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You'll note the 4 hours of unscheduled downtime for West Coast servers, hopefully, and consider that in your future decisions on downtime.


Frankly, between the hour+ Reorganizing data patch and multiple unscheduled patches I won't re-sub without some compensation. This is a bit much as far as downtime even for an MMO.


Wow was once down for days back when the Burning Crusade was around. 4 hours is nothing...

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2007 called and pointed out it's now 2014 and a much more competitive environment with totally different tech.


life called and said "**** happens. Get over it." at 15 dollars a month your loss of 4 hours represents about 8.3 cents. use that time to have a nap and maybe you won't be so cranky :(


ps: servers look back

Edited by lichmeister
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life called and said "**** happens. Get over it." at 15 dollars a month your loss of 4 hours represents about 8.3 cents. use that time to have a nap and maybe you won't be so cranky :(


Or you can use no resources at all in just remaining silent?

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2007 called and pointed out it's now 2014 and a much more competitive environment with totally different tech.


Stuff happens. Learn to deal with it, otherwise take your ball elsewhere. I'm sorry you weren't able to play your game for 4 whole hours, it's not like your house burned down or a sibling died. So grow up, K? Or should I get you some spaghettio's and sit you down in front of some spongebob? That seems more your age appropriate entertainment.

Edited by Reno_Tarshil
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Interesting seeing the posts tonight.

Some very good.

Some very bad.

But most interesting was that I had always thought that the regular server maintenance (on Tuesday) was affecting me and other east coast Australians more than anybody else as it always happened between 8.00pm and 12.00 am our time

But I have been so very wrong.

Obviously the SWOTR community is open all hours.

To the positive contributors: Good reasoning, well said.

To the negative contributors: Get a life.

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Good job guys on getting the servers back up! If you wanna whine about a game being down go make your own and maintain it yourself.


exactly :) i, for one, am very glad they brought them down for a fix rather than leaving us in the wind until tuesday. as to the Aussies plight: sadly i have been hearing that for years :( its just plain old bad circumstance that your prime time happens to be the most efficient damn time to do those weekly updates! you can always move to west coast canada/usa/mexico :D i have a spare room i could rent :rolleyes:

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Lol sooo many people with there hate replies and you owe me blah, blah, blah!


Heres an idea! Long walk, short pier!!





You know, if this were the type of company that occasionally surprised people with exceptional customer service they might have done a lot more with one of the most valuable franchises in history.

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You know, if this were the type of company that occasionally surprised people with exceptional customer service they might have done a lot more with one of the most valuable franchises in history.


I'm sorry.... have you played MMOs before? Because you are making it sound like these type of issues don't occur elsewhere which they do (and much more often btw).


You have other choices as you said. Let me know if those other choices don't have issues of this type from time to time.

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You'll note the 4 hours of unscheduled downtime for West Coast servers, hopefully, and consider that in your future decisions on downtime.


Frankly, between the hour+ Reorganizing data patch and multiple unscheduled patches I won't re-sub without some compensation. This is a bit much as far as downtime even for an MMO.


Hour+ reorganizing patch data means there is something wrong with your game installation, meaning it is a problem on your side, that BioWare will probably not be able to fix. Try defragmenting your drive or running repair utilities from the launcher.


And multiple unscheduled patches? Stuff happens that nobody caught during testing, or it is caused by some freak collision of software and hardware for which the testing did not account (the amount of combinations is nearly endless, so they simply cannot be all tested).

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You know, if this were the type of company that occasionally surprised people with exceptional customer service they might have done a lot more with one of the most valuable franchises in history.


And for you to think that this companies CS is the downfall, or the end all of what makes people unsunscibe, that is just ridiculous! This game has some issues, but even with the issues it's one of the best if not the best MMO out there! And for people like Eric and his team and the team of technical people working on the issues to resolve them as quickly as possible deserves our gratitude, not our threats and we should be entitled to this crap blah, blah, blah!


Quite frankly anytime someone like you makes your feable little threats and ridiculous snides about unsubbing, it makes my heart smile just a little more each time. Cause the sooner this game weeds out the egotistic trash in this game, then it definitely enhances my game time and message board viewing!

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Now you have to fix the weird red x lag issues that shoots your latency up into the 100k range then drops you.


All I'm looking for is the ability to play this game like every other game I play. Log in play then log off, I know very exciting right, but with SWTOR it seems to be a major issue!

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2007 called and pointed out it's now 2014 and a much more competitive environment with totally different tech.


Several large servers were down for most of the evening Wednesday in wow. They were down for most of the prime time raiding hours here in the US. This stuff happens. I think it also might be safe to say that anyone complaining about unexpected downtime and bugs has never worked in IT and just don't understand that even the biggest companies in the world have issues with tech.

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I actually just got offline to go to bed when all this appears to have been going on. I'm on JC though so not sure if I would have been affected.


I must say though that regardless of sub'ing or not, Eric and the team really deserve major kudos for pulling an all-nighter on a Saturday/Sunday so that we can play a *game*. I've done my share of complaining but this really makes me put my foot in my mouth. I know things can be frustrating to not be able to access the game, especially if you are a sub (sorry but if you are f2p there isn't much room to make demands imo), but these are real people with real lives and real family and friends, and it doesn't seem apparant that they hate their jobs or anything, but I can imagine if some people had to pull an all-nighter on a Saturday at their job they'd be none too happy. Seriously I'd have gone postal (that's a thing people still say nowadays, right?) if I had to be at my job on a Saturday night. All issues, problems, bugs, and any other first world problems we as the players have to deal with aside, the dedication and resilience of the devs and other team members is astounding. Major kudos and props to all involved.

Edited by DimmuJanKaarl
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I actually just got offline to go to bed when all this appears to have been going on. I'm on JC though so not sure if I would have been affected.


Same here. And I do play on The Harbinger.


So I missed all the drama in the forum over this. :)


I must say though that regardless of sub'ing or not, Eric and the team really deserve major kudos for pulling an all-nighter on a Saturday/Sunday so that we can play a *game*. I've done my share of complaining but this really makes me put my foot in my mouth. I know things can be frustrating to not be able to access the game, especially if you are a sub (sorry but if you are f2p there isn't much room to make demands imo), but these are real people with real lives and real family and friends, and it doesn't seem apparant that they hate their jobs or anything, but I can imagine if some people had to pull an all-nighter on a Saturday at their job they'd be none too happy. Seriously I'd have gone postal (that's a thing people still say nowadays, right?) if I had to be at my job on a Saturday night. All issues, problems, bugs, and any other first world problems we as the players have to deal with aside, the dedication and resilience of the devs and other team members is astounding. Major kudos and props to all involved.


^^^ 100%.


Eric was in the forum last night...after hours... on the weekend....acknowledging that there was an issue and they were looking in to it. Clearly... the IT team behind the scenes was busy... and they did in fact work through the night to get things back to normal.


Anyone complaining about it -------> other options for your precious time.


Personally, having played MMOs for years.. including the alleged large "flawless ones".... things go south in server farms from time to time. It happens.. To all the complainers... some advice to consider -----> suck it up... spend a little time doing real life things until the servers get fixed. If you cannot handle that.... maybe online games are not for you. Why? Because anything connected to you via the internet is going to break from time to time.

Edited by Andryah
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You'll note the 4 hours of unscheduled downtime for West Coast servers, hopefully, and consider that in your future decisions on downtime.


Frankly, between the hour+ Reorganizing data patch and multiple unscheduled patches I won't re-sub without some compensation. This is a bit much as far as downtime even for an MMO.


Hey, they fixed the problem, would you rather those problems have gone on unfixed? I am glad they took the time to fix and, as it is from the timestamps on each post Musco personally had to stay up all night for this just to keep us posted, that is dedication. Anyway the downtime is over, it was only 4 hours, they do not owe you ANY compensation, yes the problem was annoying but still, problems do happen unexpectedly eventually in any mmo you see, and they spent all night fixing it on a HOLIDAY WEEKEND. So yeah, unsub if you really feel that only 4 hours is really something you need "compensation" for.

Edited by Sangrar
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