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Whose stupid idea was it....


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I had gotten killed by other players so many times today that out of pure anger I reported an imp who had randomly killed me of harassment (I consider not allowing people to complete their dailies as harassing especially if they have no defence capabilities and are a lower level). Whose sick joke was it to put imps and pubs in the same area again?


if you are on a pvp server, again that is not new and you knew the risks when you went on a pvp server, can't really blame the devs for a decision you technically made and knew all the risks to.

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Guys, those of you who say that situational awareness is necessarily for this event, you are referring to people who are probably at level 55 trying not to get killed by other level 55s and starting a war. WHAT I AM REFERRING TO IS when some level 55 decides he is going to be a jerk and starts slaughtering people of a lower level who are defenceless simply because they are there and don't want them to complete their daily missions. In those instances situational awareness is meaningless because they can simply kill you in one hit. I AM TALKING TO YOU ALL YOU JERKS OUT THERE, WHAT IS THE POINT OF KILLING A DEFENCELESS PERSON TRYING TO COMPLETE HIS/HER MISSIONS SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY ARE THERE?
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I play a slinger, sawbones and a watchman, FlyBy, sawbones only damage (flyby) and twinsaber throw, I have done the missions now 4 times and have yet to be exploited into PvP. I haven't been forced into anything. I just understand how to play my classes and how to play in this environment. I actually find it less boring and I have been using flyby on both my sawbones and slinger, sawbones because it is all my damage and slinger because I dare anyone to auto flag me. Most of the people I have seen being flagged, is either healing or people with auto-target on (and they deserve getting destroyed).

It's the same for me. I have yet to be flagged by anyone through this type of griefing... ever. But I know how it happens to other people and I think it's completely unfair. I'm not just talking about this event, I'm talking about in general. So I cannot agree with your toleration of an obviously broken mechanic just because you know how to work around it.


My game client doesn't crash when I use the VIP mod tables. So does that mean they shouldn't bother fixing it for people it does cause crashes for?

Edited by Soul_of_Flames
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I am a PvEer and I am asking for more Open World PvP. And so many people I know on the Ebon Hawk (RP-PvE server)


Why would a PVEer be asking for a open world PVP on a PVE server ? It would make more sense ( and be more believable ) if you would ask for open world PVP on a PVP server.

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It's dumb lore-wise that Rakghoul tunnels are a pvp area.

It does make sense in a lot of ways, mostly cause the pubs and imps have been fighting each other for how long ? there's very strong feelings of hated and mistrust of each other, and when you put two groups that hate each other and have weapons, things happens that's not nice. ( Plus Sith isn't known for playing nice with others :p )

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It does make sense in a lot of ways, mostly cause the pubs and imps have been fighting each other for how long ? there's very strong feelings of hated and mistrust of each other, and when you put two groups that hate each other and have weapons, things happens that's not nice. ( Plus Sith isn't known for playing nice with others :p )


I think th devs expected us to all be one big happy family in there.

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It's the same for me. I have yet to be flagged by anyone through this type of griefing... ever. But I know how it happens to other people and I think it's completely unfair. I'm not just talking about this event, I'm talking about in general. So I cannot agree with your toleration of an obviously broken mechanic just because you know how to work around it.


My game client doesn't crash when I use the VIP mod tables. So does that mean they shouldn't bother fixing it for people it does cause crashes for?

You get me wrong, I moaned years ago after getting blown up on Ilum doing dailies by 3 Imps running into my flyby. However, now I don't care, been playing since beta and this has always been a issue, I know the game mechanics now and avoid them. If people would rather get blown up and then moan about it, that is their choice. Just like getting flagged is their choice because they know how to avoid it, at least if they have read this thread.


Last night I used AoEs on my watchman, I just used situational awareness watching for stealth and sneaky flagged players. Guess what, never got flagged. However after reading others comments it may have had more to do with my gear than awareness. Slinger, Sawbones and Knight are in 78/75 with a little 72 on the Knight, and these jerks are looking for easy targets.


I never said they shouldn't fix it, but something that hasn't been fixed since launch (they have attempted to fix it, but failed), I happen to believe it isn't going to be fixed anytime soon. So instead of thinking the world is about to end and crying about it, I find my own solution. Is it a pain, yeah try killing a champion on a sawbones without flyby, I know slow and boring, trust me. :p No risk of dying, but takes forever and a day.

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It's not very hard to avoid getting flagged. There are a few things that may or may not get you flagged and you just avoid doing them. In all the time that I've done the Gree event, I only got unintentionally flagged once and that was due to someone in my group getting themselves flagged. If you're repeatedly getting force flagged, then this game is probably too complicated for you.
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It all boils down to enabling. How long have MMOs been available to players? It's 2014 and you'd figure this sort of thing wouldn't be a problem anymore.


I unintentionally griefed. After being constantly ganked by some imps in the cavesm I waited and made sure I had no flag on, went off to do missions, and went stealthed most of the way just to be safe.


I passed by some imps (a lvl 31 and a lvl 33, I forget the classes). I was trying to sneak past them when some Joined thingeys spawned, and one of the aoe'd. I was brought out of stealth and flagged. Instinctively (seeing red nameplates almost brings up a flashback like experience) I melted them both down (I'm a 55 shadow). It wasn't till it was all over that I really realized what I did. Don't worry, I paid a penance when a 55 jug killed me.


And that was accidental. Imagine lvl 55 Shadows, Assassin's, Scoundrels, and Agents running around with the intention of pissing off anyone lvl 40 and lower. Imagine these guys staying outside visual detection range until they see an AOE go off, then rolling or force speeding in so as to get flagged.


People cry laziness and L2P; no amount of situational awareness is going to prevent someone from running in from outside visual detection range so as to get flagged.


It is inexcusable to leave a mechanic unfixed to the point that it actively enables griefers.

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no amount of situational awareness is going to prevent someone from running in from outside visual detection range so as to get flagged.
I am average at best player and I do not get flagged if I do not want to get flagged. So I call BS, again not saying it should not be fixed, but it isn't a game breaker because if I can do avoid getting flagged anyone can.
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I think what doesn't help here is the fact this event actually has an achievement requiring you to kill other players: in other words, there's an actual INCENTIVE for jerks/griefers to pull this kind of stuff. I want to do the event, but I'm not good at multi-tasking, which would be required keep watch for flagged players while fighting NPCs (not that would help much considering some classes can stealth).


Yeah, I know not to use AOEs when the situation calls for it (As a commando, I frequently use Concussion shot during Heroics, which means no AOEs near the stunned mob), but that doesn't mean I should be restricted on what I can use in a fight due to a broken mechanic. Regardless, for now I'm going to avoid the event until the 'rush' dies down.

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Well "fdbgjfdhjgkjdhsg"


The first couple days of any event are full of Creeps and Douchebags.


Avoidance works best for me, only do them after 9pm, (Its weird, like all the griefers have a bed time?) find instances with low populations and try to stay out of problem areas.

If you can't avoid just report. Any one who is purposely stopping you from completing a mission is breaking the game rules and can be banned if reported.


For PVP If you are on a pvp server then stay in groups, if you are in pve, then don't flag and don't stay in groups with people who are flagged.

Edited by Jrea
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This was in the event area:rak_01:


and if it was on a pvp server, that doesn't matter. If it was on a pve server due to that flag thing then I apologize, but pretty much if it is on a pvp server, you can't complain, as it is the event area for gree, even the non-pvp area, was still used for a lot of ganking as well. PVP on a pvp server can and will happen anywhere except for home planets, fleet, starter planets, and taris and balmorra, as well as your ships, that's the only real places anyone is really safe, you can't blame Bioware, who has made shared area events before, for a decision you made and were fully aware of. Event area or not any shared area is pretty much open for attacks.

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Well "fdbgjfdhjgkjdhsg"


The first couple days of any event are full of Creeps and Douchebags.


Avoidance works best for me, only do them after 9pm, (Its weird, like all the griefers have a bed time?) find instances with low populations and try to stay out of problem areas.

If you can't avoid just report. Any one who is purposely stopping you from completing a mission is breaking the game rules and can be banned if reported.


For PVP If you are on a pvp server then stay in groups, if you are in pve, then don't flag and don't stay in groups with people who are flagged.


Perhaps they have bedtimes? :D

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For PVP If you are on a pvp server then stay in groups, if you are in pve, then don't flag and don't stay in groups with people who are flagged.



This is all well and good in theory, but we all know in practice a flagged player intent on mayhem can easily force flag a team fighting mobs.

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other games have a toggle that requires you to directly target another player to initaite pvp, some take it a step further and require you to manually flag pvp in order to damage another player. Rift has a TON of open world content involving a bunch of players and all you need to do is click a few boxes in the ui and would will not flag pvp.


Basically SWTOR UI is not up to par. Anyone remember it at launch? It was horrid. It is better but still needs work.

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I honestly dont know why they didnt think to use the Dueling Mechanic for OWPvP.


If you decide to 'duel' someone of an unfriendly faction. Youre flagged for PvP. Otherwise. You cant harm each other and instigate a flag.


That will have a lot of problems, specifically, all OWPvP will be limited to 1v1s. PvE servers are not only home to be people who only PvE exclusively and never ever PvP. There's also people who like PvP, they just want it to be mutually consentual. It would screw them over to have PvP degenerate into a glorified series of 1v1s.

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Doesn't work. I was in a group Yesterday (on a PVE-RP server!), trying to do the H4. It was not possible due to some douchebag PVP'ers running in our AoE's while we were fighting the sub-bosses (to get the fungus). I was not flagged before that, but was of course after!


We were forced to abort the H4 and wait in the cantina for the flag to wear off; then we went back, tried again, got flagged and stomped again. After 3 failed attempts, we called it a night and forgot about the H4 alltogether.


7 instances full of PVP douchebags, wanting to ruin our PVE fun, on a PVE-RP server...


So I have to agree with the OP, it was a terrible idea to -once again- force people in a PVP situation for a PVE event, on PVE servers... In my opinion, they should deactivate the PVP mechanic on PVE servers alltogether to force PVP'ers to stay on their servers, but that's of course just my opinion.


Just my 2 credits,



Of course it works! You avoid AOE attacks, single-target focus the mobs, and take them down as you're able. Also avoid healing or buffing someone in your group who's flagged. Simple as pie.

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Of course it works! You avoid AOE attacks, single-target focus the mobs, and take them down as you're able. Also avoid healing or buffing someone in your group who's flagged. Simple as pie.

Nope, that does not work for me when grouped with others. Instead I avoid that group crap in events alltogether and stick to the non-heroic quests that I can solo. And since I was able to acquire enough reputation and canisters with solo missions in the last days to be able to buy all the event gear I wanted anyways, there is no need for me to bother avoiding PVP douchebags by nerfing my own playstyle any more.


I'd love to group more often with people on such events but I won't as long as it means to be forced into a playstyle I detest. Bioware should maybe finally start working on fixing their game instead of adding new stuff for the cartel market... Other games have it for ages, so why is it so hard to make a PVP toggle that can only be switched on manually (and not through some probably unintended action)? Do they honestly believe that people forced into PVP situations will suddenly start to love PVP? I'd say the opposite is the case.

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