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Post you 1v1 strategy and other PvP experiences.


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Also post your specc and what strategy you use against the other classes. Ive seen alot of angry players talking about how they get stomped in pvp. Myself playing a commando as main and i win about 50% of my 1v1 (equal gear) but my problem is that im forced to use all my CDs in the same fight....mostly.... For a year or so i went healing but last 4 months ive played gunnery with obroan medic gear. Last few days i have tried assault and it seems very good. Ofc im going back to healing after 2.6

The thing is that i would like to see other players strategy in pvp so i can become a better player. I refuse to focus on my other classes atm because i find them abit easymode compared to the commando (dont have a 55 sage yet but it seems they also have a high skillcap)

Atm i have 10 obroan items and 4 conq items.

Edited by SWEtree
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Well, to be honest, assault is the better PvP spec if you know how to play it. And if you line it up perfectly, you'll have just as good burst as Gunnery (incindary - sticky - plastique - hib - full auto - hib).


My strategy is just kiting, throwing bombs'n'nades and stopping to do the occastional FA. And using HIB, of course. Nothing more to it.

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dont use your defensive skill at beginning of the fight if u fight sw/jk cause they won't throw at you their main burst at this point

if u fight sorc/sage anything with dot use it when they apply it to you

use your cc smart, sometiems its better to wait till mid/end of the fight

Edited by RaptorClown
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dont use your defensive skill at beginning of the fight if u fight sw/jk cause they won't throw at you their main burst at this point

if u fight sorc/sage anything with dot use it when they apply it to you

use your cc smart, sometiems its better to wait till mid/end of the fight


Yeah your right. When i get attacked from a stealth or mara i seem to waste most of my defensive CDs way to fast. I need to work on this,cheers :)

Edited by SWEtree
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There is no reliable 1 vs 1 strat for a class overly reliant on casting in an environment plagued by interrupts, pushback, and CC.


We are only viable when freecasting. Which doesn't happen in PvP.


Suggest rerolling.


It is my honest opinion that Assault commando's have the ability to beat all but assassins and vigilance.


If anyone has any questions about 1v1'ing a class please ask. and there are some duels vs an elite warlord Jugg and sorc in my signature (after the RP intro)

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It is my honest opinion that Assault commando's have the ability to beat all but assassins and vigilance.


If anyone has any questions about 1v1'ing a class please ask. and there are some duels vs an elite warlord Jugg and sorc in my signature (after the RP intro)


Assassins can be beaten, if you have a good computer (I'll explain) and quick reaction time.


First off, you need to run away from them when they pop out of stealth. Then make them pop their shroud. Kite/deal damage etc and use dcds when needed. But when they stealth out, plonck down a stealth scan right on them, and continue to blast away (it's not possible to target them instantly on a bad computer, hende the need for an okay one).


It can be done. Vigilance on the other hand...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, whoever has been saying that you can't 1v1 as a gunnery commando needs to review their skills. Gunnery has all the tools it needs to be a 1v1 machine.


1) Take high ground if possible. This allows you to punt enemies away and not even have to bother 1v1ing.


2) If you do 1v1, here is how you screw up a melee. Let them get to you while you cast, once they are in your face, pop Hold the Line, activate tech overrides, stock strike (spec into the 4s root), run sideways, throw a sticky grenade and follow it up with grav round x2. When the sprint/leap to you again, punt, and full auto even if its not procced. By the time they get to you, stock strike should be back off cooldown. Stock strike, run sideways, kolto bomb self, high impact bolt, demo round.


3) If you have to 1v1 a range, here is how you screw them up. Get behind something and make them come to you, yes, you're going to be fighting melee range. When they get close, start casting gravs, if you get interrupted, stock strike, go around corner, heal. Against snipers just play peeka boo from behind an object, pop out, sticky nade, or explosive round, or just hammer shot, then back behind cover. They shouldn't get a single shot in on you. If you get rooted, it can be cleansed.


4) The OS moment. You're at 50%, enemy is at 100%. This is still a winnable situation. If the enemy isn't bleeding, hit them with a cryo nade and start channeling a heal, any heal, even if you're not specced into heals. Most dumb melee break their cc to interrupt you. This is when you hit tech override and hit them with a concussive round. You then have 8s to either bugger out back to friendly lines or heal up. If this doesn't work for some reason, do the following. Activate adrenal + shield at the same time, this adds up to 75% damage resistance. Channel. If grav is interrupted, fire CB, if CB gets interrupted, fire FA. As you shield grinds down pop adrenaline rush. When that trips and as it comes to an end, fire tech override, med probex2 + a warzone medpack. You're suddenly back at about 80% health from the brink of death. If all else fails, electronet, hold the line, and bugger out.


You should not 1v1 unless you have to, your job is to find and shut down the enemy healers and rdps. But if you have to fight, you shouldn't lose unless your enemy is better geared or just a better player. Don't listen to any of the nonsense about how commandos can't 1v1.

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Ok, whoever has been saying that you can't 1v1 as a gunnery commando needs to review their skills. Gunnery has all the tools it needs to be a 1v1 machine.


1) Take high ground if possible. This allows you to punt enemies away and not even have to bother 1v1ing.


2) If you do 1v1, here is how you screw up a melee. Let them get to you while you cast, once they are in your face, pop Hold the Line, activate tech overrides, stock strike (spec into the 4s root), run sideways, throw a sticky grenade and follow it up with grav round x2. When the sprint/leap to you again, punt, and full auto even if its not procced. By the time they get to you, stock strike should be back off cooldown. Stock strike, run sideways, kolto bomb self, high impact bolt, demo round.


3) If you have to 1v1 a range, here is how you screw them up. Get behind something and make them come to you, yes, you're going to be fighting melee range. When they get close, start casting gravs, if you get interrupted, stock strike, go around corner, heal. Against snipers just play peeka boo from behind an object, pop out, sticky nade, or explosive round, or just hammer shot, then back behind cover. They shouldn't get a single shot in on you. If you get rooted, it can be cleansed.


4) The OS moment. You're at 50%, enemy is at 100%. This is still a winnable situation. If the enemy isn't bleeding, hit them with a cryo nade and start channeling a heal, any heal, even if you're not specced into heals. Most dumb melee break their cc to interrupt you. This is when you hit tech override and hit them with a concussive round. You then have 8s to either bugger out back to friendly lines or heal up. If this doesn't work for some reason, do the following. Activate adrenal + shield at the same time, this adds up to 75% damage resistance. Channel. If grav is interrupted, fire CB, if CB gets interrupted, fire FA. As you shield grinds down pop adrenaline rush. When that trips and as it comes to an end, fire tech override, med probex2 + a warzone medpack. You're suddenly back at about 80% health from the brink of death. If all else fails, electronet, hold the line, and bugger out.


You should not 1v1 unless you have to, your job is to find and shut down the enemy healers and rdps. But if you have to fight, you shouldn't lose unless your enemy is better geared or just a better player. Don't listen to any of the nonsense about how commandos can't 1v1.



Very helpfull and good strategy. Cheers m8 :)

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Ok, whoever has been saying that you can't 1v1 as a gunnery commando needs to review their skills. Gunnery has all the tools it needs to be a 1v1 machine.


1) Take high ground if possible. This allows you to punt enemies away and not even have to bother 1v1ing.


2) If you do 1v1, here is how you screw up a melee. Let them get to you while you cast, once they are in your face, pop Hold the Line, activate tech overrides, stock strike (spec into the 4s root), run sideways, throw a sticky grenade and follow it up with grav round x2. When the sprint/leap to you again, punt, and full auto even if its not procced. By the time they get to you, stock strike should be back off cooldown. Stock strike, run sideways, kolto bomb self, high impact bolt, demo round.


3) If you have to 1v1 a range, here is how you screw them up. Get behind something and make them come to you, yes, you're going to be fighting melee range. When they get close, start casting gravs, if you get interrupted, stock strike, go around corner, heal. Against snipers just play peeka boo from behind an object, pop out, sticky nade, or explosive round, or just hammer shot, then back behind cover. They shouldn't get a single shot in on you. If you get rooted, it can be cleansed.


4) The OS moment. You're at 50%, enemy is at 100%. This is still a winnable situation. If the enemy isn't bleeding, hit them with a cryo nade and start channeling a heal, any heal, even if you're not specced into heals. Most dumb melee break their cc to interrupt you. This is when you hit tech override and hit them with a concussive round. You then have 8s to either bugger out back to friendly lines or heal up. If this doesn't work for some reason, do the following. Activate adrenal + shield at the same time, this adds up to 75% damage resistance. Channel. If grav is interrupted, fire CB, if CB gets interrupted, fire FA. As you shield grinds down pop adrenaline rush. When that trips and as it comes to an end, fire tech override, med probex2 + a warzone medpack. You're suddenly back at about 80% health from the brink of death. If all else fails, electronet, hold the line, and bugger out.


You should not 1v1 unless you have to, your job is to find and shut down the enemy healers and rdps. But if you have to fight, you shouldn't lose unless your enemy is better geared or just a better player. Don't listen to any of the nonsense about how commandos can't 1v1.


Thanks a bunch...I have been playing assault on my mando up to this point and been loving it, I think I need to respec into assault for some PvP later and try some of these. Of course I don't have all the skills yet but it has me thinking.



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It is my honest opinion that Assault commando's have the ability to beat all but assassins and vigilance.


Madness Sorc.


They are passively resistant to DoT ALL the time, take 30% less damage on top of that if you stun them, passively heal by hitting you with non-cast attacks and can force speed to attack/interrupt or break LOS far better than any use of HTL.

Edited by Gyronamics
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Ok, whoever has been saying that you can't 1v1 as a gunnery commando needs to review their skills. Gunnery has all the tools it needs to be a 1v1 machine.


1) Take high ground if possible. This allows you to punt enemies away and not even have to bother 1v1ing.


2) If you do 1v1, here is how you screw up a melee. Let them get to you while you cast, once they are in your face, pop Hold the Line, activate tech overrides, stock strike (spec into the 4s root), run sideways, throw a sticky grenade and follow it up with grav round x2. When the sprint/leap to you again, punt, and full auto even if its not procced. By the time they get to you, stock strike should be back off cooldown. Stock strike, run sideways, kolto bomb self, high impact bolt, demo round.


3) If you have to 1v1 a range, here is how you screw them up. Get behind something and make them come to you, yes, you're going to be fighting melee range. When they get close, start casting gravs, if you get interrupted, stock strike, go around corner, heal. Against snipers just play peeka boo from behind an object, pop out, sticky nade, or explosive round, or just hammer shot, then back behind cover. They shouldn't get a single shot in on you. If you get rooted, it can be cleansed.


4) The OS moment. You're at 50%, enemy is at 100%. This is still a winnable situation. If the enemy isn't bleeding, hit them with a cryo nade and start channeling a heal, any heal, even if you're not specced into heals. Most dumb melee break their cc to interrupt you. This is when you hit tech override and hit them with a concussive round. You then have 8s to either bugger out back to friendly lines or heal up. If this doesn't work for some reason, do the following. Activate adrenal + shield at the same time, this adds up to 75% damage resistance. Channel. If grav is interrupted, fire CB, if CB gets interrupted, fire FA. As you shield grinds down pop adrenaline rush. When that trips and as it comes to an end, fire tech override, med probex2 + a warzone medpack. You're suddenly back at about 80% health from the brink of death. If all else fails, electronet, hold the line, and bugger out.


You should not 1v1 unless you have to, your job is to find and shut down the enemy healers and rdps. But if you have to fight, you shouldn't lose unless your enemy is better geared or just a better player. Don't listen to any of the nonsense about how commandos can't 1v1.


Gear gap comes into play at higher tiers and obliterate as well stock strike is useless against a smash jug tbh. If you are the exact same gear level as a smash jug even if you play it 100% correct same skill level you won't win because they have 2 stuns and 2 interrupts and cannot be kited by use of stock strike for a root. You would have to be able to dodge their instant 7-9k smashes then avoid the increased damage after. Plus since smash requires so little gearing thought they can run a full power/surge system which creates a gap between theirs and yours as a commandos gearing requires a little amount if crit for max results tied with some alacrity if you prefer. This doesn't mean 1v1 isn't possible it just means 1v1 against a evenly skilled opponent is very unlikely to win. Plus you can't forget about sents their dps is just bogus to us since all our CDs increase reduction which all 3 of their specs have armor pen or internal dps.

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It is always so interesting to me to see so many have so much trouble as mando/merc.

They are not the best class, but very sturdy, great defensive cds, great mobility, hard hitting powers HIB/CBolt, what more do you want? LOL!


In WZs, my Explosive round has base damage 1300, auto-slows, turns on my power cell, makes my hammer shots hit or 9%more, and HIB resets the duration of my cell. Guys i'm having the time of my life and I just dont understand everyone elses frustration.


But anywhooo. remember to bind your down-arrow to right-strafe.


Now get off your couch and go Run and Gun some imps!!!

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Gear gap comes into play at higher tiers and obliterate as well stock strike is useless against a smash jug tbh. If you are the exact same gear level as a smash jug even if you play it 100% correct same skill level you won't win because they have 2 stuns and 2 interrupts and cannot be kited by use of stock strike for a root. You would have to be able to dodge their instant 7-9k smashes then avoid the increased damage after. Plus since smash requires so little gearing thought they can run a full power/surge system which creates a gap between theirs and yours as a commandos gearing requires a little amount if crit for max results tied with some alacrity if you prefer. This doesn't mean 1v1 isn't possible it just means 1v1 against a evenly skilled opponent is very unlikely to win. Plus you can't forget about sents their dps is just bogus to us since all our CDs increase reduction which all 3 of their specs have armor pen or internal dps.


Actually, you can beat a smash jug, its not that hard and I do it quite regularly. If were assuming a true 1v1 scenario where both of you are at full health, no procs, all cd's, and starting at 30m range, then here is how.


1) He leaps you and does force crush.

2) You hit him with electronet, hold the line, tech override and start booking it sideways away from him. Get out of 10m range.

3) Critical moment, you have to catch whether he pops saber reflect or not. If he does, save your override, do nothing.

4) If he doesn't, grav * 2, demo round, bolt, and now you have a half dead jug at 20m range with no jump and still in the net. If you can't kill that you're bad.

5) Assuming he did pop reflect, you are now at 20m range, have tech override ready, and reflect has ended. You still have a few seconds of net. Cast 1 grav round, followed by a demo round, followed by FA whether it procced or not.

6) At this point he's gonna close on you. Pop shield+adrenal, eat the smash to the face (it will only hit for about 2-3k in this case).

7) Cast as much as possible, if you haven't managed to bring him down by the time your shield and adrenal drop, use cryo nade. If cryo nade gets broken, start channeling a heal, when he interrupts, concussive round. 8s to spam med probe, reload, and try again.


Also, on most maps there are a number of places you can set up where no melee can touch you. Set up on the ramps in huttball and punt smashers away or into the fire. Set up near the revine on voidstar and punt melee to their deaths. Set up near a cliff/hill on novare and punt melee 40+m away. Only map without an epic punt spot is hipergate but thats not a map you should ever be 1v1ing on.

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Actually, you can beat a smash jug, its not that hard and I do it quite regularly. If were assuming a true 1v1 scenario where both of you are at full health, no procs, all cd's, and starting at 30m range, then here is how.


1) He leaps you and does force crush.

2) You hit him with electronet, hold the line, tech override and start booking it sideways away from him. Get out of 10m range.

3) Critical moment, you have to catch whether he pops saber reflect or not. If he does, save your override, do nothing.

4) If he doesn't, grav * 2, demo round, bolt, and now you have a half dead jug at 20m range with no jump and still in the net. If you can't kill that you're bad.

5) Assuming he did pop reflect, you are now at 20m range, have tech override ready, and reflect has ended. You still have a few seconds of net. Cast 1 grav round, followed by a demo round, followed by FA whether it procced or not.

6) At this point he's gonna close on you. Pop shield+adrenal, eat the smash to the face (it will only hit for about 2-3k in this case).

7) Cast as much as possible, if you haven't managed to bring him down by the time your shield and adrenal drop, use cryo nade. If cryo nade gets broken, start channeling a heal, when he interrupts, concussive round. 8s to spam med probe, reload, and try again.


Also, on most maps there are a number of places you can set up where no melee can touch you. Set up on the ramps in huttball and punt smashers away or into the fire. Set up near the revine on voidstar and punt melee to their deaths. Set up near a cliff/hill on novare and punt melee 40+m away. Only map without an epic punt spot is hipergate but thats not a map you should ever be 1v1ing on.


I do all that but always get hit with obliterate and get smashed for 8k damage almost every time. However that is on my merc and for some reason that escapes all reason to me my merc apparently has terrible luck since my commando takes like 6k damage from the same hits with the same gear. For me on my merc what always happens is I use EN+power surge>2 tracer>heatseeker>railshot>unload which normally should be at least 70% health even though it always turns up to be like 90% even though they dont use a cd. Whereas on my commando as heal spec I use EN>railshot>free plasma nade and boom they are 50% health which just blows my mind and makes me wonder what i did to ruin my merc. Still I dont really like to 1v1 on my merc, I primarily 1v1, 1v2 on my vanguard since its a lot easier.

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When someone leaps at me, I hit them with my AOE knock back. Strafe right, explosive round to slow them, hammers, HIB. Then, I look at their health. If it's gonna be a long fight I buff with my 2min cd shield, Hold the line, and diversion. Otherwise, I hit them with my incid round, hammers, and try to get off a charged bolt. I've I'm low health, I'll just kite them, and koto bomb. This strat will work almost every time.


Of course, if are not 1v1 and they have a cleanser, things are a little more difficult. But you will always be an asset to your team.

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