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How does healing work in Ops?


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I recently decided to respec my level 55 sorc and several other healing capable alts into healers. I seem to do pretty well in group healing from level 30 Fps to the HM 55s with only a couple of deaths on my hands (cries), and am thinking about doing ops healing. However I am unsure of the mechanics when it comes to healing up to 16 people in operations. I see many frames with the healers being put in the 4th column and I am not sure who to heal. Should I be healing everyone (I know I should keep an eye on everyone's health), should I be healing one grouped frame ? Should I put priority mainly on the tanks? If for example I am the 3rd healer in the 4th frame should I concentrate healing on the 3rd grouped frame ? Any tips and pointers would be fantastic!


Thanks. :jawa_tongue:

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I understand. That is why I wish to be informed with some knowledge before I start trying them out.


Generally, if you aren't on main tank, you should be healing everyone else. Sometimes the raid leader will assign you a group but usually they just say top off the raid group. It sounds daunting but after a few groups you'll see certain people taking more damage than others, give them a bit extra attention if possible.

Edited by Elfa
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If healers are placed into a group of healers, it's often because DPS uses cooldowns like Bloodthirst that increase DPS for the party and therefore are best used on 3 other DPS.


In terms of healing, you're already doing all you need to do in flashpoints in keeping the tank up and sometimes checking in on the other people to make sure they aren't dead yet. The biggest difference is in working with other healers. So coordinate with your other healer, find out who they like to focus on. As a sorc, they are likely to expect you to heal everyone except the tank, since other classes are better at tank healing.



I made a video about healing as sorc in 1.2. The class has changed a bit since then. We have unnatural preservation now! But it's basically the same thing as this:

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It's a bit like whack-a-mole.


With swearing.


Also, depends on who you're with. Healing should ideally be organised into what's manageable. I've been 16-man ops where we've had a tank, couple of DPS assigned to a healer, and t'other healer, and then the other healers are given the rest of the DPS to chase after. My old WoW group raided differently, assigned tank healers and raid healers, but that was back in WOTLK when you had specs more suitable to tank healing and more to raid healing. Not so much applicable to SWTOR.

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Grouping all 4 healers together is a hangover from the days of bloodthirst/inspiration not being raid wide.

Its going to take a while for pug ops leaders to get used to setting up raid frames in a more healer friendly way.


If you end up in an ops with 4 healers in the one group, talk to each other in /p. Decide who's healing who if the ops leader doesn't assign roles. Usually commando/merc or scoundrel/op healing tanks and sage/sorc healing everyone else.


If you end up in an ops with 4 healers grouped together and you don't talk to each other, what will happen is very bad. You'll have 4 healers in full triage mode.. ie. everyone will have the same priority - heal the person with the lowest health and that low person will survive but when 2 (or more) healers are focused on him, the next lowest health person dies. Healing as a team is about knowing what your priorities are.


As a 16m healing strategy I'd suggest:


Tank Tank

Dps Dps

Dps Dps

Dps Dps

Dps Dps

Dps Dps

Heal Heal

Heal Heal


If not assigned by the ops leader, once again talk to the other healer in your column and make sure you know whos healing the tank.

If you are the tank healer your priority heal targets would be: your tank, then the other tank, then your column, then the other column.

If you aren't the tank healer, run triage on your column first (including keeping an eye on the tanks health) and then whole raid second.


This way when the poo hits the fan and everyone starts taking damage, everyone gets healed in a timely manner.

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everyone else has pretty much covered it, but in a nutshell? your number one task is to coordinate with your fellow healers. discuss priorities and assignments (especially relevant with cleanses - becasue you do NOT want to hit cleanse on the same person where there's a group wide dot ticking, and then have that cleanse on cooldown, thus making your job exponentially harder)


as a sorc - keep tanks shielded. and do NOT shield other sorc healers (sorc dps are fine). because that healing effect your shield has? it only works on you. but shielding another sorc healer, instead of letting them use their own shield? you are taking away their self healing and with exchange health for force mechanic we use - those self heals are actualy very helpful. they don't seem like much at a glance, but they do help. a lot.


basically remember - you are not the only healer anymore, so you need to cooperate with other healers, watch what they do and cover what they don't cover so that between you, everyone who needs heals - gets heals.

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If you are just starting out i would say the best thing to learn right away is communication and what are you supposed to do in the raid. I cant remember how many times ive seen overhealing because two healers go for the same person. This is all good advice in the thread but you need to practice to get good at it. Also what separates healers is cleansing so practice removing dots on the party. You can probably get away with not being good at that in sm ops but hm you will wipe if you dont remove them.


Generally what i do is get a group assigned of 4, heal that group then rotate to other groups as needed if not healing the main tank. It works pretty well

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I recently decided to respec my level 55 sorc and several other healing capable alts into healers. I seem to do pretty well in group healing from level 30 Fps to the HM 55s with only a couple of deaths on my hands (cries), and am thinking about doing ops healing. However I am unsure of the mechanics when it comes to healing up to 16 people in operations. I see many frames with the healers being put in the 4th column and I am not sure who to heal. Should I be healing everyone (I know I should keep an eye on everyone's health), should I be healing one grouped frame ? Should I put priority mainly on the tanks? If for example I am the 3rd healer in the 4th frame should I concentrate healing on the 3rd grouped frame ? Any tips and pointers would be fantastic!


Thanks. :jawa_tongue:


That will be decided by the ops leader. If you are unsure, just ask before the op starts and they will tell you who to heal.

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If you're not on tank duty, you are raids heals. What does raid heals entail? Well pretty much anyone that takes damage. As 16 health bars can be overwhelming to manage, alot of groups will place one healer in each group. In this situation, I just prioritize my group (with focus on tank) first.
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Check class forums for correct rotation, I have seen too much sages/sorcerers that dump their resources because don't know rotation well, FPs are still doable but 16 OP with more than 2 such healers become pita very fast.

My wife have sage healer, when started end game we red what is what and difference was like twice more healing (on prolonged fights) with same gear.

Now to see her without force so rear that I know is it huge group screw up or not just checking mine and her resources.

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