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Kaggath Tournament - Sol'yc Empire vs Droid Supremacy


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One of her hands was lost in a duel with Jacen Solo.


I assumed that she is missing her hand because by the time that she was Queen Mother of Hapes (which is what would qualify her for being a Head of State) she had already lost it.

*gasp* No hand!


Damn, didn't notice that.


Anyway, she still has one hand left no?


EDIT: I mean by this logic, no Jar'Kai wielder would be able to use the Force either, and we know that's not true...

Edited by Beniboybling
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Do we have any proof of this? Because I never got the impression that Tenel Ka was a powerful Force User.


I know this is just Wookiepedia, but I'm not well versed in the NJO timeline/era, so this will have to do.


She was very confident in her abilities, and decided to use her physical attributes rather than the Force whenever possible.
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Do we have any proof of this? Because I never got the impression that Tenel Ka was a powerful Force User.


She is a full Fledged Jedi knight and a fairly powerful force user, but being a Powerful Force user is not required to be capable of moving objects with out the use of a hand. The hand helps in concentration only as it is used by force users who have become comfortable doing so. Tenal Ka never had the luxury of learning to use the force with 2 hands and as such she never relied on that crutch for using force powers. MANY of Luke's students didn't need their hands for stuff, Gantoris who had a few days worth of training could do so with out his hands as he realized that the hand motions Luke was doing was for show and not actually Necissary Kyp was the same way as were many of Luke's students.


As far as direct example of Tenel Ka herself I am almost positive she did so in both the Yuuzong Vong War and when the Killiks attacked, but the main thing is every one needs to get it out of their heads that all Force users draw on the force using the same techniques. Everyone is different and force users are the same in that respect. The Dathmir witches believe they need incantations to use the Force, but we all know they dont, many jedi have become comfortable using their hands to utilize the force, even powerful ones such as yoda, but ultimately it is also unneccissary its just what they are comfortable with. Padawans with little training have been capable of moving small objects with out the use of their hands simply because thats how they were taught or they realized just how unnecissary doing anything physical is to the force. Tenel Ka as far as I have been able to tell is one of these people. She only ever had one hand but she was just as capable as any 2 handed JK because it did not handy cap her abilities to draw on the force in any way.

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Wah? Didn't you a while ago argue that Meetra severed Traya's hands as a means of severing her from the Force?!


But anyway, this is Tenel Ka in her prime. So she would have all appendages in tact no?


Yes but in all fairness that argument was wrong, and I think he accepted that.

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*gasp* No hand!


Damn, didn't notice that.


Anyway, she still has one hand left no?


EDIT: I mean by this logic, no Jar'Kai wielder would be able to use the Force either, and we know that's not true...


And traya wouldn't be able to use the force when she had no hands.

Or when she had one.


Because yes, that Telekinetic Lightsaber show happened when she had no hands.


We also seem to be forgetting a mr Anakin Skywalker, who had one hand, and I believe Vader had none.

Edited by Selenial
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Yes but in all fairness that argument was wrong, and I think he accepted that.


Also to try to say how that arguement was slightly different I was saying that Meetra might have believed Traya incapable of drawing on the force with out both her hands but that traya understands the force better then that. Pretty much what i was saying with that arguement originally was that Trayas force wasnt actually severed and Meetra just thought she severed her when she severed her hands, but again i was wrong you guys proved that and I accept that :D.

At no point did i actually think Traya couldnt draw on the force with out her hands. there are people who cant because they became that comfortable with the Force that way Traya is not one of them, though the perception of other people that its needed that way is why sometimes people will think the force user is entirely disarmed with out their hands. Thats all i was originally saying. If that made any sense.. I know sometimes I dont speak in a manner that makes sense.

Edited by tunewalker
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And traya wouldn't be able to use the force when she had no hands.

Or when she had one.


Because yes, that Telekinetic Lightsaber show happened when she had no hands.


We also seem to be forgetting a mr Anakin Skywalker, who had one hand, and I believe Vader had none.

Vader did have none

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I think the argument right now should be 'who's easier to kill.' Now, some will say Tenel Ka, but I think G0-T0 is actually fairly easy to kill. He's just tough to find, whereas Tenel Ka is easier to find, but harder to kill.


The real question I think should be discussed is, how much harder is it to find G0-T0 and how much harder is it to kill Tenel Ka.

Edited by Aurbere
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I think we need to get rid of the idea that hands specifically are required. However, there is a reason that the vast majority of all force users go through the motions.


P.S. Don't mock the Vader! He doesn't need no motions! He is a strong, independent woman!

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In relation to Tenel Ka. Unless you think G0-T0 could take a simple Force Push or deflect blaster bolts with the lightsaber he obviously has? :p


Well, duh! He is G0-T0, after all.







Geez, Aurbere, did you not know what G0-T0 stands for?!!? :p


No, I was confused on the wording. You ask who is easier to kill, and then follow with, "some will say G0-T0, but I say G0-T0." Am I just misinterpreting this, or should the first G0-T0 be Tenel Ka?

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Well, duh! He is G0-T0, after all.







Geez, Aurbere, did you not know what G0-T0 stands for?!!? :p


No, I was confused on the wording. You ask who is easier to kill, and then follow with, "some will say G0-T0, but I say G0-T0." Am I just misinterpreting this, or should the first G0-T0 be Tenel Ka?


I meant Tenel Ka with that first part. IE. I meant that some will say Tenel Ka.


Edit: There, changed it.

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Also, unless there's actual proof that Tenel Ka can use the Force without her hands, I doubt it. That's extremely advanced telekinesis. Heck, even Yoda still used his hands for telekinesis. I sincerely doubt Tenel Ka Djo can do that.


You never read ANY post-ROTJ books in which she was present then huh?


She used it pervasively through the Diversity Alliance crisis (and all the other Young Jedi Knight books), the Vong War (namely the mission to Myrkr), she used it when battling the Killiks assassins in the Legacy series iirc... The list goes on. Not using one's hands to control the force is not "advanced telekinesis" for Luke's order, in fact it was pretty darn common.


To add to that, she can still wave her remaining hand and use the force even with the saber in her hand.


You can chalk that up to Post-ROTJ silliness, but it happened and is considered cannon.

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are sw nukes the same kind we have on earth (but obviously a bigger scale)?


Because earth nukes send out emp waves that go for ages ie, 90 miles (or 90km, i forget) when the americans detonated one in the atmosphere, it reached hawaii.



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So on a little unrelated note, I also have found The New Essentials Guide to Weapons & Tech online for free! :D I seem to be finding a lot of guide stuffs....of course this one is an older one from 04(dunno if there is a newer one or not). It also doesn't have anything partaining to nukes, sorry(but lots of information of other things which I like!). But from Wookiee, the blast radius just seems to be from 30 kilometers to 100 kilometers. Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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So on a little unrelated note, I also have found The New Essentials Guide to Weapons & Tech online for free! :D I seem to be finding a lot of guide stuffs....of course this one is an older one from 04(dunno if there is a newer one or not). It also doesn't have anything partaining to nukes, sorry(but lots of information of other things which I like!).

Read up on the Starfish Prime tests if you're interested in the EMP capacity of nukes. Even nukes here on earth have massive EMP bursts. Quoting wikipedia out of laziness here though. "1,445 kilometres (898 mi) away from the detonation point, knocking out about 300 streetlights, setting off numerous burglar alarms and damaging a microwave link."


Imagine within 1,000 km what it could do to droids particularly considering the greater power of SW nukes and poor shielding B1's possess (just look how skinny those things are...)

But from Wookiee, the blast radius just seems to be from 30 kilometers to 100 kilometers.

That is a freakin huge blast radius considering earth's nukes usually stretched about 11 km.

Edited by StarSquirrel
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That is a freakin huge blast radius considering earth's nukes usually stretched about 11 km.


Well what did you expect? They got all this crazy technology, in fact nukes really in their setting seem rather primitive by comparsion of everything else and by the Battle of Yavin were only found in the Outer Rim or beyond.


I mean why bother with a nuke, when you have turbolasers on capital ships that can reduce the surfaces of worlds to complete slag?

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Read up on the Starfish Prime tests if you're interested in the EMP capacity of nukes. Even nukes here on earth have massive EMP bursts. Quoting wikipedia out of laziness here though. "1,445 kilometres (898 mi) away from the detonation point, knocking out about 300 streetlights, setting off numerous burglar alarms and damaging a microwave link."


Imagine within 1,000 km what it could do to droids particularly considering the greater power of SW nukes and poor shielding B1's possess (just look how skinny those things are...)


That is a freakin huge blast radius considering earth's nukes usually stretched about 11 km.

Hmmm, it would probably knock out communications. But I'd doubt the droids would be destroyed. If they are not caught in the blast, they should be OK, though they might temporarily lose connection and shut down.
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