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Madness Sorc.


They are passively resistant to DoT ALL the time, take 30% less damage on top of that if you stun them, passively heal by hitting you with non-cast attacks and can force speed to attack/interrupt or break LOS far better than any use of HTL.


Madness sorc is the only spec that is really superior to us in a 1v1. Vigilance is not bad once you learn their tree. I had a little trouble when it started to become more mainstream because i hadn't had much experience fighting them, but now its just like any other class: if equal skill, could go either way.


Our biggest downfall is our Dcds still. If we go into a 1v1 fight without them, we're fairly screwed, even if our opponent doesn't have all of theirs.


Also, lol at the advocacy of explosive round. It's arguably a useless talent in end-game PvP. High-heat with not much more damage than rapid shots. If spec'd into in pyro/assault, it can be useful, but not at all in arsenal/gunnery. I love when a merc/mando thinks they're gonna win spamming that. The fight is over so fast.

Edited by PhatMcMuffins
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Here is the thing with smashers, you are gonna eat that 8k smash almost regardless of what you do. You have to do what you can to minimize the hit and then evade them for the damage boost afterwards. Like I said, if you know you're gonna get smashed, turn on your shield and pop an adrenal. That 8k smash will turn into a 2k smash.
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When <dueling> any basic jumper (tanks not included: next lesson)

-Spam Electronet while count down until it starts

-Tech Override > (Reserve Powercell > Plasma Grenade > Gravity Round)

-Sticky Grenade

-Grab and light your cigarette

-One more Gravity Round for the lulz

-Demo Round > High Impact Bolt

-End with Stock Strike to look cool


*You might want to use kolto bomb somewhere between the rotation to restore full health, dont use warzone medpacs, gentlements dont use medpacs

Edited by RGimeldo
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  • 3 weeks later...
Actually, you can beat a smash jug, its not that hard and I do it quite regularly. If were assuming a true 1v1 scenario where both of you are at full health, no procs, all cd's, and starting at 30m range, then here is how.


1) He leaps you and does force crush.

2) You hit him with electronet, hold the line, tech override and start booking it sideways away from him. Get out of 10m range......


Why would the Jugg use Force Crush right away? That is a really bad Jugg.....

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Why would the Jugg use Force Crush right away? That is a really bad Jugg.....


He isnt as bad as you think, Force Crush is a Slow, from 70% down to 5%, so you slow them, and then they can hardly move making the Electro Net > Concussion Charge, a moot point. That and Enrage has a pretty decent CD, so using Enrage for your first Shockwave stacks isnt the greatest idea.

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Nevertheless 1v1 will find you unless you have a healer/tank/random buddy glued to you.


Key things are:


Get a grav on them


Use Stockstrike Root frequently, whatever they want to do they won't want to be rooted. Not applicable for snipers ofc. But remember the root is only 4s if you don't damage them so if you want a time out to heal or build a burst you gotta root and run without poking them.


HTL is a soft counter to leaps and pulls. Immune to physics and roots prevents you being lept to - as long as you keep moving they will leap to where you were (as in they land behind you as you run) because their root didnt work. Ditto if you see a PT holding you as target and running to get to 30m of you, it's going to be a pull, pop HTL and shoot him in the face from 30m, he now looks stupid.


Be paranoid about the "**** you I'm immortal" shields that marauders, assassins and juggs can pop, root if possible (not possible on assassin) or look to get away til it burns out.

Also the combat stealthing to close distance done by assassins, operatives, marauders (not quite the same) drop scanner immediately.


Some people don't spec diversion, I do for the simple reason that in a 1v1 you have a clear and obvious view of anything you're going to be hit by. A merc charging a first tracer at you will almost certainly chain a HSM to it.


Interrupt the tracer as its about to finish and pop diversion. The tracer cast is wasted and the HSM hits you only to be instantly absorbed.


Similar effects can be used against lightning sorcs.


I personally believe we have a fighting chance against all visible classes. Stealth is the worst thing we can go up against solo because we have no anti-burst abilities to protect against ambush and our scanners are hilariously visible to the enemy. That and stealth are likely to attack you when they know you're alone


Assassins are a ridiculously hard counter to us with 2 escapes, plenty of CC, a 10m interrupt(!), force speed against a knockback or HTL and two shields which can be devastating to our damage if timed well as they cause 0 damage hits.


Operatives can be hugely bursty and crippling but aside from that are less durable and less able to escape than assassins, massive threat if they pile in during a fight or ambush in pairs because their opening move is a CC plus high burst damage.

Edited by Gyronamics
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