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I love the Commando in PvE, useless in PvP


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I'm currently using the Gunnery spec for my Commando, and using Elara for healing support in PvE means that I'm pretty much golden in most engagements. Plenty of health all the time, plenty of damage. As a lvl 55, I can usually take on lvl 50 bosses with little trouble at all...


So... Why is PvP so difficult?


Even 1 vs 1, I fail against any other class. The problems that I see are the following:


STUNS AND STUN BREAKING! The Commando has two main stuns. Concussion Round, which is a CC that breaks on damage, so it's only useful for quickly stopping an enemy or holding one down for capturing points, which is useless if they have their stun break ready. Cryo Grenade, which doesn't last very long at all, also useless if they have stun break ready. I am always getting constantly stunned or pushed back by other classes, making it very hard to get any decent amounts of damage off. We only have one stun break to use, and there is no cooldown to be stunned after one stun, meaning you can get caught in a stun lock very easily.


ACTIVATION TIMES! Both of our main abilities on the gunnery spec, Full Auto and Gravity Round, require you to be stood completely still as the ability activates, making you a defenseless target that can't move. Any string of abilities, which usually ends up being a combination of Gravity Round and Full Auto, requires you to stay in one place or use the default attack or Explosive round to deal damage while moving.


STEALTH DETECTION! We have one way of exposing stealth, which has a very limited area, is completely random, and has a cooldown is long enough for them to move around the first one, come out of stealth stabbing, stun you into submission, and promptly kill you. I've encountered this with both Operatives and especially Assassins. Opponents which can stealth have been my biggest problem in PvP.


Basically, with everything combined, along with my team never working with me on anything, and the Imps always acting like a well-oiled machine of tanks and healers with crazy damage dealers, I can never put out any decent bit of damage. I've run through every tactic I can find, but nothing works well enough to make a difference.

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Mandos can be very useful in pvp if you know what you're doing.


It's not the class, but the driver behind the wheel that makes all the difference.


I honestly feel like I know what I'm doing. Staying in one place and providing fire support seems to be the only viable option when most of your abilities require an activation time. Moving around too much requires you to use abilities like explosive round more, costing more "ammo" and reducing overall damage. However, staying in one place means that you are easy prey for stealth classes, in addition to a lack of melee abilities and pushbacks.


If you have any suggestions, I'd be happy to hear them. I'm trying to get into PvP again simply because some sweet looking weapons and armor are available from the vendors.

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Go Assault… I was similarly frustrated with arsenal, went pyro, and am having much more success (which often = fun) in pvp.


Even solo guarding nodes. I had a guardian (or sent, cant remember) run up to me thinking I’d be an easy target. If you get EN on him first it’s fairly easy to burn them down.



Then they’re really on the ropes and you probably haven’t been touched yet. Keep moving, use jet boost, electro dart etc to keep distance, and keep trying to proc RS.


If you focus on keeping moving, get distance and never be a stationary target unless you already have that distance established then Mercs/Mando’s are awesome.


So I’d suggest going assault, and by the sounds of it your server has more quality Imp pvp’ers, so maybe look for a good guild to join so you can Q as premade and not get stomped because of having people on your team who don’t give a damn if they win or not..

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