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The Operative DPS buff is really going to hurt us.


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As a low defense (almost no) defense class that relies on long casts we are always at the mercy of the stealth classes. With DPS Concealment operatives now parsing higher than Carnage Marauders we are screwed big time.


We are the class with the worst mobility, laughable heavy armor and one pathetic shield with an insanely long cooldown.


Why are we the bastard children of SWTOR?


The buff to Operatives is going to hurt us (and sorcerers) the most.

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Yeah, poor range casters, they will have to learn to fight stealthers. In two years, every single assassin avoided them, now it's up to mighty concealment actually killing them.


Or: You had to get used to deception burst, now get used to concealments sustained damage. Learn to use your cooldowns (including CC-Breaker), bind Stealth Scan and Electro Net and stop whining and QQing about a slightly buffed specc you propably haven't seen yet.

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Right now concealment operatives are one of the classes i am least worried about attacking me in wz's. I pretty much never take one seriously when they open on me due to our knock back, stealth scan and net. All three of those things seriously **** them up. I feel like they do need this buff to even come close to taking down a merc who i believe are on of the top 1 v1 classes of the game right now.


Pyro is extremely mobile. Arsenal has a fair few tools to use to cast tracer. and dont forget an 8 second mes that can be insta cast that allows you to heal to full if your lucky.


Assassins will still be able to put a lot more pressure on us, with the simple fact that they have shroud.


Does anyone else agree that DPS ops are the easiest kills for mercs right now?

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I don't get the whole "well this class is overpowered so we should be too" stance that Operatives are taking. It's like an ever escalating arms race, but Merc DPS isn't even at the starting line.


I disagree. The only area that merc dps lacks is arenas without tank and heals (which admittedly is 90% of solo ranked arenas) Merc pyro and arsenal has some of the highest burst in the game (just watch the last minute of my video below) Concealment operatives are easily the worst all round arena class in the game and are in much more need of buffs.

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I disagree. The only area that merc dps lacks is arenas without tank and heals (which admittedly is 90% of solo ranked arenas) Merc pyro and arsenal has some of the highest burst in the game (just watch the last minute of my video below) Concealment operatives are easily the worst all round arena class in the game and are in much more need of buffs.


You do realize that the 1.5 second casts really reduces the burst right? You can't really count power surge which is on a minute and half cooldown as anything reliable especially since you are better off using it for concussion missile and a rapid scan on yourself than any 2 attacks.

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Your credibility is now ZERO. A class that is as interruptable as a merc cannot be comparable to an assassin or a marauder.


SO i disagree with your opinion and now i have zero credibility? Just because your having trouble with a class doesn't mean that everyone else who says its decent is lying. If you are so worried about these op buffs why not ask questions to people who are not worried about them?


Yes interrupts are annoying on a class that has casts, but how do these melee classes interrupt you when you stay at range? The only way a merc can duel is by kiting the **** out of them. If you keep these Assassins and Maras out of 10m range all of a sudden the mara only has leap as an interrupt (which net can prevent) and the assassin has nothing.


If you are dueling these classes from 4m range you are not playing the class right. I win about 50% of my duels with an assassin at the same skill lvl as me (depends on whether i waste stuns/knock backs on their shroud). and 99% of carnage and annihilation maras are a free kill if we both have all our cd's (We can cleanse anni and there should never be a reason to let a carnage mara gore/ravage you) Smash is harder to duel but definitely possible.


You do realize that the 1.5 second casts really reduces the burst right? You can't really count power surge which is on a minute and half cooldown as anything reliable especially since you are better off using it for concussion missile and a rapid scan on yourself than any 2 attacks.


I believe pyro is a much better choice for arena's. Chaff flare is a better cd against multiple targets and the only thing you need to cast is the odd power shot if you aren't being focused. In regs there are more than enough tools in both trees to avoid the fights you don't want to engage in (lure the melee to an edge and knock off or just mes and run)


I do agree that mercs need a disengage to become competitive in solo ranked. But ever since the 2.0 changes to arsenal and the pyro changes after that we are in a great place for burst, sustained damage and 1v1's. I've been playing this class for 2 years and believe it is 10x more fun than my elite warlord smash Mara.


I would be happy to answer any questions.


I would be more then happy to make a dueling video

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You have zero credibility because you believe something that is very far from the truth. Mercs are not in the top in 1 v.1. Not in a game with assassins and marauders. I think even the smash juggernauts would win in a 1 v. 1 of equal skill.


Credibility would go to someone that does not go against available objective information such as the ranked leaderboards.

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Credibility would go to someone that does not go against available objective information such as the ranked leaderboards.


When did i ever say that mercs were doing well on the ranked leader boards? In fact i said the opposite.

The only area that merc dps lacks is arenas without tank and heals (which admittedly is 90% of solo ranked arenas)


Are you even reading my posts?


When i said mercs struggle in duels against smash i meant both classes that play smash which does include juggs. Only because of their two gap closers and they can hit reflect while you cast tracer.


Mercs are not the top 1v1 class but they are very far from the worst. We smash snipers, operatives, 2 mara trees, 2 assassin trees, pretty much all sages (granted these are usually close and come down to crits) We can cleanse pyro pt's.


Now seeing as you keep questioning my credibility. Where is yours? How long have you been playing the class and why haven't you figured out that mercs aren't bad at duels?

Edited by Discoteck
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I was in a WZ this morning where this chump Op kept getting me from stealth. Yes, he brought me down to half health in a few GCD’s, but using HO, ED etc, once distanced I was able to pummel him with FM, EN, TD, RS etc. I think he got in one more shot after the opening sequence each time.


So meh… I think they deserve a buff.

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I was in a WZ this morning where this chump Op kept getting me from stealth. Yes, he brought me down to half health in a few GCD’s, but using HO, ED etc, once distanced I was able to pummel him with FM, EN, TD, RS etc. I think he got in one more shot after the opening sequence each time.


So meh… I think they deserve a buff.


I`m glad you decided to base your opinion of the 50k people that have operatives by using that guy... your method must be really advanced.


There are bad shadows getting killed left and right in 1v1, that does not mean they need more help to win 1v1`s, they just need to learn to use what they already have. :)

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i don't get it. You have been given 3 or 4 ways to deal with YOUR problem.


It's funny you come to the merc boards and insult the class and your shocked player would defend there fav class ???


It's clear you have not played long, or you would have learned how to deal with a opp back in 1.5 ish when we were their personal sweet spot.

I'll try 1 last time to help you. if you beat down a stealth he will move on don't be easy meat.

Take his opener, don't blow your stun brake. Now its your turn. Jet boost. Now while moving farther from your target use power surge ,fusion missile ,rapid scan. Now he knows hes ****ed, and looking to get out of dodge. Time for electro net. You have been moving this whole time. The rest is build specific. If arsenal, plant your feet and finish him off. If pyro dot him up and kite him laughing.

i know your looking for yea we suck dev pleas help . but thats just not the wright answer sorry.

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