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Tog gear: Oriconian? Aim? Power? Is a DPS


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Hi, i have a 55 comando dps and i dont have any idea of what i am doing


Until now i only buy things looking for power and not for aim (i discovered that aim does less damage than power), but really i dont know how to get top geared, i mean, i looked the oriconian sets but the ¿basic? set has bonus of getting this setup on you that doesnt have so i dont understand if it is better to gear the basic and get the bonuses or to get the oriconian without this bonusses


And if you can, i dont know wich atribute is better:







Thanks, it is the first time i play a mmrpg and i think that i wasted the coms buying the wrong stuff because i was going to buy the oriconian bolblaster or the demolisher but i doubt and look the other set


In conclussion, i dont know what to buy to get the maximun geared character, thanks for your time

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You've got the stats mixed up quite a bit in that list of yours.


Alright first you have Primary Stat (Aim) and Endurance. Armor mods are the primary means to these stats.

Aim gives you both Critical Chance and flat bonus power to all damage and healing.

Endurance is health.


The Secondary Stats are Power/Critical/Def Chance.


Power is a flat bonus to damage.

Critical increases the CHANCE of getting a Critical Hit. It does not increase the damage of critical attacks. Just makes it more likely to get a Critical Hit.

Defensive Chance is the chance you evade the attacks entirely.


The tertiary stats are Accuracy/Alacrity/Absorb/Shield/Surge.

Accuracy increases the likelyhood of attacks actually hitting. Past 100% accuracy it eats into Defensive Chance.

Alacrity speeds up casting times, regeneration rate of resources, and reduces the global cooldown.

Absorb is the amount of damage Shields prevent you from taking.

Shield is the increased CHANCE of shielding an attack.

Surge increase the DAMAGE of a critical hit.


Stats only share slots based on their position. Mainstat will never fight with Secondary or Tertiary stats.


You'll find most mods to have one of each.


As a DPS, you'll want mainstat over End since your job is to kill things. Not take damage.


For DPS, you'll find that you'll want Critical and Power over Def Chance. Def Chance is a tank stat and not required for DPS.


Critical has diminishing returns meaning after a certain point, you won't get as much critical chance while there is no limit to power.


For the Tertiary stats, ignore Absorb and Shield. You can't equip a shield generator so those stats are useless to you as they only affect the shield. Alacrity may LOOK attractive but it doesn't give NEAR enough bonuses to be worth your time. So the big two you want are Accuracy and Surge.


Of course once your Accuracy is high enough, any further Accuracy is going to be wasted so once you get close to 100%, put Surge in there to raise the damage of your critical hits.

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Hey there,


what TylerAcalan wrote is correct, but to explain it further


1. Set Bonus

You definitely need the set bonus at some point but you cant get it from buying Oriconian gear ultimate coms. The only way to get best in slot amorings (they include the set bonus stuff) is to raid Hard Mode Dread Fortresss / Palace for Dread Forged tokes. You can exchange tokens at the vendors for Dread Forged items, they are lvl 78 as well but have different enhancements and armorings with set bonus.


Another way to get set bonus armorings is to aquire Underworld tokes in Scum and Villainy and Asation Hardmode (or whatever that stuff drops atm). Underworld is lvl 72, not bis, but still usable.


So my advice would be, if you have not set bonus items whatsoever, use 78 oriconian armorings without set bonus. If you have lvl 69, 72 or 75 armorings with set bonus, use those.


2. Stats

Its not that difficult. Every gear item has four slots, armoring, modification, enhancement and augments.


For BIS you need; Armoring: Advanced Reflex Armoring 34 with SetBonus

Dont use the Adv Commando Armoring, too much Endurance. You always want to max Aim over Endurance.


Modification: Advanced Agile Mod 34 or Advanced Nimble Mod 34

You have two options here. Agile Mod gives you the optimal Power/Aim mix while Nimble Mod does the same with crit. Do not use anything else, like the Agile Mod 34A or stuff like that if you ar min/maxing your gear.

Each easier to get to a BIS gear if you just use Agile Mods but Nimble Mods wont hurt you as long as you dont bust your crit budget. As a Commando DPS you should have not more than 300ish crit raiting over your entire gear. Less is better but anything below 400 is just a math debate.



You have a number of options here. But basically you need to forget about everything except Surge and Accuracy. Do not use Alacrity or any tanks stats.

When it comes to BIS gear oriconian gear wont get you anywhere since those enhancements have too much endurance build in. You can only get BIS enhancements from DF/DP HC drops. But the oriconian enhancements are still usefull, so include them until you have better stuff.

If you look at the various surge/accuracy enhancements you see that some use power and some crit. It doesnt matter which ones you use as long as your overall critz rarting doesnt get higher than 300.

You should look for Advanced Initiative Enhancement, Adv Adept Enh, Adv Battle Enh or Adv Acute Enh for BIS gear.

For BIS Gear you need 470 surge rating and 470 accuracy rating.


Augments: Advanced Reflex Augments, not Power, not Accuracy.



Most importantely, pirority while upgrading always has to be accuracy. You want to play with at least 99.something base ranged accuracy. Your goal is just over 100 accuracy. Always build your gear with as much accuracy as possible to get as close as possible to the 100% accuracy. Use Implants for that too, BIS Accuracy Enhancements are hard to get.


You can also look at this picture here http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=30synt3&s=5 from odawggs Merc guide



Hi, i have a 55 comando dps and i dont have any idea of what i am doing


Until now i only buy things looking for power and not for aim (i discovered that aim does less damage than power), but really i dont know how to get top geared, i mean, i looked the oriconian sets but the ¿basic? set has bonus of getting this setup on you that doesnt have so i dont understand if it is better to gear the basic and get the bonuses or to get the oriconian without this bonusses


And if you can, i dont know wich atribute is better:







Thanks, it is the first time i play a mmrpg and i think that i wasted the coms buying the wrong stuff because i was going to buy the oriconian bolblaster or the demolisher but i doubt and look the other set


In conclussion, i dont know what to buy to get the maximun geared character, thanks for your time

Edited by AMightyKnight
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Thanks to both, i get it more clear


Aim is more important than power, ok, i get it now and after i get a 98, 99 or 100% accu i focus on surge and a little on critical


I looked the ultimate gear, the dread forged eliminator is the set i should pick up, no?

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No, Aim is more important then ENDURANCE. Aim and Power do not share the same slot meaning you never have to pick between the two unless it comes to augments.


Critical does not share the same slot with Acc or Surge. Again you will not have to pick between those two.


Critical and Power however share the same slot. You will have to balance carefully there.


Accuracy and Surge also share the same slot. Those two you have to balance carefully.


Accuracy you can stop stacking when you hit the 95-99% range. That's about the sweet range. Surge should be between 70-75%.

Edited by TylerAcalan
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No, Aim is more important then ENDURANCE. Aim and Power do not share the same slot meaning you never have to pick between the two unless it comes to augments.

Yes and no. They dont share the same slot but you still have to know which is more important (neither basically) since there is stuff like Agile Mod 34A with 99 Aim and 39 Power. The thing is clealry worse than the Agile Mod 34 thing with 82 Aim and 69 since 1 Aim basically equals 1 Power. If you think Aim is much more important than power you would pick the Agile 34A mod, therefore hurting your dps.


Critical does not share the same slot with Acc or Surge. Again you will not have to pick between those two.

Critical and Power however share the same slot. You will have to balance carefully there.


Accuracy and Surge also share the same slot. Those two you have to balance carefully.

II didnt say anything else.



Accuracy you can stop stacking when you hit the 95-99% range. That's about the sweet range. Surge should be between 70-75%.

Thats complete bull. You need 100% accuracy, everything else is a dps loss. Less than 99% would be totally awfull. The BIS stat you are looking for is 470 accurary and 470 surge rating. This gives you a ranged accuracy of 100.43% and 72.96% surge total.
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