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Monday Night Ranked (APAC 8pm - whenever)


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Hi All,

Well, this is probably going to fall on deaf ears on this server, but looking to hopefully get some APAC ranked going on Monday nights from 8pm onwards (AEST - Sydney time).


Can go about this either of 2 ways, organise into our respective teams (possibly with-in 1 or 2 Ops groups) and press the team ranked button at the same time and see what pops. Obviously this is faction specific and requires coordination or you can just organise with your guildies and get some guild teams together and start queing from 8pm onwards.


An alternative way to do it, which some may dislike and that's fine, is to just all Solo que ranked from 8pm onwards. Teams would be completely random, and it could be relatively interesting but I can see the lack of appeal to that. Personally, I think guild teams or even teams of people from different guilds organizing themselves is a much better option.


Arenas are quick, fun and relatively painless. If its a non event and fizzles, cant say I didn't do my part. Hopefully we should have a few guildies interested aswell once I float it past them.


Hit me up on either of my toons to coordinate, chat or just to rage at me being a bad.


Kaos'Rising (Sin Tank) / Valk'yriez (DPS Powertech)




Formally of Master Dar'Nala and <Offline>.

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