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Welcome to our crazy little community, Tait! :D


I don't want to derail Tait's thread, but since a few of you have brought up the Companion blogs and story, I thought I would address it real quick.


One of my goals this year is to bring more lore and story to SWTOR.com. As I said earlier this means blogs like the Companions 101 and our "Search for Oricon" blog, which was written from the perspective of Jonas Balkar from the Trooper storyline. This was something we had started around Game Update 2.3: Titans of Industry, but plan to do a lot more of this year. I am extremely passionate about story and will do my best to bring you more lore in our Community Team projects.


Aaaand now back to Tait!


Awesome, I'm looking forward to reading them!

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"I'm big into PVE."


This is exactly what is killing this game. When will the devs actually spend more time developing PVP stuff? The huge bias towards PVE is what is killing the subscribers and driving so many players to other MMOs.

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"I'm big into PVE."


This is exactly what is killing this game. When will the devs actually spend more time developing PVP stuff? The huge bias towards PVE is what is killing the subscribers and driving so many players to other MMOs.


The Game is Fine. Stop with the false gloom and doom, you are embarassing yourself.

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"I'm big into PVE."


This is exactly what is killing this game. When will the devs actually spend more time developing PVP stuff? The huge bias towards PVE is what is killing the subscribers and driving so many players to other MMOs.


Let me fix this whole paragraph


" I am only interested in PvP therefore, i feel that everyone who plays this game is also only interested in PvP, as a result of this belief i also believe that when people quit it was because PvP was ignored. Furthermore, anything and anybody whom is a PVE fan is simply killing this game and SWTOR will fail because PvP is horrible in this game. it's horrible because it is my opinion. But my opinion is based on a faulty assumption that my opinion equals fact. Therefore this game is dying because PEE VEH PEE"


there Fixed;

On a related topic it is my humble opinion, which may or may not be shared by others that the PvP crowd is annoying and I would consider it a great boon to my playing preference if the PvP crowd stop crying for things that affect PVE. And to also stop acting as if PvP is the only thing that matters in this game.

Edited by Spyderwraith
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The Game is Fine. Stop with the false gloom and doom, you are embarassing yourself.


Well fine from a PvE point of view. If you primary interest is PvP (which is totally fine and shouldn't be shunned because this is technically a PvE game) the game is getting worse on that side. They have removed almost as much content as hey have added.


They have implemented systems which has had negative effects on PvP like 1.5's resolve change, bubble stun for sorcs/sages and bolster which is working fine but was completely and utterly broken on the PTS but it was release anyway. Still waiting on the lengthy write up on how bolster works.


Oh and what about lifting the restrictions on the warzone limit for F2P?


They promised to improve on ranked warzones and then implemented server transfers which saw plenty of players/guilds transfer to PoT5 and the bastion only to have bioware announce they were removing them for arenas which not everyone was on board with. Also two new warzones in two years and two separate gear grinds. The complete redesign of Ilum effectively killing off open world PvP outside of player organised events.


Class balance is still somewhat of an issue but this affects both PvE and PvP and like any MMO will never be 100% fine.


I really really like this game as do a lot of players who're upset or have already quit but they have done more to drive players away then welcome them.

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Well fine from a PvE point of view. If you primary interest is PvP (which is totally fine and shouldn't be shunned because this is technically a PvE game) the game is getting worse on that side. They have removed almost as much content as hey have added.


They have implemented systems which has had negative effects on PvP like 1.5's resolve change, bubble stun for sorcs/sages and bolster which is working fine but was completely and utterly broken on the PTS but it was release anyway. Still waiting on the lengthy write up on how bolster works.


Oh and what about lifting the restrictions on the warzone limit for F2P?


They promised to improve on ranked warzones and then implemented server transfers which saw plenty of players/guilds transfer to PoT5 and the bastion only to have bioware announce they were removing them for arenas which not everyone was on board with. Also two new warzones in two years and two separate gear grinds. The complete redesign of Ilum effectively killing off open world PvP outside of player organised events.


Class balance is still somewhat of an issue but this affects both PvE and PvP and like any MMO will never be 100% fine.


I really really like this game as do a lot of players who're upset or have already quit but they have done more to drive players away then welcome them.


Are you done? Or is there more? :confused:


-------> This is an introduction to Tait thread, NOT a pull your spleen out and splash it all over the place thread. There is plenty of space in the forum for you to do that.......like over in the PvP forum for example. ;)

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The Game is Fine. Stop with the false gloom and doom, you are embarassing yourself.


/Agree with Reno_Tarshil.


AND please to note gentle forum PvPers: saying the game is fine is in no way saying it is perfect. It's an MMO.. ALL MMOs are imperfect... which explains the great snipe hunt for the perfect MMO by so many of those inclined to hyperbolic declarations about the game.

Edited by Andryah
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Are you done? Or is there more? :confused:


-------> This is an introduction to Tait thread, NOT a pull your spleen out and splash it all over the place thread. There is plenty of space in the forum for you to do that.......like over in the PvP forum for example. ;)


I don't think a dev has posted in the PvP forum in a few months. It's quite an anomaly when it happens. Was just throwing some facts about the state of PvP on how this new guy is big on PvE and someone saying someone on PvP and yadda yadda yadda no I'm not done and have more.

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"I'm big into PVE."


This is exactly what is killing this game. When will the devs actually spend more time developing PVP stuff? The huge bias towards PVE is what is killing the subscribers and driving so many players to other MMOs.


The game is doing much better so stop with your derailing. There is no bias, it is a known fact that this primarily a PvE game. So no developing PvE stuff does NOT drive people away. Yes there are some issues but the game itself is doing fine. No need to spread false doom and gloom.

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"I'm big into PVE."


This is exactly what is killing this game. When will the devs actually spend more time developing PVP stuff? The huge bias towards PVE is what is killing the subscribers and driving so many players to other MMOs.


There is so much failed PvP centered games to shows that statement above is just not true.

SWTOR is primary PvE game, never been present as PvP one... so hardly this is killing the game.

Edited by morfius
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Let me fix this whole paragraph


" I am only interested in PvP therefore, i feel that everyone who plays this game is also only interested in PvP, as a result of this belief i also believe that when people quit it was because PvP was ignored. Furthermore, anything and anybody whom is a PVE fan is simply killing this game and SWTOR will fail because PvP is horrible in this game. it's horrible because it is my opinion. But my opinion is based on a faulty assumption that my opinion equals fact. Therefore this game is dying because PEE VEH PEE"


there Fixed;

On a related topic it is my humble opinion, which may or may not be shared by others that the PvP crowd is annoying and I would consider it a great boon to my playing preference if the PvP crowd stop crying for things that affect PVE. And to also stop acting as if PvP is the only thing that matters in this game.


So much this. I wish I could shout my agreement from the rooftops. You took everything I wanted to say about PVP QQers and put it together in a far more elegant way than I could. Thank you.


On topic: Welcome Tait! As another PvE nut and SWTOR fan, I'm happy to see you aboard! Best of luck with your position! :)

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Well fine from a PvE point of view. If you primary interest is PvP (which is totally fine and shouldn't be shunned because this is technically a PvE game) the game is getting worse on that side. They have removed almost as much content as hey have added.


They have implemented systems which has had negative effects on PvP like 1.5's resolve change, bubble stun for sorcs/sages and bolster which is working fine but was completely and utterly broken on the PTS but it was release anyway. Still waiting on the lengthy write up on how bolster works.


Oh and what about lifting the restrictions on the warzone limit for F2P?


They promised to improve on ranked warzones and then implemented server transfers which saw plenty of players/guilds transfer to PoT5 and the bastion only to have bioware announce they were removing them for arenas which not everyone was on board with. Also two new warzones in two years and two separate gear grinds. The complete redesign of Ilum effectively killing off open world PvP outside of player organised events.


Class balance is still somewhat of an issue but this affects both PvE and PvP and like any MMO will never be 100% fine.


I really really like this game as do a lot of players who're upset or have already quit but they have done more to drive players away then welcome them.

100% spot- freaking-on cycao!


I hope we see Tait in the PvP forums some day...it would be refreshing to know they're being read AND understood.

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Congratulations and welcome Tait.


Are you done? Or is there more? :confused:


-------> This is an introduction to Tait thread, NOT a pull your spleen out and splash it all over the place thread. There is plenty of space in the forum for you to do that.......like over in the PvP forum for example. ;)


Plenty of space for you to play mod too; like on your own forum for example.



I don't think a dev has posted in the PvP forum in a few months. It's quite an anomaly when it happens. Was just throwing some facts about the state of PvP on how this new guy is big on PvE and someone saying someone on PvP and yadda yadda yadda no I'm not done and have more.


Last two PVP forum posts were in 11.2013 and 08.2013. Underwhelming seems a good descriptor.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Nope! Amber has accepted a different position at BioWare Austin and is now a Live Producer!


That makes sense. Live Producers are often used for financial development and considering the state of this game they probably needed more people doing that job.

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That makes sense. Live Producers are often used for financial development and considering the state of this game they probably needed more people doing that job.


Are you a Live Producer? If not can you not speak about something you nothing about.

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Oh I see how it is, yeah let's play trick on Iki, she's sick with the flu, so we'll secretly replace Amber with Tait, this will be fun. But, I caught ya, yeah, can't trick me, wait, who is Tait again? Think I'll just call ya Doc, Doctor Watson. Then you can come in and say, 'Holmes is on the case!' or 'The games afoot good players!' or something like that.


Oh yeah, um, welcome to the forums.

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