights.


Why is it so hard for you to ask first?

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Moral of the story is, you're all pretty much pathetic and incredibly anti social, who get overly upset over the fact that someone wants to group with you. I would hate to see how any of you handle real life situations heh.





Edited by Machshoot
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yeah people are wierd, once on fleet someone said he was going to sell me this cartel set after he finished his warzone right? he comes back, I whisper asking where we should meet up, then I get no response, ask again and I find out I am on his ignore. I don't even know what I did or something, did he sell them to another person or something? either way putting me on his ignore was unneccesary and just flat out rude.
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Moral of the story is, you're all pretty much pathetic and incredibly anti social, who get overly upset over the fact that someone wants to group with you. I would hate to see how any of you handle real life situations heh.







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Moral of the story is, you're all pretty much pathetic and incredibly anti social, who get overly upset over the fact that someone wants to group with you. I would hate to see how any of you handle real life situations heh.






You also seem to be under the flawed impression that people like myself don't want to group up. That's not the case, and I end up grouping up quite frequently, The issue is just blindly sending the group invite without asking first. Unless you are a friend or a guildy that I know I won't accept that blind invite. There is a big difference between that and being anti-social and not wanting to group at all.


Moral of the story, you have failed to comprehend the issue and thus your moral is incorrect and misplaced.

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I'm referring to the forum/thread backlash he's recieving. And it seems he wasn't that bothered by the /ignore. He was making a casual observation, curious about the behavior, and sharing his experience.


Sure the other player had the right to /ignore him. However, the OP wasn't spamming him/her with blind invites, hopping around the other player in nothing but a thong, being creepy, stealing nodes/kills, selling gold, or otherwise acting like a d0uche.


I don't see any backlash. I really could care less anyway. :)

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The blind invite by a visible nearby player, who is obviously doing the same Daily (or other quest with some clicky or enemy that takes time to respawn) is one thing. I happily accept these. Always.


The blind invite from some player I cannot even see, without the slightest explanation or communication first: That's something completely different. We shouldn't even be discussing them like they are the same thing.


I have no idea in this circumstance what I am even signing up for. If someone wants some help with something I am perfectly willing to lend a hand. But Jesus, is it too much to expect that you ask me first? I usually stop what I'm doing and ask what they want. If at that point they still can't be bothered to talk to me, then I decline. Generally, if they are friendly and just tell me what the hell they want, I will help out.


Even then, sometimes there are ridiculous situations:


<Invite out of the blue>

"Hello, what do you have in mind?"

"Plz help."

"Uhh, okay... what do you need?"

<Links to quest on Voss>

"Um, I'm on Tatooine doing GSI Dailies. Do we know each other?"



The weird thing I've noticed is that a majority of the blind invites I get are by Warriors stuck on their class quest on Tatooine. I get so many there when doing GSI. What is it with Warriors? I've done that quest, there was nothing in it that was very hard.

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If you didn't wait for an answer before sending the invite I don't really see a problem.


I may not have ignored you right away, but I may have entertained the thought. Because in most cases those asking for a group and sending the invite without waiting for an answer either keep sending invites or ask why I declined. Since I'm usually not in the mood to go on declining invites until they get a clue or start explaining myself, it's easier to just put them on ignore and move on.


It's most likely not anything you did but the experience the player had with similar requests. At some point one just doesn't bother anymore and uses the easy way out. (They may also just have had a bad day and tried to vent some steam solo'ing. In that case be glad you only got ignored.)

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